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1、江苏省启东中学高一英语复习期末练习模块三Unit Threehttp:/www.DearEDU.comI .单词拼写:1、What you think is proper in your own country may not be proper in another because of c_ difference.2、They have decided to d_ the evidence immediately they found there was no chance of breaking through.3、An earthquake left the whole city in

2、 _ (废墟)4、On the exhibition , you can see many treasures found in an ancient s_ ship5、The electors d_ against the new rules and refused to sign their names on these documents.6、We need to become a u_ team to reach our long-term goals.7、The strike left the railway system in c_8、Are there any s_ betwee

3、n these two paintings?9、The _(形成)of national character doesnt take place in one day.10、The elderly are usually _( 担心的)about the growth of the younger generation11、The war cost an _( 巨大的,庞大的)sum of money.12、The ship is not in a _( 状态,状况,条件)to make a long voyage.13、The laborers prepared to resist and

4、to _(推翻)this Government.14、Id like to see all the legal d_ concerning the sale of this land before we sign this paper.15、Literature and art have a great _(影响)on peoples ideology.16、Look, that poor girl has been trying hard to work out a _(解决办法) to the question.17、U_,the poor boy lost his life in the

5、 big fire.18、That building is a m_ to those who were killed in the war.19、He succeeded in business and was very w_.20、The Chinese _ (文明) is one of the oldest in the world.II. 单项选择1、 Hearing the news , he hurried home, leaving the book_ on the desk. A. lay opened B. lying open C. to lie open D. lie o

6、pened2、A _ carries all kinds of things , but no passengers. A. goods train B. goods train C. goods train D. good train3、I _ talking to you. You never listen to me. A. feed up with B. feed on C. am fed up with D. am fed up of4、With all the problems _, the manager left for home, _. A. solved, satisfie

7、d B. to be solved, with satisfaction C. being solved, satisfied D. having been solved, with satisfaction 5、The advice is of great _ to our work. We all think it _. A. uses, good B. useless, bad C. use, good D. useful, fine6、_, my heart _. A. On hearing the sad news, sank B. Hearing the sad news, dro

8、pped C. At the sad news, fell D. When I heard the sad news, sank7、The ship had 500 passengers _. A. on board B. on the board C. on a board D. on boards8、Boys wear fashionable clothes. _, some birds have bright feathers. A. Similar B. Similarity C. Similarly D. likely9、You may use my bike _ that you

9、return it by noon. A. on condition B. in condition C. under condition D. at conditions10、Its said too much noise can _ people mad. A. have B. let C. drive D. take11、The house was reduced to _by the fire _by a cigarette butt. A. ash, cause B. ashes, being caused C. ash, being caused D. ashes, caused1

10、2、Much _ to be done. A. is remained B. remains C. has been remained D. is remaining.13、He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting14、Please accept this present _ all your help. A. in return for B on return for C. in return

11、 with D. on return with15、So little _ with each other that the neighboring countries could not settle their differences. A. they agreed B agreed they C. did they agree D. they did agree 16、In the evenings he _ in his books . A. reads him B. reads himself C. buries him D. buries himself17、It was pour

12、ing . All the machines stood _ in the open air. A. uncover B. to be uncovered C. uncovered D uncovering18、He wrote this article _this great communist fighter, Dr. Bethune. A. in honor for B. in return for C. to honor of D. in memory of19、_his poor health ,he was still at work late into the night. A.

13、 Despite B. Besides C. Apart from D. In spite20、Mr. Wang has been selected_ chairman of the conference. A. a B. an C. the D. /21、What does it _ if I spend $ 100 on it -its my money. A. mind B. care C. matter D. mean22、-Tom passed the final exam . -_, and _. A. So did he , so did B. So he did , so did you C. He did so, you did so D. So he did , you did so23 Not only _ prepare lunch for us, but also _ clothes for us. A. he did , he washed B. he did , did he wash C. did he , he washed D. did he, did he wash24._ is worth doing well. A. Wha


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