(浙江专用版)2019版高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 5 Theme parks课件 新人教版必修4

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1、必修四 Unit5Themeparks 情景默写1 Arayof 阳光 fellonthesleepingboy 2 Thesoldiersmarchedalong 摆动 theirarms 3 行动 arebetterthanwordswhenpeopleareinneedofhelp 4 Itisnaturalthatalmosteverychildenjoyswatching 卡通 5 Everyvisitorisamazedatthe 独一无二的 designofthetemple 6 WaltDisneyWorldinFloridamaybetheworld slargest 主题

2、park sunlight swinging Deeds cartoons unique theme 7 Chinesepeopleshouldmakeeveryeffortto 保存 theiroldtraditions 8 Morecomplexanimalsgraduallyevolvedfromtheseverysimple 生物 9 Myhobbiesarelisteningtopopsongs goingfor 郊游 andreadingnovels 10 Ourschoolwonthe 运动的 sportsbecausewehavesomanygoodsportsmen 11 无

3、论在什么地方 youare nomatterhowfar I llkeepyoucloseinsidemyheart 12 Someyoungpeoplestilllivedinaworldof 幻想 aftertheygraduatedfromcollege 13 Asanation Chinahasmorethan50ethnic 少数民族 besidestheHannationality preserve creatures outings athletic Wherever fantasy minorities 14 Youdranktoomuchlastnight 不足为奇 youh

4、avegotaheadache 15 IfyouwanttoseethefilmnextSunday you dbetterbooktheticket 提前 16 Myunclehaslivedinthecityformanyyears sohe 熟悉 it 17 Youshouldn tstayatyourofficeallday 接近 natureisgoodforyourhealth 18 Yourdreamwill 实现 soonerorlateraslongasyoudoyourbest 19 Aftersheappearedonthestage theconcertsoon 活跃起

5、来 20 Asisknowntoall thiseducationsystem 模仿 theFrenchone Nowonder inadvance isfamiliarwith gettingcloseto cometrue cametolife ismodelledafter 词性转换1 Thisbookisthreetimesthe long ofthatone 2 Thispaintingrepresentsthefirst settle arrivinginAmerica 3 Ourhouseisvery centre sowecaneasilygettotheatresandcin

6、emas 4 Inthisresortyoucanenjoyallthecomfortandconvenienceofmodern tour 5 Theaudiencewas bytheperformanceinthe park amuse 6 Mysisterworksasa oftechnicaltexts Shehas manyarticles translate length settlers central tourism amused amusement translator translated 7 Withthehelpofthe technology wecancomplet

7、ethetaskin advance 8 Shangri La fullof isso thatit visitorsfromallovertheworld attract 9 Thereare goodsinthesupermarket andtheprices fromcentstodollars The attractsmanycustomers various 10 Tomappliedfor tothegraduateprogramatNorthwesternUniversitybutwasn t intoitatlast admit advanced advance attract

8、ions attractive attracts various vary variety admission admitted 1 句型公式 疑问词 ever引导让步状语从句 父亲就是这样 无论他遇到什么问题 都决不放弃 SuchisDad henevergivesup 2 句型公式 some others 意为 有些 有些 公园里有许多人 一些人在唱歌跳舞 还有一些人在画画 Therearealargenumberofpeopleinthepark anddancing whateverproblemhemeetswith Somearesinging othersaredrawing 3

9、 句型公式 whether or 意为 无论 还是 不管 还是 无论好坏 我已经决定接受这份工作 Ihavedecidedtotakethejob 4 句型公式 notonly butalso 意为 不仅 而且 旅游不仅能开阔我们的视野 而且有益于我们的身体健康 Travellingcan broadenourhorizons whetheritisgoodorbad notonly toourhealth butalsobenefit bebeneficial 1 variousadj 不同的 各种各样的 多作定语 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 句型转换 Theislandofferssuc

10、hawide various ofsceneryandwildlife Therearevariouswaysofcookinganegg Thereare waysofcookinganegg Thereare waysofcookinganegg variety a variety of varieties of 状元笔记全记牢 1 forvariousreasons由于种种原因 2 varietyn 变化 种类avarietyof varietiesof各种各样的 3 varyvi vt 有变化 改变 2 preservevt 保存 保留 保护n C U 保护 区 高考必刷题练透 单句语

11、法填空 完成句子 Theyweredeterminedtopreservetheirstudents harm Asweallknow thepoliceareresponsibleforthe preserve oflawandorder Thecharacterofthetown 这个城镇的特色保存得很好 from preservation iswellpreserved 状元笔记全记牢 1 preservesb sth from保护某人 某物免受 bewellpreserved保存得很好 2 keepsth inpreserve保存 保留某物 3 preservationn 维护 保护

12、保养 3 advancevt vi 前进 促进 提前n 前进 进步 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 Tocatchtheearlyflight weorderedataxi advanceandgotupveryearly Ithinkthemuseumhasmore advance facilitiestomaketheexhibitionsuccessfulandpreservethepaintingswell Scientists outerspacesofar 到目前为止 科学家在探测外层空间方面取得了巨大的进展 in advanced havemadegreatadvance

13、sinexploring 状元笔记全记牢 1 advanceon towards向 前进 2 inadvanceof在 前面 在 之前inadvance在前面 预先 提前makeanadvance advances in 在 方面 取得进步 3 advancedadj 高等的 先进的 高深的 4 nowonder难怪 不足为奇 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 isnowonderthatthechildrenlovetovisitthefarm Iwonder youcouldgivemesomeadviceonhowtolearnEnglish Hehasn tsleptatallf

14、orthreedays 他三天没睡觉了 难怪他疲惫不堪 It if whether Nowonder Itisnowonder that heistiredout 状元笔记全记牢 1 Nowonder that It snowonder that 难怪 不足为奇It sawonderthat 奇怪的是 inwonder惊讶地 2 wonderwhether if when why how 想知道是否 什么时候 为什么 怎么 etolife活跃起来 苏醒过来 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 Aftertheearthquake thevillagerstriedtheirbesttobr

15、ingthevillageback life Icanuseacomputer butwhenitcomesto repair it Iknownothing Whenthechildrenheardthattheirteacher 苏醒过来 thewholeclass 活跃起来 atonce Listeningandspeakingarewheremyweaknesslies 谈及英语时 to repairing cametolife cameto himself cameback tolife cametolife whenitcomestoEnglish 状元笔记全记牢 cometo o

16、neself 苏醒过来comebacktolife苏醒过来 复活cometolight被发现 被知晓bring back tolife使 生动 使 恢复生机whenitcomesto 当谈及 点津 cometolife为不及物动词短语 没有被动语态 一般不用于进行时 6 whether or 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空 完成句子 Whetherinthehome intheworkplace socialrobotsaregoingtobecomealotmorecommoninthenextfewyears Whetherornotshewillvoteforus be notclear Oncewewerelefttodecide 曾经有人让我们决定是在公园里野餐还是去参观博物馆 or is whethertohaveapicnicinaparkorgotovisitamuseum 状元笔记全记牢 1 whether or 无论是 还是 不管是 还是 常引导让步状语从句 2 whether or 也可引导名词性从句作主语或宾语 3 whether可以和ornot连用 7 some


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