高中英语 Unit50 友人回信告知生活近况函书信通

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《高中英语 Unit50 友人回信告知生活近况函书信通》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit50 友人回信告知生活近况函书信通(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、友人回信告知生活近况函May 16, 2020Dear Albert,Im glad to hear youre moving back to Texas. I also hope that means well have more chances to see each other. Its been quite some time since weve seen each other face to face.Everything is fine with me. My little shop near the Riverwalk is doing well, and my social

2、life is fun, too, if not as wild as it was back in school. I still havent found a steady boyfriend, though I have my eye on this handsome guy I met at a party a few weeks ago.Thats all for now. Good luck with your new job.Sincerely,Cindy Ramirez亲爱的艾伯特:很高兴听到你将搬回德州。我也希望那意味我们将有较多的机会彼此见面。自从我们上次见面以来已经有很长

3、的一段时间了。我一切安好。我的小店靠近Riverwalk区,生意还不错,而我的社交生活也很有趣,纵使它没有像以前在学校时那么疯狂。我仍然没有找到固定的男朋友,不过我对几天前在派对里遇到的一位帅哥有意思。就此搁笔。祝你的新工作顺利。辛蒂拉蜜瑞滋敬上2020年5月16日字词解说:1. mean .意味,代表(以名词或that从句作宾语);有意要(以动词不定式短语作宾语)例:Do you mean that you are quitting?(你的意思是你将辞职吗?)I meant to help her but was turned down.(我打算要帮助她但遭拒绝。)2. Its been q

4、uite some time since we face.=It has been quite a while since weseen each other face to saw each other.(自从我们上次见面后已有好长一段时间了。)3. face to face面对面例:We should discuss this matter face to face.(我们应该当面讨论这件事。)4, the Riverwalk 圣安东尼市中的河岸步道区5. have one s eye on sb对某人有意思/爱慕之意,在注意某人注意:此处的eye是单数,表“注意”之意。例:The detective has his eye on that gangster.(警探盯上那个匪徒了。)



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