【立体设计】2020高考英语 Unit5 The power of nature备选习题 新人教版选修6(全国课标卷)

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1、【立体设计】2020高考英语 Unit5 The power of nature备选习题 新人教版选修6(全国课标卷)1.(2020重庆)The news shocked the public, to great concern about students safety at school.A.having ledB.ledC.leadingD.to lead2.(2020四川)The lawyer listened with full attention, to miss any pointA.not tryingB.trying notC.to try notD.not to try【解

2、析】考查现在分词短语作伴随状语及动词不定式的否定式。句中的listen和try not to miss为同时进行的动作,故用现在分词的一般式作伴随状语。又因动词不定式的否定式要在其前加not故选B。句意为:这名律师全神贯注地听,尽力不错过任何要点。【答案】B3.(2010江西)The lady walked around the shops,_an eye out for bargains.A.keepB.keptC.keepingD.to keep4.(2020全国)Tom was about to close the window_his attention was caught by a

3、 bird.A.whenB.ifC.andD.till【解析】考查“be about to do sth.when”的结构,此结构表示“正要做某事时,这时”。句意为:汤姆正要关窗子,这时一只小鸟吸引了他的注意力。【答案】A5.(2020北京)_ at my classmates faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.A.LookingB.LookC.To lookD.Looked【解析】考查非谓语动词作状语。句意为:看着同学们的面部表情,我从他们的眼神中读出了同样的兴奋。look是谓语动词形式,故被排除;to look表目的在此不符合题

4、意,故排除C项;look与I构成逻辑上的主动关系,D项被排除。故选择A项。【答案】A6.(2020江苏)The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu,_ the students to return to their classrooms.A.enablingB.having enabledC.to enableD.to have enabled7.(2020湖南)Dina,for months to find a job as a waitress, f

5、inally took a position at a local advertising agency.A.strugglingB.struggledC.having struggledD.to struggle8.(2020全国)It is often_that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.A.saidB.to sayC.sayingD.being said【解析】考查固定句型It is +v.-ed+that从句。句意为:据说人类天生就具备说话的 能力。【答案】A9.(2020福建)In April, 2020, Presid

6、ent Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,_ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.A.markingB.markedC.having markedD.being marked【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意为:2020年4月,胡主席在青岛检阅了海军舰队,这标志着中国人民解放军海军成立60周年了。marking 在这里是现在分词短语作定语,相当于非限制性定语从句which marked the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy,

7、故选A。【答案】A10.(2020福建)She had just finished her homework_ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.A.whenB.whileC.afterD.since11.(2020浙江) that he was in great danger,Eric walked deeper into the forest.A.Not realizedB.Not to realizeC.Not realizingD.Not to have realized【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法

8、。句意为:没有意识到他身处巨大危险之中,埃里克往森林深处走去。realize与逻辑主语Eric(主句主语)之间是主谓关系,且分词动作与主句谓语动词动作几乎同时发生,所以此处使用现在分词形式,表伴随。而不定式表目的,在此不符合题意,故被排除。【答案】C12.(2020安徽)in the fields on a March afternoon,he could feel the warmth of spring.A.To walkB.WalkingC.WalkedD.Having walked模拟质检1.Most female workers in Shanghai suffer from_con

9、nected to the global financial crisis, according to a recent survey.A.curiosityB.eagernessC.anxietyD.thirst【解析】考查名词辨析。句意为:根据一项最近的调查,上海的大部分女性职业者患有由全球经济危机引起的焦虑。anxiety“忧虑,焦虑”,符合题意。curiosity“好奇心”;eagerness“热切”,thirst“饥渴”;均不符合题意。【答案】C2.Though there are many beautiful dresses in the shop, yet none could_

10、her.A.suitB.go withC.matchD.meet【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:尽管商店里有许多漂亮的裙子,但是没有一件合她的意。suit指颜色、样式、口味、条件等合乎某人的要求。通常被译为“合某人的意”,用在此处符合题意。match指大小、颜色、式样、性质等相一致。通常被译为“与相匹配”;go with意为“与某事物相匹配(协调)”时相当于match; meet一般指满足某种需要或要求。【答案】A3. other good students, the teacher thinks Hank is_student.A.Compared with;a most satisfie

11、dB.Compared to;the most satisfiedC.Comparing to;the more satisfyingD.Compared with;a more satisfying4.Features such as height, weight, and skin color_from individual to individual and from face to face.A.changeB.varyC.alterD.convert【解析】句意为:身高体重肤色等特征因人而异。vary from.to.“由到变化不定”;change“改变”; alter指微小的变化,不影响改动;convert“把变成,兑换,使改变信仰”。【答案】B5.Li Gang, a police officer said that little about what his son_he know the moment all the media reported the traffic accident_in Hebei University.A.did did;happeningB.did do;happenedC.would do;happeningD.could do;happened


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