英语北师大版选修8 Unit23 Conflict Lesson 2 Living in a Community(倒装句)

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《英语北师大版选修8 Unit23 Conflict Lesson 2 Living in a Community(倒装句)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语北师大版选修8 Unit23 Conflict Lesson 2 Living in a Community(倒装句)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、北师大版高中英语U23 Lesson2倒装教学设计学生分析学生学习英语的能力较弱,能用英语完成比较简单的听说读写任务,但学生的学习热情还是很高。(1)他们希望系统地学习语法知识,却不喜欢教师的“一言堂”,他们愿意进行探究、合作学习。(2)学习本部分内容之前,学生已经学习过强调句、虚拟条件句从句部分省略If等句式,但对否定副词放句首的倒装句式比较陌生,没经过系统学习。教材分析教材中安排的两篇阅读文章,对学生而言,理解起来并不困难,其目的就是通过这两篇文章提供充分的语言材料,给学生创造出真实的语境进行语言实践活动。(2)倒装是高中语法教学的重点,本部分内容是倒装现象中即基础但对我们的学生而言又是难

2、点的内容。教学目标语言学习的最终目标是运用。学生学会总结语言材料的语言规律,在获知倒装的意义、结构的基础上,通过听说读写实践活动,熟练运用部分倒装句式。同时,培养学生在学习中要有较强的探究、合作精神。教学策略以学生为主体的发现学习和合作学习。(2)以计算机课件、黑板、幻灯机为教学辅助手段。(五) 教学过程(Pre-class)T: Did you have a good rest last night?S1: Yes, I got a good rest last night because it was not so hot as the day before yesterday.S2: I

3、 wasnt so lucky as you! I didnt sleep well last night. I didnt go to sleep until at 12 oclock. It was so late that I couldnt fall asleep.目的:从生活过渡到课堂,自然地创造轻松的学习氛围,为进入本节课的语言话题做好前期准备。Step1: Approaching the topic.Talk about Wang Wen.T:Well, I was just like you. I didnt sleep well, either. Never was I fe

4、eling so terrible. I was always worried about my son, who is ill! We all know that enough sleep is very important to our health. But a boy, named Wang Wen, who is a senior high three student, needs a good sleep very much. Listen to his story:(课件)Wang Wen usually goes to bed by 11 pm and gets up at 6

5、:00 am every day. He feels very tired. Today, when he sat down in the classroom, he began snoring. Never has he slept so well, I think. Luckily our teacher wasnt angry with him, she even let him be. Never have I met such a kind teacher, I think. When I told the story to my parents, they said, “ Not

6、only is your teacher good at teaching, she is actually a kind-hearted lady.”目的:通过图画、声音、文字信息的输入,将学生的注意力集中到黑体句子,唤起学生对这类非正常语序的语言现象的好奇心,为下一环节的发言做好铺垫。Present sentences beginning with negative words or expressions. Draw students attention to these sentences and show them how these sentences are written in

7、 a usual way.(课件)Never has he slept so well, I think.- He has never slept so well, I think.Never have I met such a good teacher, I think.- I have never met such a good teacher, I think.Not only is your teacher good at teaching, she is actually a kind-hearted lady.- Your teacher is not only good at t

8、eaching, she is actually a kind-hearted lady.目的:学生将观察到的差异说出,教师正式地将“倒装Inversion”语言现象介绍给学生,并引导学生回忆旧有的知识。Step2: Discovering the rules of Inversion.Read the two passages in the book quickly and underline the sentences with the same structure as the above sentences. (课件)Not only has he decided to move ap

9、artments, he is actually leaving Shanghai Never has he known anything like it.Seldom has drumming caused such conflict.No sooner had they moved in than the noise began.Rarely did they get a full nights sleep.Neither could they relax or read a book without wearing earplugs!Not only has the newspaper

10、received calls from angry studentsRarely are people getting enough sleep however.目的:学生凭借刚才的认知经历,通过阅读书上的两篇文章,找出含倒装现象的句子来证实其观察的准确性,使学生初步品尝成功的喜悦,让学生体会到这种学习方式的有效性,并为今后和下一环节的学习建立自信。Find out the rules of Inversion.(课件)These sentences:begin with a word that has a negative meaning, such as never.have the wo

11、rd order of a question.sound more formal and more emphatic.Negative words and expressions:not only(but also)neverseldomno sooner(than)rarelyneithernot hardlyscarcelyby no meansin no wayat no timehardly (when) not until目的:鼓励学生在小组内(4-6人)就课文中找出来的句子进行讨论,之后,小组代表发言,表述部分倒装语言现象的规律。其它小组进行补充。教师将学生的发言进行总结。Step

12、3: Applying the rules of Inversion.目的:归纳出了语言规律之后,应及时进行训练。三道练习的设计呈阶梯性过渡,由易至难,不仅让层次不同的学生有参与和表现的机会,更是让学生对刚获得的语言知识提供足够的实践空间,通过具体的语境锻炼运用语言知识的能力。Rewrite the sentences to make them sound more emphatic.They will never admit their mistakes.He didnt only sing in the choir, he also played in the band as well.T

13、he government seldom attempts to inform the public about its decisions.You hardly see these animals in the daytime.The sunset on the water is a wonderful sight. We rarely see anything so beautiful.People had hardly run away from their houses when the water flooded the street.7) The rescue team had n

14、o sooner got close to the building than it fell down.目的:学生上黑板改写句子,其他学生自己在下面改写之后提出批改意见,这样能及时发现学生的错误,还能激发学生纠错的积极性。教师只需在必要的时候点评。Rewrite some sentences to make a letter sound more emphatic. Dear sir,I am writing to complain about my recent stay at your hotel. I have never stayed in a more uncomfortable

15、place before. It was not only dirty and untidy but there was a horrible smell, too.What I was disappointed with was the quality of the room: it was too small, the bathroom did not have a shower and the air-conditioning did not work.I have seldom had such terrible food. It was not fresh, and it was n

16、ot carefully prepared, either. The waiter was wearing a dirty apron and all he was interested in was the receptionist. However, it was the bill I was presented with on my departure that shocked me most.I shall expect financial compensation of $300. Otherwise, I intend to turn to your national tourist authorities for assi



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