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1、Section Grammar一、用所给动词的正确形式填空1.Mary enjoys (work) with children,so I believe she will become a good teacher.答案:working2.Have you finished (read) the book?Not yet,I am still reading.答案:reading3.I tried (help) him but I didnt make things better but worse instead.答案:to help4.Do you mind (explain) it to

2、 me again? I didnt follow you just now.答案:explaining5.I am looking forward to (return) to school soon,for I have stayed at home for a month because of illness.答案:returning二、完成句子1.我得承认我不喜欢吃蔬菜,尽管我知道它们对我的健康有益。I have to vegetables though I know they are good for my health.答案:admit disliking2.你能想象一天练习弹十个

3、小时的钢琴吗?Can you the piano ten hours a day?答案:imagine practicing3.请不要再反复问这么愚蠢的问题了。Dont such silly questions please.答案:keep asking4.当我18岁的时候,我的父母不再给我钱了,因为他们意识到我得学会独立了。My parents stopped me money when I was 18,for they realized that I had to independent.答案:giving;learn to be5.你想不想和我一起去散散步?今天天气不错。 out fo

4、r a walk?Today is a good day.答案:Would you like to go/Do you feel like going三、单句改错导学号695400071.Our geography teacher explained us that the earth moves around the sun.答案:us前加to2.I cant avoid to meet her,because we are in the same office.答案:to meetmeeting3.Mary dare not to talk with Mr Li,because he is

5、 very strict with us.答案:去掉to或dare notdoesnt dare4.It is no use to argue with him.答案:to arguearguing5.If you study hard,you will succeed on time.答案:onin6.I greatly appreciate you for your help.答案:appreciatethank7.It is very late,so wed better find a room to live.答案:live后加in8.He spent the whole evenin

6、g read books.答案:readreading9.He has finished to do his homework.答案:to dodoing10.He earned so many money that he bought a new car.答案:manymuch四、完形填空Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met in my life is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa.1 I last met th

7、is man eight years ago,I have not forgotten his 2 qualities.First of all,I respected his 3 to teaching.Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered,students crowded into his classroom.His followers liked the fact that he 4 what he taught.Furthermore,he could be counted on to

8、explain his ideas in an 5 way,introducing such aids to 6 as oil paintings,music,and guest lecturers.Once he 7 sang a song in class in order to make a point clear.8,I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them 9 the telephone.Drinking coffee in the caf,he

9、would easily make friends with students.Sometimes he would 10 a student to a game of chess.11,he would join student groups to discuss a variety of 12:agriculture,diving and mathematics and so on.Many young people visited him in his office for 13 on their studies;others came to his home for social ev

10、enings.Finally,I was 14 by his lively sense of humor.He believed that no lesson is a success 15,during it,the students and the professor 16 at least one loud 17.Through his sense of humor,he made learning more 18 and more lasting.If it is 19 that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry,20

11、my teacher is indeed a wise man.1.A.AlthoughB.WhenC.OnceD.If答案:A解析:此句的主从句之间是明显的让步关系,故用although。我虽然最后一次见到这位意大利籍哲学教授是在8年前,但2.A.oddB.specialC.commonD.ordinary答案:B解析:因为这位教授教学效果好,所以在作者看来,这位教授有着与其他教授不同的特殊品质。3.A.attentionB.introductionC.relationD.devotion答案:D解析:首先,我对他对教学的热爱充满敬意。devotion to teaching是指“忠诚于(热

12、爱、献身)教学”。4.A.insisted on B.talked aboutC.believed inD.agreed with答案:C解析:insist on 意为“坚持(某种主张、看法等)”,talk about意为“谈论”,believe in意为“相信;信任”,agree with意为“同意(某人的看法)”。他对自己所教授的内容深信不疑,这一点受到他的追随者的赞赏。5.A.imaginativeB.ordinaryC.oppositeD.open答案:A解析:这位教授利用油画、音乐或请特邀讲师等方式教学,以一种富有想象力的(imaginative)方式来解释他的思想。6.A.list

13、eningB.understandingC.informationD.discovery答案:B解析:这位教授是利用这些辅助手段来帮助学生理解,故用understanding。7.A.alsoB.nearlyC.evenD.only答案:C解析:有一次,他甚至(even)在课堂上唱起一首歌来阐明一个论点。8.A.LaterB.SecondlyC.HoweverD.Therefore答案:B解析:前面提到First of all,所以此处用Secondly,下文还有Finally。9.A.withB.byC.fromD.on答案:D解析:其次,我很欣赏他和同学们进行课外讨论或者进行电话交谈的做法

14、。on the telephone“打电话”。10.A.inviteB.leadC.preferD.show答案:A解析:有时,他会邀请学生下棋。invite sb to“邀请某人”。11.A.Later onB.In generalC.Other timesD.As a matter of fact答案:C解析:前面提到Sometimes(有时),所以此处用Other times 表示“其他时候”。12.A.questionsB.subjectsC.mattersD.contents答案:B解析:根据下文讨论的农业、跳水、数学,这些当然是“话题(subjects)”。13.A.supportB.explanationC.experienceD.advice答案:D解析:许多年轻人常去他的办公室请教学业问题。for advice表示“请求建议(忠告)”。14.A.disturbedB.movedC.attractedD.defeated答案:C解析:最后,我被他生动的幽默感吸引。15.A.forB.untilC.sinceD.unless答案:D解析:他认为,师生在课堂中如果没有至少一次开怀大笑,那么这堂课就不能算成功。16.A.hearB.suggestC.shareD.demand答案:C解析:share at least one loud laugh意为“至少共同大笑一次”


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