新高考英语2.5 阅读理解七选五专题强化训练十五(原题word版)

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《新高考英语2.5 阅读理解七选五专题强化训练十五(原题word版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新高考英语2.5 阅读理解七选五专题强化训练十五(原题word版)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020高考英语【阅读七选五】专题强化训练十五 Test 1Chuck was in my high-school English class. _1_So, when he told me he had been accepted into the journalism program at the University of Missouri,I wasnt surprised. During the first year at college,Chuck stopped by school a few times. We talked about our work together se

2、veral years before. We had raised money together for twenty-three sick and abandoned babies. _2_. It was an activity that in some ways changed our formal relationship into a friendship. In his second year in college,it was discovered that Chuck had lung cancer and had only a short while to live. So

3、he left school and came home to be near to his loved ones. About six weeks later, Chuck died. _3_The youngest of nine children,Chuck was talented and full of promise. More importantly,he was a good person,a just man.When I went to his funeral, his father asked to speak with me.He told me that before

4、 Chucks death,he chose six items to bury with him. _4_He told me that Chuck had always kept the piece because he liked the message I had written to him at the bottom of the last page. In that little note,I affirmed his talent as a writer and I encouraged him to be responsible for the gift._5_His tak

5、ing my note with him forever offered me a great opportunity for influencing students lives. I felt inspired with a sense of purpose that was greater than ever:teachers have the power to affect hearts and minds for along time.A. It was a great loss for everyone,especially for his family.B. Chuck help

6、ed to raise several thousand dollars.C. Whenever I forget my purpose,I think of Chuck.D. He was a writer of great promise.E. My spirits were lifted up as Chuck was filled with the joy of life. 10F. One of them was an essay he had written in my class some years before.G. I was touched and grateful to

7、 Chuck who gave me a special gift that would change my life. Test 2Rise and Shine All DayMaking these easy tasks part of your morning schedule will improve your nutrition, energy, and mood todayand beyond.Stretch in bedTry this even before you open your eyes. Lift one arm and begin by stretching eac

8、h finger, then your hand, then your wrist, and then your whole arm.1._. Then stretch your toes, feet, ankles, and legs. Finally, end with a neck and back stretch that pushes you out of bed. This“power pose” makes you feel more confident all day long.2_Working out before you eat encourages your body

9、to burn more fat for energy rather than relying on carbohydrates(碳水化合物) from food. In a study, participants who exercised after breakfast still gained weight, but those who exercised on an empty stomach did not.Turn on the music3_. If anyone plays an instrument, and if you have a little time, mornin

10、g is the perfect time to practice, as it prepares your brain for learning. One study found that both playing and listening to music help improve academic performance in 16 different ways, including increasing focus and memory.Enjoy some funMany people fear to face a new day of work, school, or chore

11、s.4._. This can be having a cup of coffee as you read your favorite blog, etc. Choose activities you enjoy and that set you on a good path for the day.Youve improved your state of mind, your health, and your productivityall before the weekday has even begun.5._APick something energetic that you and

12、others in the house enjoy and put it on while you get readyBNow youre ready to conquer your todo list for today and every dayCDo regular exercise in the morningDMove on to the other armEExercise a biton an empty stomachFTake up the entire length of the bed when you stretchGBut if the first thing you

13、 do is pleasant, youll find it much easier to get going Test 3 Happy people have habits you can introduce into your everyday life.Here are some of them. They surround themselves with other happy people. Joy can spread.Researchers of the Framingham Heart Study who studied the spread of happiness over

14、 20 years found that those who are surrounded by happy people are more likely to become happy in the future. _1_They try to be happy. Yes. Its as simple as it sounds. _2_According to two studies recently published in The Journal of Positive Psychology, those who actively tried to feel happier in the

15、 studies reported the highest level of positive moods(心情) ,making a case for thinking yourself happy.They are mindful of the good. _3_However,happy people give attention to their smaller victories,too. “When we take time to notice the things that go right,it means were getting a lot of little rewards throughout the day,”says Susan Weinschenk,a Ph.D.in Psychology.They devote some of their time to giving. Even though there are only 24 hours in a day,positive people fill some of tha


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