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1、 Learning Guide to Module Five 教师寄语:每一次都尽力超越上次的表现,很快你就会超越周遭的人。万丈高楼平地起,基础知识要牢记Words extension1. equal adj.& n._ v. _【知识拓展】 等于,平等、能胜任 _ 在对等的条件下 _ 无人可比 _ 在法律面前平等 _ Eg. 1). Women damand _pay for _ work. (妇女要求同工同酬.)2). 他能胜任那份工作。_.3). Jane has no _ in physics. (珍妮在物理方面没有对手.)4). 2加2 等于4. _.5). None of us c

2、an equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.【考考你】 All men are created _. A. equal B. equally C. equalling D. equalled The old man feels not equal to _ care of himself. A. take B. taking C. took D. taken2. order n. The orders are that we should stay here. _ Has the girl brought your order? _ The yo

3、ung teacher cant keep order in his class. _ You will pass a school, a church and a bus station in that order. _ v. 命令,嘱咐 a. The teacher ordered silence. _ b. The father ordered the son out of the house. _c. The police ordered them to wait there. _d. I ordered that the gate (should) be locked. _订购,叫(

4、菜等)a. Id like to order two copies of that book.b. Its time we ordered dinner.【知识拓展】in order of _ 按大小/重要性排列_ 不整齐,状况不佳_ 井井有条 _ 整齐,情况良好 _ 维持秩序 _ 订购某物 _ 为了做 _【考考你】The teacher ordered the students to keep silent. In other words, the teacher ordered the students _ silent. A. would keep B. could keep C. mu

5、st keep D. should keep3. stress n._ v._【知识拓展】 强调的重要性_ 为所迫,受到 造成的压力 _ 把重点放在 上,在上用力 _【发散思维】 他强调合作的重要性。_. 由于新的工作,他感到沉重的压力。_. 许多学校重视外语教育. _.【考考你】 Chinas former Premier Zhu Rongji _ the need for equality and fairness in the world. A. noticed B. stressed C. spoke D. talked Our English teacher put particul

6、ar _on the importance of reading English word. A. stress B.weight C. attention D. pressure4.contribute v._ n. _ 捐款,捐助【开拓眼界】contribute to _ contribute to 有助于,成为的原因【小试牛刀】 他捐很多钱给慈善机构。 _. 适度的运动有益于健康。_. This writer _ _ _ _ _ the building of the school. 这位作家对于学校的建设做了很大贡献。 5. condition 1) C U 状态,情形;健康状态 My

7、 car is old but in good condition. He is not in a condition to make a long trip.2) pl (周围的)状况,情况,形势 the present conditions 现状【搭配】 on condition that 在 的条件下,假如 on no condition 副 在任何条件下都不,决不【拓展】 在好/坏/差/完美的状况中 _ 健康,情况良好 _ 健康/情况不佳 _【考考你】You may borrow the book, _ you dont lend it to anyone else. A. in go

8、od condition B. on no condition C. on condition that D. in no condition6. influence n.& v._ adj._【归纳拓展】 对 有影响 _ 在的影响下 _ 影响某人做某事 _Eg. 1) My teacher _ my decision to study science. A. effected B. influenced C. affecting D. caused7.argument n._ v. _【拓展】 1) We have an argument with the waiter about the

9、bill. _ 2) Theyre always arguing with each other about money._Important phrases1. 信仰,信任 _ 2. 与 相似 _3. 养育,抚养 _ 4. 与 出战争状态 _5. 为 而自豪 _ 6. 花费 做 _7. 在十九世纪末 _ 8. 首次,第一次 _ 9. 被委以重任 _ 10. 如果这样的话 _11. 遵从 的建议 _ 12. 据说 _13. 报时 _ 14. 举个例子来说 _15. 工业革命 _ 16. 直到那时 _重点展现,熟记于胸Language points1. I very much agree with statement 4.【请你归纳】 agree with _ agree to _ agree on _【练一练】1)What she said doesnt agree _ what she did.2) The climate in the north doesnt agree _ me.3) We all agree _ travel by plane.4) They couldnt agree _ when to meet.2. But it was also a time when there were many great p


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