2020年高中英语 Unit1 Advertising单词学案2(无答案)牛津译林版必修4

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1、Unit1 Advertisinglatest a.the latest news/versionamazed a.对感到惊讶 be amazed by/atYou will be amazed by his unique way of thinking.recommend v.1)向某人推荐。 recommend sth. to sb.= recommend sb. sth.He recommended the novel to us.=He recommended us the novel.recommend doing = ?sb. to do sth. = ?that sb. (sho

2、uld) do =?I recommended reading the novel again.= ? = ?3) recommendation n. 推荐 ; 推荐物seniorbe senior to sb. 比。某人年长/地位高1) He is two years senior to me.= He is senior to me by two years.2) She is senior to me in the company.3) senior high studentssenior citizens 老年人1)purchase a new house/car = ?2)He le

3、ft his purchases in the taxi.tip n.tips / suggestions / advice 建议the tips of ones fingers / tongue 尖端,末梢It is common to give the waiter some tips. 小费bar n.a bar of chocolate/soap 一块。Internet bar 网吧He got drunk in a bar. 酒吧multiply v.Two (multiplied) by four makes / equals / is eight.Sales of the pro

4、duct have multiplied after we gave it a new package.update v. 更新,使现代化update the computer system/softwareHis teaching methods need updating.aspect n. 方面We should consider a problem in all aspects.bargain with sb. over sth.He bargained with the seller over/about the price of the car.Its a real bargain

5、. 便宜货He and his wife made a bargain to tell each other everything and not to keep secret.figure out1) = understand 弄清楚,弄明白I cant figure out why he gave up his job.2)计算出 = work outHave you figured out how much the trip will cost?targettarget group/audience特别针对的群体/受众The woman who walks alone at night

6、is an easy target for a robber.determinewe determined on an early start.be determined to do sth.下决心做某事She has been determined to marry that middleaged man, so dont recommend her to change her mind.determine to do = decide to do sth决定做某事The designer determined to design a new logo.We have determined

7、to get the work done ahead of time.Determined to leave, he began to pack his things.He left the place,_never to come back.Lost in thought, he was almost knocked down by a car.Devoted to helping others, he has no time to take care of his own family.determination n. 决心analysismake an analysis of = ana

8、lyseappeal toappeal to sb. 投合(某人的兴趣/心意)This jacket doesnt appeal to me.This cartoon quite appeals to children.appeal to sb. for / to do 呼吁/恳求某人为了。The government appealed to everyone to save water.He appealed to his friends for support.3) appeal to the high courtpersonally = in personI will visit him

9、 personally.Personally (speaking) = in my opinionPersonally, I am strongly against the idea.react v.How did you react to this news?get sth. acrossA good teacher should be good at getting his ideas across to his students.Your meaning didnt really get across.urge vt. 敦促,催促urge sb to do sthPlease urge him to finish his task as soon as possible.n. 冲动,强烈的欲望When climbing the mountain, I felt a sudden urge to scream.shockshock sb into doing sthWe want to shock people into realizing the importance of protecting the environmentdie from/ of


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