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1、河北省武邑中学2020学年高一英语上学期25练习完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)In a national spelling contest in America,an 11-year-old girl was asked to spell a certain word. But with her 31 voice the judges were not sure whether she spelled the word with the letter A or E. They talked it over and 32 decided to simply ask her wha

2、t she had said. By now, the girl knew she had 33 the word. But instead of lying,she told the truth that she had said the 34 letterso she lost the contest.As the girl walked off the 35 ,the entire audience stood to their feet clapping to applaud her 36 . Later,dozens of newspaper reporters wrote abou

3、t this 11-year-old girls honesty,even when it 37 her the contest. But the fact is that she 38 the biggest contest that day: the contest of her 39 .Probably the biggest test of our character and honesty is that we would do if we knew we would never get 40 .This young girl could easily have 41 and nob

4、ody would have known it but herself. But thats just it: She would know she did wrong. Its been said, “If you 42 , you make yourself cheap.” This young girl was strong and smart enough to prize her own 43 and character more than the prize from a spelling 44 . Her respect for herself was more importan

5、t than any 45 others might give her for winning a contest. She knew she would have to live with herself and the 46 she made in that moment will have long-lasting influence.Its so true that the choices you make today 47 what you are tomorrow. Our children will 48 our behavior much more than our advic

6、e. So if we want them to 49 to be honest,we must show them the way by being honest ourselves. Remember,our kids are 50 what we do and how we live even when we dont think they see or know.31. A. high B. sweet C. tough D. soft32. A. finally B. kindly C. secretly D. totally33. A. forgotten B. mispronou

7、nced C. misspelled D. lost34. A. correct B. wrong C. different D. same35. A. stage B. studio C. test D. classroom36. A. bravery B. honesty C. courage D. cleverness37. A. cancelled B. cost C. offered D. wasted38. A. achieved B. broke C. won D. defeated39. A. reputation B. knowledge C. 1ife D. charact

8、er40. A. paid B. awarded C. caught D. reported41. A. escaped B. 1ied C. changed D. answered42. A. accept B. fight C. cheat D. insist43. A. conscience B. feeling C. diligence D. modesty44. A. contest B. champion C. judge D. expert45. A. sense B. pride C. respect D. awareness46. A. plan B. conclusion

9、C. discoveryD. choice47. A. make B. change C. keep D. create48. A. give B. take C. follow D. set49. A. grow up B. bring up C. take up D. come up50. A. recording B. inspecting C. correcting D. watching阅读理解 (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)AKing Midas loved gold. One day he met a fairy who allowed him to make a wi

10、sh for something. The king replied at once, I love gold. I want everything I touch to change into gold.” Very well, tomorrow morning, everything you touch will turn into gold.” Saying this, the fairy disappeared. The king waited excitedly till the next morning. To his joy, everything he touched chan

11、ged immediately into gold.Im the richest man in the world now.” He shouted. Soon Midas became hungry. He sat down at his table. All the foods and drinks turned into gold in his hand. Im dying of hunger.” He cried. Just then his daughter came running in. Why are you so sad, dad?” she asked, putting h

12、er arms around him. There and then she became a golden statue. The king loved his daughter very much. Seeing this, he began to cry. He looked up and suddenly saw the fairy before him. Dont you like the golden touch?” asked the fairy. Please take it away,” begged the king, give me back my daughter.”

13、Well, you have learned your lesson. Go and wash in the river. Then the golden touch will be gone.” The king ran quickly to the nearby river.51. The fairy allowed the king to make a wish because_A. She hoped to make the king the richest in the world. B. She loved gold too.C. She wanted to teach the k

14、ing a lesson. D. She wanted to turn the kings daughter into gold.52. When the foods and drinks turned into gold the king was _A. excited B. worried C. hungry D. happy53. The kings daughter became a golden statue when _.A. she put her arms around her father B. the king went to meet herC. she saw her

15、father D. the king loved her very much54. What do you think the story tries to tell us?A. Gold makes people unhappy. B. More gold, more happiness.C. Gold is not the thing that makes life happy. D. People feel happy if they have not gold.BIt would be very exciting to be a reporter on a newspaperAs soon as a reporter


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