
上传人:caoka****i123 文档编号:129087344 上传时间:2020-04-22 格式:PPT 页数:21 大小:1.70MB
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1、PassiveVoice被动语态 Leadin Rockets use tosendupsatellites areused 火箭发射图 Therocket sendup intospace isbeingsentup 砍伐图 Trees cut down Fewplaces leave forthetigerstolive arebeingcut willbeleft 拳击图 Aboxer beat down hasbeenbeaten 表格 被动态基本结构 am is aredone was weredone am is arebeingdone was werebeingdone sha

2、ll willbedone wouldbedone have hasbeendone hadbeendone Correctingmistake Correctthemistake s ineachsentence 1 Twoboyshurtwhileplayingaball 2 ThesingerlivedinLondonuntilhewassendingtouniversity 3 Howlongdoyouthinkthemeetingwillbelasted wassent willlast werehurt 4 Afirewasbrokenoutlastnight 5 Hehadtot

3、ravelbybusashiscarwasdamagedinanaccidentafewdaysbefore 6 Thelargebuildingthatisnowbuiltwillbeahospital hadbeendamaged isnowbeingbuilt brokeout 7 Classisbegunat7 30everyday 8 Hisplanissoundedgood 9 Yourcoatneedsbeingwashed begins sounds tobewashed washing 1 被动语态介词固定搭配不能省略 Hehasthoughtofawayofsolvingt

4、heproblem Theaccidentwhichhappenedyesterdaysurprisedme Awayofsolvingtheproblemhasbeenthoughtof 2 breakout happen takeplace arrive become die disappearetc不及物动词没有被动语态 3 带双宾语的动词give send bring take teach show tell make sing write sell buy ask pay borrow lend hand offer provide past get promise变被动语态有两种方

5、法 2 Thebookhasbeengiventohim 1 Hehasbeengiventhebook Ihavegivenhimthebook 4 其他形式表示被动结构 be under in等介词 名词 结构可代替进行时被ThecityisunderattackatthemomentThecityisbeingattackedatthemoment Thebridgeisunderrepair Thebridgeisbeingrepaired Theproblemisunderdiscussionatthemeeting Theproblemisbeingdiscussed 表示状态特征

6、的连系动词 adj n 用主动式表被动义 5 表示状态特征的连系动词 adj n 用主动式表被动义 look sound feel smell taste prove appear Thesteelfeelscold Thiskindofclothfeelssoft Thatdoglooksdangerous Myadviceprovedtobewrong 表示主语的属性特征的动词 副词well badly easily smoothly 用主动式表被动义 6 表示主语的属性特征的动词 副词well badly easily smoothly 用主动式表被动义 read write set s

7、ell wash clean wear open cook lock shut dry eat drink Thepenwritessmoothly Theclothwasheswell Thepoemreadssmoothly Thebooksellswell Thisshirtwillwearverylong Thefloordoesn tcleaneasily Thiskindofricecooksmorequicklythanthatkind 表示主语的属性特征的动词 副词well badly easily smoothly 用主动式表被动义 7 作 需要 讲的want need re

8、quiredoingwang need requiretobedoneYourjacketneedswashing tobewashed Theplantswantwatering tobewateredeveryday Thewallwantsrepairing toberepaired 2004高考江苏卷 Morepatients inhospitalthisyearthanlastyear treatedB hadtreatedC hadbeentreatedD havebeentreated D 高考链接 2 2004高考广西卷 Thewindowisdirty Iknow It fo

9、rweeks A hasn tcleanedB didn tcleanC wasn tcleanedD hasn tbeencleaned3 2004高考湖北卷 GeorgeandLucygotmarried Didyougototheirwedding No I Didtheyhaveabigwedding wasnotinvitedB havenotbeeninvitedC hadn tbeeninvitedD didn tinvite D A 4 Everypossiblemeans butnone successful A hastried hasprovedB tried provesC hasbeentried provesD isbeingtried isproved C 5 Thequestionheaskedishard A foranswerB toanswerC tobeansweredD answering B 6 Alicehadadress lastweek A madeB makeC tobemadeD tomake A



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