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1、2020学年第二学期期中试题高 二 英 语第 卷 (选择题,共55分)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMany people suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman!

2、There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man can not see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green a strange

3、 world indeed.Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones”. These help us to see in a bright light and to tell difference between colors. There are also millions of “rods” but these are used for seeing when it i

4、s nearly dark. They show us shape but no color.Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes (蚊子) like blue but do not like yellow. Red light will not attract insects, but a blue lamp will. In a similar way human beings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of the cones in our ey

5、es we can see many beautiful colors by day, and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible(看不见的)colors around.1Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?AWomen are more careful.BThere are few color-blind women.CWomen are fon

6、der of driving than men.DWomen are weaker but quicker in thinking2. This passage is mainly about _.Acolor and its surprising effectsBwomen being luckier than menCdanger caused by color blindnessDcolor blindness3According to the passage, with the help of the “cones”, we can _Atell orange from yellowB

7、see in weak lightCkill mosquitoesDtell different shapes4We can attract and kill mosquitoes by using a _.Ared light Byellow light Cblue light Dgreen lightBIn the past most Americans spent time with people of generations. Now mid-aged Americans may not keep in touch with old people until they are old

8、themselves.Thats because we group people by age. We put our three-year-olds together in day-care center, our 13-year-olds in school and sports activities, and our 80-year-olds in senior-citizen homes. Why?We live away from the old for many reasons: young people sometimes avoid the old to get rid of

9、fears for aging and dying. It is much harder to watch someone we love disappear before our eyes. Sometimes its so hard that we stay away from the people who need us most.Fortunately, some of us have found our way to the old. And we havediscovered that they often save the young.A reporter moved her f

10、amily onto a block filled with old people. At first her children were disappointed. But the reporter baked banana bread for the neighbours and had her children deliver it and visit. Soon the children had many new friends, with whom they shared food, stories and projects. “My children have never been

11、 less lonely,” the reporter said.The young, in turn, save the old. Once I was in a rest home when a visitor showed up with a baby. She was immediately surrounded. People who hadnt gotten out of bed in a week suddenly were ringing for a wheelchair. Even those who had seemed asleep wake up to watch th

12、e child. Babies have an astonishing power to comfort and cure.Grandparents are a special case. They give grandchildren a feeling of security and continuity. As my husband put it, “my grandparents gave me a deep sense that things would turn out right in the end.”Grandchildren speak of attention they

13、dont get from worried parents. “My parents were always telling me to hurry up, and my grandparents told me to slow down,” one friend said. A teacher told me she can tell which pupils have relationships with grandparents: they are quieter, calmer, more trusting.5. Now in an American family, people ca

14、n find that _.A. children never live with their parentsB. not all working people live with their parentsC. aged people are supported by their grandchildrenD. grandchildren are supported by their grandparents6. The reason why old people are left alone may be that _.A. the old dont like to live in a b

15、ig familyB. the young cant get enough money to support the oldC. different generations have different lifestylesD. the old are too weak to live with the young7. The fact that the reporter told us shows that _.A. old people in America lead a hard lifeB. old people in America enjoy banana breadC. she

16、had no time to take care of her childrenD. old people are easy to get along with8. Why do children not get attention from their parents?A. Because they often make trouble and make their parents disappointed.B. Because their parents are too busy to take care of them.C. Because their parents have to take care of their grandparents.


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