2020届高三英语一轮复习讲义:SB1 A ( unit1-unit 12) 重点句型

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《2020届高三英语一轮复习讲义:SB1 A ( unit1-unit 12) 重点句型》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届高三英语一轮复习讲义:SB1 A ( unit1-unit 12) 重点句型(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SB1 A ( unit1unit 12)专题三:重点句型高考解读【高考导航】2020;2020高考命题趋向分析:1.强调句式在近三年的高考题中均有考查,考生做此类题时,要注意强调句中的变化和it句型的辨析如:It be/has been-since; It be/will bebefore; It be-when等句型。2020;2020年仍可能是高考设题的重点2某些有固定用法的特殊句式比如:not all的半否定句式和If only 的虚拟语气. If only意思为;要是-就好了.表示一种愿望,而实际上并非如此,所以从句中要使用虚拟语气; 而only if 的意思为:只有.它引导的是个条

2、件状语从句,后面不使用虚拟语气3. 名词(every time the next time any time the minute the moment)用做连词连接两个句子的结构.这些固定的结构和用法将会是2020;2020年高考考察的重点,考生在备考时要特别的重视4.where引导的地点状语从句和定语从句的区别是近几年高考单选考察的热点,2020;2020年的备考中也把这一点作为重点来复习5.No matter what和 whatever 的相似和区别也是高考考查的一个热点前者引导的是状语从句,而后者引导的是状语 句和名词性从句,可以在从句中做主语、定语、宾语等成分,所以2020;202

3、0年的高考还会对此有所考查【真题品析】(09江苏)23. Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ _ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.A. if B. when C. which D. since【答案】B.考查间隔性定语从句【点拨】可改写为: days when local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night are gone 。(08天津卷【点拨】)8. It was along the Mississ

4、ippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.A. how B. which C. that D. where【答案】C。强调句的基本用法。可以把 It was-that 去掉,句子意思完整,排除B,可知为强调句型【点拨】正确掌握强调句式的基本结构,可以去掉结构句子意思完整即可判定强调句(08重庆卷)22. It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site.A .that B. when C. while D. as【答案】A not until句型的强调句式。通过翻译句意可知

5、【点拨】掌握not until强调句式即可(2020;2020 浙江卷)18. It _ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _ I found we had a lot in common.A. was until; when B. was until; thatC. wasnt until; when D. wasnt until; that【答案】D. not until的固定用法。用于强调句式,It is/was not until-that-.【点拨】掌握not until强调句式即可(2020;2020 重庆卷)19. It i

6、s not who is right but what is right _ is of importance.A. whichB. it C. that D. this【答案】C 强调句式的基本结构。It is/was-that-句型【点拨】正确掌握强调句式的基本结构,可以去掉结构句子意思完整即可判定强调句(08全国II)20. It was in New Zealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.A. that B. how C. which D. when【答案】A 强度句式【点拨】正确掌握强调句式的基本结构,可以去掉结构句子意思完整即可判定强调句(

7、08天津卷)8. It was along the Mississippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.A. how B. which C. that D. where【答案】C。强调句的基本用法。可以把 It was-that 去掉,句子意思完整,排除B,可知为强调句型【点拨】正确掌握强调句式的基本结构,可以去掉结构句子意思完整即可判定强调句(08重庆卷)22. It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site.A .that B. when C. while D.

8、as【答案】A not until句型的强调句式。通过翻译句意可知【点拨】掌握not until强调句式即可(09江苏)31. _ unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.A. Before B. Where C. Unless D. Until【答案】B .考查状语从句.【点拨】 哪儿的失业率高 ,哪儿的犯罪就率高,那可以认为是前者导致后者的原因知识网络重点句型be doing-whenNeither/Nor/So+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语It is

9、/was+ 被强调部分 +that/whoIt is +adj./n+真正的主语.The reason why -is that-Where there is a river , there is a city.No matter what-No all-If only-The next time精讲点拔考点一 强调句型基本结构 It is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom+其他成分【基础过关】It is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom+其他成分如:原句: I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.昨天我在车站碰

10、见了李明。强调主语:It was I that/who met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.强调宾语:It was Li Ming that/whom I met at the railway station yesterday强调地点状语:It was at the railway station that I met Li Ming yesterday强调时间状语:It was yesterday that I met Li Ming at the railway station.【拓展延伸】注意:(1)在这种强调句式中,一般用that

11、引出句子的其他成分如果被强调的部分是表示人的意义的名词时,可以用who代替that引出句子的其他成分;如果被强调的部分是表示事物意义的名词时,用that引出句子的其他部分。但是,无论被强调的部分是地点状语还是时间状语,都不可以用where或者when.如:It is that man who/thta teaches our English.(2)原句的谓语动词时态是一般过去时、过去进行时、和过去完成时,用It was-,其他时态用It is-.如:It was my telephone number that Miss White happened to know.怀特小姐碰巧知道到的就是我

12、的电话号码(3)对“not-until-“这一结构进行强调时,一般使用”It is/was not until-that-“这一句型进行强调如:I didnt go home until the rain stopped.直到雨停了我才回家强调句为:It was not until the rain stopped that I went home.(4)被强调的部分是人称代词,如其在原句中作主语,则应该用该人称代词的主格形式;如果作宾语,则用其宾格形式。It was she(her) who told the police.就是她报告警察的It was you who we were tal

13、king about.(5)强调句的一般疑问句句型: Is/Was+it+that/who/whom-?Was it ten years ago that his father died?(6)强调句的特殊疑问句型:疑问句+is/was+it+that/who/whom-?When is it that you will setoff?你到底什么时候出发?【点拨】a.强调句型的结构不难掌握,要想准确使用它,须明确一点:去掉It is/was-that-结构不会对句子的完整性造成影响,这是区分它与其他句子的一个重要标志It was I who advised him not to do it.去

14、掉后:I advised him not to do it.(完整句)b. 强调句型容易与主语从句、状语从句、同位语从句和定语从句混淆It is quite clear that we need more practice.很显然,我们需要多实践此句看上去像是强调句型的句子,而实际上,它是主语从句。It在句中充当形式主语,真正的主语为that所引导的从句。判断的理由为去掉It be-that结构后,原句不完整再如:It was at about 12 oclock that the fire was put out.大火在大约12点扑灭了大火。(强调句型)It ws about 12 oclock when the fire was put out. 扑灭大火的时候大约在12点(定语从句)考点二 be doing-when-【基础过关】be doing-when-正在做某事,而在那时却-Our family were having dinner when someone knocked at the door.【拓展延伸】下面两个巨型中的when用法是完全一样的:be on the point of doing -when-I



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