2020高考英语 Unit3《Inventors and inventions》单元强化训练 新人教版选修8

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2020高考英语 Unit3《Inventors and inventions》单元强化训练 新人教版选修8_第1页
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1、单元强化训练(三) (解析为教师用书独有).单词拼写1They claimed(声称)that they have found a cure for the disease,but this has not yet been proved.2For some unknown reason,the meeting came to an abrupt(突然的)end.3I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience (方便)4He ate a light lunch in expectation (期望) of a good dinne

2、r.5In 1876 Bell got the patent for his most famous invention.单项填空1Mum,it is nice weather.I want to skate this afternoon.Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _ your weight?AcarryBbearCcatchDtake【解析】这里的bear不表示“忍受”,而是“承受”的意思。【答案】B2Only in this way _ to make improvements.Ayou can hopeBcan y

3、ou hopeCyou did hopeDdid you hope【解析】only修饰介词短语置于句首,句子使用倒装语序,结合句意可知答案为B项。句意为:只有用这种方式你才能取得进步。【答案】B3How did you like the lecture tonight?Very _.I doubt if I will come to this kind of lecture next time.AencouragingBencouragedCdisappointingDdisappointed【解析】此处指对事物lecture的看法,故使用v.ing形式。结合后面的I doubt.可知此题答案

4、为C项。【答案】C4It is said that another new school _.Yes.The workers _ it for nearly three months already and have finished 80 percent of it.6While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope,Newton made _ discovery which completely changed _ mans understanding of colour.Aa;/Ba;theC/;theDthe;a【解析】m

5、ake a discovery是固定短语,意思是“做出一个发现”;man表示“人类”时,前面不加冠词,所以选择A。【答案】A7I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice _ I picked up the phone.AafterBasCthe minuteDwhile【解析】the minuteas soon as 意为“一就”,引导时间状语从句。【答案】C8Every _ on the same disk must have a different name.AwordBdocumentCmessageDfile10It w

6、as reported that 115 miners_in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at last.AtrappedBbeing trappedCwere trappedDhad trapped【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意为:据报道,在透水事故中被困8天的115名矿工最终都成功获救。miners与trap之间为被动关系,因此用trapped表示被动且已经完成。故答案为A项。【答案】A11He keeps far too many things in his pockets, so his suit looks

7、 badly out of _.AdateBstyleCorderDshape【解析】他在口袋里装了太多东西,所以他的外套看起来严重变形了。out of shape “变形的”,符合题意。out of date“过时的,陈旧的”;out of style“不流行的”;out of order“不整齐”。【答案】D12Success in moneymaking is not always a good _of real success in life.AlevelBcriterionCheightDcomment【解析】考查名词辨析。level“水平”;criterion“标准,原则”; he

8、ight“高度”; comment“评论,解释”。根据题意,选B。【答案】B13She told her husband that she couldnt_the rest of the housework without his help.Aget overBget throughCget intoDget off15Try to _ at least half an hour each day for learning new vocabulary, and youll know more words.Aset asideBtake upCput awayDturn out【解析】考查动词

9、短语辨析。set aside“留出,拨出,把放在一边”;take up“占据,开始从事”;put away“把收起来”;turn off“关掉(灯、水龙头等)”。句意为:尽量每天留出至少半个小时的时间来学习新词汇,你将会知道更多的单词。【答案】A.翻译句子1我下午三点去看你,方便吗?(convenient)Is_it_convenient_to_you_if_I_call_on_you_at_3:00_pm.?2汤姆对时事有点兴趣,不时买来一些报纸研究。(current;now and then)Tom_showed_a_little_interest_in_current_affairs_a

10、nd_would_buy_newspapers_to_study_now_and_then.3在我们心中,春节是和愉快的家庭团聚联系在一起的。(be associated with)In_our_minds_the_Spring_Festival_is_associated_with_happy_family_reunions.4咱们的冰箱又坏了,我们别修它了,最好买一个新的。(out of order)Our_refrigerator_is_out_of_order_again.Wed_better_buy_a_new_one_instead_of_repairing_it.5他将手伸入口袋

11、中取出一盒火柴。(dive into)He_dived_into_the_pocket_and_pulled_out_a_box_of_matches.阅读理解AThe next time you use telephone and Internet, you can probably thank Charles Kao(高锟), who was one of the Nobel Prize in physics winners on October 6,2020. His idea of fiberoptic (光纤) communications has made the modern t

12、elephone and Internet possible. People can exchange text, music and photos around the world within seconds thanks to this technology.Half the $1.4 million prize goes to Charles Kao, 75, for discovering how to send light signals long distance through hairthin glass fibers. The other half goes to the

13、Americans Boyle,85,and Smith,79,for inventing a sensor(传感器)that turns light into electrical signals.Their invention led to digital cameras.Kao was born in Shanghai in 1933 and now has both American and British citizenship(公民身份)Kao has been interested in science since he was a boy.He once tried makin

14、g a bomb(炸弹)at home using chemicals and water;then he threw it in the street.Fortunately,no one was hurt!After primary school and the first year of middle school,Kao moved to Hong Kong with his family.He went to Hong Kong University,but he had to go to London University to study electrical engineeri

15、ng.Later he studied fiberoptic communications.Kao said in 1966 that glass fibers could carry light over long distances.Not many took him seriously at the time.But in 1970,researchers in the US were able to make the material.Today the fibers are used throughout the world in computer cables and other cables.The light that flows through them sends text,music,pictures and video globally


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