2020高中英语 Module6 Old and New Learning Paper 1 Words and phrases学案 外研版必修3

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1、Module 6 Old and NewLearning Paper 1 Words and phrasesLearning aim: to master the usage of the words and phrases in Module 6Learning methods: make full use of the text book, the guide book and the dictionary.I .New words1date (v)_(n)_ 2 容纳 _(n)_3 利用_4 失事_5 迁移_6 民用的 国内的_n_ 7 坝,堤_ 8 水库_9 建筑物_10 历史的_ 历

2、史学家_ 历史_11诗 _诗人_ 12荒唐的 可笑的 _ 13.construction_v_14 site_15 global_n_ 16 freezing_ v_ 过去式_过去分词_17.observatory _v_ n _ ,_18enormous_(同义词) _19submerge_21.foggy_ n_II Phrases1.起源于_ 2 阻止_3有意义_ 4 结束_5come true_6 make sure_ 7.used to_8.be equal to _ 9.dream of_ .III Fill the blanks1. Most of the Great Wall

3、d_from the Ming dynasty .2. This hall can a_over 3000 people .3. We must try to follow the h _trend,that is ,keep pace with the development of h _.4. The Grand c_played a very important part in transportation in chinese history .5. She r_all the books from the desk .6. The temperature has dropped to

4、 the f_point .6.No one can _(阻止)the wheel of history .7. In a word ,I do not think what you said _(有意义)at all.8. Burning coal has led to _(全球性的)warming .9. The railway is still under _.(建设)10. The car _(撞坏)on the bend ,killing its driver and two passengers.11. The Three Gorges Dam is a hydro-electri

5、c project which has_(终止)the danger of flooding .12. Now they are _(过着幸福的新生活)in different areas.IV Best choice1 The River Nile _flood large areas,but now its water _produce electricity .A.used to; is used to B. was used to ; is used toC.used to ; uses to D.was used to ;is using to2.The Nuclear Power

6、plant _electricity nearly 1500 billion kwh by the end of 2020.A had generated B has generated C generates D was generating3.Mum,I am so tired of going out in such _weather .When I ride a bike,I can hardly see anything .A foggy B freezing C sunny D snowy4.I heard that it was you that talked about me

7、behind my back !How _! Who said that ?It is absolutely impossible!A .fascinating B. wonderful C. ridiculous D .astonishing5.Our government is now developing the western regions and encourages us to join in the _of it .A. campaign B structure C construction D committee6.My parents provide me _800 yua

8、n _my study every year .A. with with B. with for C. for with D. with in7.-how long have you been friends ?-Well,our friendship _our childhood .A. dates from B. dated from C. continued in D starts from8.After ten yearshard work ,his wish has _.A. realized B. come true C. been come true D. been made t

9、rue参考译文: 三峡大坝“更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨”毛泽东写过一首词,在这首词中,它表达了“更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”的理想。如今,他的理想变成了现实;世界第三大河长江的自然力已经通过三峡大坝而变为动力。三峡大坝是继长城及大运河修建以来最大的建筑工程,它的修建是为了控制洪水泛滥并向华中地区提供电力。大坝高近200米,宽达1.5公里,它是世界上最大的水力发电站和水坝,其所耗资金高于历史上任何一项建筑工程。1911年(资产阶级)革命中的领袖孙逸仙(孙中山)在1919年首次提出在长江上拦江截坝的构想。中国四分之三的能量是通过燃煤获得的。1993年,中国用于供热和发电的煤达12亿吨。而不幸的的是,煤的燃烧会引起严重的空气污染,因而又会促进去全球变暖。三峡大坝的发电量将相当于燃烧四千万吨煤产生的发电量,但却不会造成那么严重的污染。三峡水库淹没了两座城市,十一个县,140个乡镇和4000多个村庄。原来生活在库区的一百多万人已经迁离家乡。现在,他们在不同的地区过着幸福的新生活。三峡地区是中国最美的地区之一。三峡工程淹没了一些中国非常有名的历史遗迹,其中包括:屈原庙,汉代瞭望塔和摩崖崖刻。约有800处历史文化遗产被淹没;其中有的正被迁走,有的被放到了博物馆中。


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