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1、2020;2020高考英语二轮书面表达(话题为主)训练(05)及参考范文生活中冲突时有发生。假设你班同学苏华和李江打篮球时发生争执,导致关系紧张。请你结合此事,并根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,向学校英文报“Happy Teens冶专栏投稿。简要描述事情的经过打篮球、碰撞、争执,等等分析发生冲突的原因1. 遇事不够冷静2. 谈谈避免冲突的做法(请考生根据自己的经历或感想,提出至少两种做法)注意: 1. 对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2. 词数150 左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。Conflicts with ot

2、hers are common in everyday life.【参考范文】Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball. Then they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.To be honest,

3、it was Su爷s fault but Li was also to blamethey were not calm enough and both said some really mean things. They cared too much about winning and losing. As a matter of fact, blocking, pushing and bumping are just part of a tough game.To avoid such conflicts, we should be kind to one another, which i

4、s essential to enjoying aharmonious life. It is also a virtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive and stressful society. Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and put ourselves in othersplace.Dont be self-centered and try to be considerate. We must learn to ha

5、ndle conflicts calmly andwisely.【预测试题19】人生态度【看图写话】【议论文】请根据下面的图片,写一篇短文,内容包括: 1、描述漫画内容; 2、说出其中的寓意:3、发表你的观点。在我们的实际生活中,对同一事物持不同的态度就会采取不同的行动,用乐观的态度看待事物,我们就会积极主动地行动起来,最终就会得到满意的结果。用悲观的态度看待事物会得到相反的结果。采用二段成文法。第一段对给出的图画做简要的描述;第二段阐明图画所反映的社会现实及哲理,并发表自己的看法。As can be seen in the picture, two men are staring at a

6、potted flower with different expressions on their faces. One man is thinking about the sad ending of the flower while the other is imagining the flower blooming. To the same thing, different people have different mews, leading to different results. One is happy while the other is sad.In our daily li

7、fe, faced with the same situation, pessimistic people may feel helpless and complain about it all day long. Optimistic people, however, may look at it positively and take it as a chance to show his abilities and talents. When we are in trouble, we should keep the optimistic attitudes, take effective

8、 measures to solve the problems.1、经典句子(1) One man is thinking about the sad ending of the flower while the other is imagining the flower blooming.(2) In our daily life, faced with the same situation, pessimistic people may feel helpless and complain about it all day long.(3) When we are in trouble,

9、we should keep the optimistic attitudes, take effective measures to solve the problems.2、推荐素材诚信话题【提纲类】演讲稿请以“诚实、诚信”为话题,写一篇英语短文。要求如下:1、生活中确实存在不讲“诚信”的现象:2、单一例说明(如:有毒奶粉、冒名顶替上大学、考试作弊等);3、讲究“诚信”的意义。本文属于半开放写作,学生有较大的发挥空间。一般采用三段成文法:第一段概括性地引出话题;第二段举例说明不诚信的现象;第三段发表个人的观点,阐述诚信的意义。As is known to us all, the story

10、 Here Comes the Wolf tells us that we must be honest. However, therere lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays.Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads whi

11、le their legs and anus were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end.Having the reputation of being honest and reliable wi11 make other people trust you, which wi11 provide you with many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you wi11 find it easier to cooperate with others and people wi11 be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a long journey, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way.


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