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1、黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications(第4课时)学案(无答案)外研版必修1目标及要求:学习目标:1. To improve reading ability.2. To master some useful words and expressions.学习难点:1. To lead the students to talk in class actively.2. To raise the students cooperation awareness in their study by pair wo

2、rk or group work.探究提升:Step one: 快速阅读课文,完成下列各题Match the key sentence of each paragraphPara 1Berners-Lee doesnt make moneyPara 2the development of the WWWPara 3what is the world wide web.Para 4who invented the world wide webPara 5how did the internet started?Para 6what is the internetStep two: 判断对错1.

3、There are millions of pages of information on the Internet. ( )2. The US army were the first people who used an Internet system. ( )3. Universities started using the Internet at the same time as the army. ( )4. The percentage of websites in English is getting smaller. ( )5. Tim Berners-Lee made it p

4、ossible for scientists to use the Internet. ( )6. He has made a lot of money from his invention. ( )via on the average consist of come up with concentrate onhow often agree with point out compared with hesitate to1. We are going to Japan _ Macao.2. _ do you come home?3. Sea food here doesnt _ me.4.

5、_, women live longer than men, especially in the countryside.5. My class _ 38 boys and 13 girls.6. If you find there are mistakes in my essay, please _ it _.7. Suddenly , he _ a good idea and told his teacher at once.8. In class, I find some students dont _ what the teachers teach.9. _ Charlie, Sam

6、works harder than him.10. Dont _ turn to me for help when you are in trouble. Step three 句型:1.Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.贝尔纳斯李使每个人都能使用因特网变成可能,而不仅仅是大学和军队使用。make+sb./sth.+adj.意为“使某人或某物处于某种状态”。归纳拓展(1)make+宾语+宾语补足语,这是一个常用句式,其中作宾语补足语的

7、可以是动词原形、形容词、名词或过去分词。(2)如果make后的宾语是不定式或that从句,宾语补足语是形容词或名词,这时往往把形式宾语it放在宾语的位置上,把真正的宾语放在后面,find,feel,think等动词也可以这样用,该句型为:make/find/feel/think+it+adj./n.+(for sb.) to do sth./that-clause3)make+sb./sth.+省略to的动词不定式,意为“使某人/某物做某事”。当把此类型的句子变为被动语态时,原句中省略的动词不定式符号to必须要还原。例句:She made her child wash his hands be

8、fore eating.她要孩子在吃东西前洗手。2. At the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in English,but this percentage is going down. at the moment _; for a moment _ 1) The classroom is big enough_, but well have to move if we have more students .go down vi.下降,下去; (价格)下跌;下沉,落下1) The prices are _fast these days

9、. Nobody can get the prices _.A. going down; to bring down B. rising; to be bring downC.raising; bring down D.going up; brought down 3. . -that allows computer users to access information-1) allow/permit vt. 允许 . allow/permit doing sth. _allow/permit sb to do sth / sb be allowed/permitted to do _1)

10、警察允许孩子们免费进入公园。_2) 警察不允许在街上踢足球。_3) permit C 许可证/特许证. U允许a fishing permit_;apply for a permit_. 当堂检测.单项选择1. Space exploration has been made_ with the rapid development of science. A. possible B. to be possible C. it possible D. possibly2. I really cant_ what you said just now. A. go with B. agree to C

11、. believe D. agree with3._ the past, our life today is much better. A. Comparing with B. Compared at C. To compare with D. Compared with4. I sent a message to Kitty_ her sister. A. by B. via C. through D. across5. Who gave you_ to leave class early? A. command B. order C. advice D. permission6. Juli

12、as on holiday in Spain_ . A. for the moment B. the moment C. at the moment D. in a moment7. His illness was caused_ by worry and stress. A. hardly B. usually C. completely D. mainly8._ , Peter has gone crazy. A. Personally B. In person C. In my opinion D. In my thought9. At present, the price of oil

13、 is_ . A. cheap B. expensive C. high D. tall10. Ill go to Dalian by train_ by car. A. instead of B. instead C. in place of D. in place11. Dont_ to contact me if you need any more information. A. worry B. bother C. trouble D. hesitate12. The_ student spends about two or three hours at night doing homework. A. usual B. average C. common D. ordinary13. The writer_ his own special language. A. invents B. discovers C. finds D. creates4


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