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1、对外经济贸易大学2000年考研国际贸易学专业英语试题1.The Battle to Be Your Online Bill Collector-Bankers hope cyberbilling can give them a toehold on the NetEvery year,American business sends out 29 billion bills.And by any measure,the exercise isnt much fun.For companies,printing,processing and posting a tipical consumer b

2、ill runs about 90.And for recipients ,theres not only a demand for payment,there s a wad of solicitations that nearly everyone throws away.But for banks trying to make it on the Internet,bills are cool .Bankers see bills as surefire eyeball-grabbers in an environment where its tough to command consu

3、mer attentionand a key to protecting their existing business managing cash for big companies.Increasingly,banks are battling high-tech competitors for control of Internet billing,or electronic-bill presentment,as it is called.To be sure,this is a fight over a business that is in its infancy.Few bill

4、s are now sent via the Net,and online payment systems often involve a paper check.But the technology exists to send bills from business to customers and route payments back on the Net.By the end of next year,industry analysts estimate upwards of 4.5 million households will be receiving bills online

5、.Whats more, sending and handling bills over the Net should be about 40% cheaper than paper delivery, says the Gartner Group, a research firm in Stamford, Conn.The question is who will become the bill collector on the Net.Bankers reckon that if they can turn their Web sites into mailboxes for electr

6、onic bills ,they can become key entry points on the Net-portals,even.That would enable them to sell other financial services online. The fear is that existing portals,such as Yahoo! or even American Online,will become centers of bill payment and , in turn ,siphon off existing bank business . banks h

7、ave been slow to get into this, says Kenneth J.Kerr,a Garter analyst in Durham,N.C. But they realize there is a threat here and they need to get aboard .Banks have their advantages.They can offer custumers simultaneous access to their bills and their money. Banks have long relationships with the bil

8、lers,such as utilities and retailers,and centuries of experience in protecting peoples money.Big banks also are worried that technology companies offering bill presentment could muscle into one of their fastest-growing business-managing cash for big companies. After all ,distributing and collecting

9、bills is a close cousin to cash management.At this point,predicting how the industry will shake out is premature . Banks and technology companies already have formed several alliances aimed a delivering bills on the net. More combinations are likely . Whats clear, though , is the banks know they are

10、 running out of time to get their Internet billing act together._From Business Week/July ,992.Principles of RegulationThe following quotation describes the scope of regulation and how it affects individuals and businesses participating in a market.All market and transactions are in practice regulate

11、d by some kind of government laws or regulations , and without regulations of any kind,most markets and types of transactions would cease to exist.Without laws, the terms of many types of agreement and transaction between individuals would be unenforceable and would cease. The choice facing individu

12、als and society is not between regulation and no regulation ; it is how much regulation and what kinds of regulation are desirable.This description portrays regulation as fully encompassing the systems of government and law with the power to control all markets and transactions . Economists and poli

13、ticians would typically take a much narrower view of regulation,concentrating more on the targets of regulatory action or the regulatory process itself. An economist, focusing on the targets of regulatory action, might describe regulation as government policy that exerts control over a firm to elici

14、t a desired behavior as a producer of goods or employer of labor. An economist or politician focusing on regulatoty process, however, might express a view similar to the following:Through regulation,society attempts to substitute the decidion-making process of a regulatory commission for the action

15、of the market mechanismIt is clear that theprocess of regulation is to substitute administrative judgment for market-place judgement. In effect, an economic environment of legal rules and regulations is used as a surrogate for the free market,and economic decisions are made by a political process.Th

16、e above description portrays regulation as a political process, substituting asministrative judgement for marketplace judgement. The description identifies the important interaction between regulation and the market and raised an important issue:when, if at all, should marketplace judgment be replaced with as ministrative judgement?Various answers to this question have been proposed. Of primary importance is the market being consider


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