内蒙古翁牛特旗高中英语 unit3 Inventors and Inventions导学案(无答案)新人教版必修8

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1、课题Unit 3 Inventors and Inventions主备人学习目标:Master some important words and expressionsTrain the reading skills.Improve the reading ability.学习重点:Master some important words and expressionsImprove the reading ability.学习难点:Improve the reading ability.学习方法:skimming, scanning, careful reading and discussio

2、n学习内容及过程:Step 1 ReadingTask 1 ScanningScan the passage and put the following into correct order.A. Applying for a patentB. Finding a problemC. Doing researchD. Testing the solutionE. Thinking of a creative solutionF. Deciding on the invention1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._Task 2 skimmingSkim the passage and

3、 match each part with its proper main idea.Part I (Para._): the research on the approaches to solvethe problemPart II (Paras._): the requirements of getting a patentPart III (Paras._): the discovery of the problem of the snakesPart IV (Paras._): the attempts to catch the snakesTask 3 careful reading

4、Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.1. The purpose of wring this passage is _.A. to show us how to trap the snakes but not to kill them.B. to tell people how to apply for a patent.C. to introduce the writers new idea of trapping the snakes and her application for a patentD.

5、 to tell the reader how to get a new idea and make it a patent.2. Whats the biggest advantage of the writers new idea?A. It makes the snakes move slowly.B. It makes the snakes hardly bite us.C. It is easier for us to kill the snakes without hurting ourselves.D. It is easier for us to catch the snake

6、s without killing them.3. The writer finally caught the snakes by_.A. hitting them with a stick.B. cooling them and catching them with a net.C. putting them into a schoolbag.D. watering them with cool water.4. You wont get a patent before you _.A. Make an inventionB. Catch all the snakesC. Learn to

7、operate a computerD. Get rid of your bad habits5. According to the text, which subject do you think can be given a patent?A. A new star discovered by a scientistB. A new novel written by Huo DaC. A new way to make dirty water clean.D. A new kind of grass found in a mountain which can be used as a me

8、dicine.Step 2 Useful expressionsRead the following expressions aloud and remember them.1. call up 给打电话2. now and then 偶尔, 有时3. set about 开始;着手4. dive into 迅速把手深入;一心投入5. set out (to do) 开始(做)6. hang on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住7. out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障8. get through 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过9. ring back 回复电话10. ring

9、 off 挂断电话Fill in the blanks with proper expressions.1. When I _my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset.2. Snake come near the house _.3. I _ researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.4. Leave the beaten track occasionally and _ the woods.5. Holdin

10、g the line means _.6. My clock is _ and waked me up at 3 this morning.7. Ill have to_now. I have a train to catch.8. Bell never _ invent the telephone.9. Hes not in; why dont you_after 6 oclock?10. How are you going to_the assignment?Step 3 HomeworkFinish the part of Learning about Language.时间安排学习小结:1. 哪些题做错了:2. 错题原因:3. 解决办法:4. 学习心得: 备注


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