2020届高考英语二轮复习短文改错提升练习 形容词副词(含答案)

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1、2020届高考英语二轮复习短文改错提升练习 形容词、副词一、 改正下列句子中的唯一错误:1.Without Mother and Fathers love, I wouldnt be leading such a happily life now.【答案】happilyhappy 【解析】句意为:没有父母的爱,我现在不会过看的生活。修饰名词应用形容词,故将happily改为hap2. For one thing,a little child is great fun and I like to play with him or her cheerful.【答案】cheerfulcheerful

2、ly 【解析】句意为:首先,小孩子很有趣,我喜欢跟他/她一起开心地玩。修饰动词,应用副词,故将cheerful改为cheerfully3. My mindless words must have hurt him deep.【答案】deepdeeply 【解析】句意为:不经思考的话语肯定已经深深地伤害了他。deep和deeply均可用作副词,但是deep常用来指具体的“深如:潜水潜得深用dive deep,而deeply常用来指抽象意义的“4. After the bath he looked energy and refreshed.【答案】energyengetic【解析】看他看起来精力充

3、沛,精神焕发look在此意为“看起来”,是连系动词,后面应用形容词充当表语,故用energetic。5. E-hongbao is actual a kind of lucky money from and to relatives and friends during festivals or on special occasions.【答案】actualactually 【解析】句意为:电子红包实际上是节日期间或者特殊场合时来自或发给亲戚和朋友的吉利钱。表达“实际上”用副词actually,在句中作状语。6. Last but not least,if we are in dangers,

4、we should call the police immediate.【答案】immediateimmediately,【解析】句意为:最后但同样重要的是,如果我们身处险境,我们应该立刻打电话报警。修饰动词call,应用副词,故将immediate改为immediat7.One day in Senior Grade 1,I happened to see an English movie named Speed. It was so interested that I watched it again and again.【答案】interestedinteresting【解析】第二句中的

5、It指代上句中的电影Speed,指物,应用形容词interesting修饰,意为“有趣的”。而interested意为“感兴趣的”,常用于修饰人8.When Mr.Tang slowly went into the classroom, we could see clear that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months.【答案】clearclearly 【解析】句意为:当唐老师慢慢走进教室的时候,我们可以清楚地看出他很舍不得离开我们,尽管他只教了我们三个月。修饰动词see应用

6、副词,故将clear改为clearly9. I have found their tips on teaching so usefully.【答案】usefullyuseful【解析】句意为:我觉得他们关于教学的建议很有用。处为find的复合结构,即“find+宾语+宾补”,意为“认为某物如何”,故用形容词作宾补。10. When he was young, he read a lot, and late he became a famous writer of his day.【答案】latelater 【解析】句意为:当他年轻的时候,他读了很多书,后来成为他那个时代的著名作家。late作形

7、容词或副词,意为“迟;晚”;later作副词,意为“后来”。根据句意可知,此处应用later11.Miss Zhang is one of my most favourite teachers.【答案】(比较等级)删去most 【解析】favourite意为”最喜欢的”,该词没有比较级和最高级。考点小结 英语中常见的表示”最高程度”的形容词有 favourite, excellent, extreme, perfect等,它们没有最高级,也没有比较级。下列词语不用比较级形式却表示比较的含义:inferior,minor,senior,prior,prefer,superior,major,ju

8、nior,preferable。12. Its true that the job market is much more harder these days.【答案】 (比较等级修饰语)删去more 【解析】much修饰比较级,hard为单音节形容词,其比较级为harder,因此其前的more多余。注意more本身是比较级,不可修饰比较级。13. Last summer, I went hiking in the Yellow Mountain with my friends. One of my friendly suddenly had a stomachache and couldnt

9、 go any far.【答案】(比较等级)far改为farther/further【解析】此处表示我的一个朋友突然胃疼,不能走得更远。根据语境可知,该处表示更远,且句中的any是比较级的修饰语。14. Among all the European cities, I love Paris more.【答案】(比较等级)more改为most【解析】句意:在所有的欧洲城市中,我最喜欢巴黎。表示三者或三者以上的比较用最高级。15.Recently,a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great W

10、ell.【答案】(形变名)angry改为anger 【解析】cause是及物动词,后接名词作宾语,故angry改为anger。16. They tell each other their lives in the past year, exchange gifts and eat delicious meals in the warm of the family.【答案】(形变名)warm改为warmth【解析】此处表示在温暖的家庭氛围中,他们讲述各自在过去一年里的生活,交换礼物并一起吃美味的饭菜。作介词in的宾语应该用名词。17.I am sure the network will sati

11、sfy your needs for traveling everywhere more convenient. 【答案】(形变副)convenient改为conveniently【解析】句意:我确定这个网络将会满足你更方便地到处旅行的需要。根据句子结构以及句意可知,此处用副词修饰动词。18. The night before last, we got a clear night. But it snowed heavy yesterday.【答案】(形变副)heavy改为heavily【解析】此处表示雪下得很大。修饰动词snowed用副词,故heavy 改为 heavily。19. Besi

12、des, people should use natural resources more effective.【答案】(形变副)effective改为effectively【解析】修饰动词use应用副词。20. Surprising, the weather is often very good in September and October and it is not so hot as in summer.【答案】(形变副)Surprising 改为 Surprisingly 【解析】句意:令人惊讶的是,九月和十月的天气通常很好,也不像夏天那么热。修饰整个句子应用副词。21. Unfo

13、rtunate, they had a troublesome neighbour, who was rather noisy at night, making it hard for them to fall asleep.【答案】(形变副)Unfortunate改为Unfortunately【解析】句意:不幸的是,他们有一个令人讨厌的邻居,晚上相当吵闹,让他们难以入睡。修饰整个句子应用副词。22. One day my English teacher Mr. Zhang was going to announce the exam result and I was afraid that

14、I might probable get scolded as before.【答案】(形变副)probable改为probably【解析】修饰谓语动词应用副词。23.The summer job is very much popular among some university students.【答案】(形容词修饰语)删去much【解析】 much通常修饰形容词和副词的比较级,而popular为原级,不能用much修饰,故删去much。24. These eating habits are easy to come across. You may not know, therefore,

15、 that its common for a man to sit cross-legged on the floor, but its not considered acceptable for a woman to do so .【答案】(逻辑连接词)therefore改为however/nevertheless【解析】句意:这些饮食习惯很容易被理解。然而,你可能不知道,男人盘腿坐在地板上很常见,但是女人这样做被认为是不可接受的。分析句意可知,此处表示转折关系。25. It is a pity that not all the collections in Louvre are openl

16、y to the public, but it is well worth paying a visit to.【答案】(副变形)openly改为open【解析】句意:遗憾的是,并不是所有的收藏品都对公众开放,但卢浮宫绝对值得一游。be open to表示对开放”。26. Its convenience for him to get around as well.【答案】.(名变形)convenience改为convenient【解析】系动词后用形容词作表语。27. They think it simply, convenient and helpful in expressing themselves.【答案】(


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