2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp; Bulletin Board练习(含解析)北师大版选修7

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2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp; Bulletin Board练习(含解析)北师大版选修7_第1页
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2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp; Bulletin Board练习(含解析)北师大版选修7_第2页
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2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp; Bulletin Board练习(含解析)北师大版选修7_第3页
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2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp; Bulletin Board练习(含解析)北师大版选修7_第4页
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2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp; Bulletin Board练习(含解析)北师大版选修7_第5页
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《2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp; Bulletin Board练习(含解析)北师大版选修7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp; Bulletin Board练习(含解析)北师大版选修7(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Communication Workshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board 一、单词拼写1.She has traveled all over the g.答案:globe2.There are too many rules and r governing small businesses.答案:regulations3.I s thank all of you here for the valuable support you have shown for the work of WHO.答案:since

2、rely4.He has gained a high level of c in English.答案:competence5.Hes always very p.答案:punctual6.The tool can be used in a (种类) of ways.答案:variety7.How long will the system keep the (证书)?答案:certificate8.Your (毕业证书) will give you an advantage in the job market.答案:diploma9.Please send us all the informa

3、tion that you have about the (候选人) for the position.答案:candidate10.The results are shown in the (图表).答案:diagram11.There is a (说明文字) under the picture.答案:caption12.He went into the phone (电话亭) and dialed the number.答案:booth13.He went to the (理发店) to have a (理发).答案:barbershop;haircut14.She always look

4、s deliberate and never seems (尴尬的).答案:embarrassed二、用方框中短语的适当形式填空stand outprovided thatregardless offocus onin advanceconsist oflook forward to1.The solutions to real problems cant be seen .答案:in advance2.I working with you again.答案:look forward to3.I will support you you are right.答案:provided that4.

5、His mind was what was needed to obtain the required answer.答案:focused on5.The committee ten members.答案:consists of6.She is the sort of person who in a crowd.答案:stands out7.The club welcomes all new members age.答案:regardless of三、单句语法填空1.It was obvious that he was very (embarrass).答案:embarrassed2.She

6、was fined for driving above the (regular) speed.答案:regulation3.Susans idea of freedom was to have (vary) in her lifestyle.答案:variety4.She drove so desperately that she could get there (punctual).答案:punctually5.All the local newspapers should be (register) with the authorities.答案:registered6.They cha

7、rged a small (register) fee.答案:registration7.I will (applicant) to the company for a job.答案:apply8.He had to leave if he couldnt be (competence) enough for the job.答案:competent9.He dealt with an (embarrass) situation in a skillful way.答案:embarrassing10.Keep your safety belt (fasten).答案:fastened11.Th

8、e course (approval) by the Department for Education.答案:was approved12.Many people for the job.The must hand in their by Friday.(apply)答案:have applied;applicants;applications13.He was from the meeting.His made the problem more difficult.(absence)答案:absent;absence14.Is Bob still performing?Im afraid n

9、ot.He is said (leave) the stage already as he has become an official.答案:to have left15.He is considered (do) the experiment successfully in the lab.答案:to have done四、阅读理解A导学号39504009New research suggests that speaking more than one language may delay different kinds of dementia(痴呆),that is the loss o

10、f mental ability.In fact,researchers say,speaking two languages appears to be more important than the level of education in defending against dementias.A study in India examined the effect of knowing more than one language in delaying the first signs of several dementias.Researchers studied nearly 6

11、50 people whose average age was 66.240 of those studied suffered from Alzheimers,the most common form of mental decline(下降).391 of the subjects spoke two or more languages.Researchers found the dementias began about four-and-a-half years later in those who spoke two languages pared to those who spok

12、e only one language.The level of education had no effect on the age at the first sign of dementia.Thomas Bak,from the Center of Cognitive Aging at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland,who helped to organize the study,suggests that individuals who speak more than one language train their brains by

13、 moving back and forth between different words and expressions.He also believes this effort improves what scientists called executive(执行的) functioning,which often weakens in people with dementias.He states that researchers found there was no extra gain in speaking more than two languages.Mr Bak says

14、 it does not appear important whether you learn another language at a young age or later in life.Its not something that “you missed the boat when you do not do it as a baby.” It is something that is still quite useful and powerful when you do it as an adult.1.The finding of the study is that.A.learning more than one language can cure dementiasB.speaking two languages may delay kinds of dementiasC.the level of education matters in defending against dementiasD.people who suffer from dementias will lose mental ability答案:B解析:根据文章第一段的第一句“New research suggests that speaking more than one l


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