2020高考英语 备考BookIII Units 9-10 知识搜索与探究归纳

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《2020高考英语 备考BookIII Units 9-10 知识搜索与探究归纳》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020高考英语 备考BookIII Units 9-10 知识搜索与探究归纳(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020;2020高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Units 9-10Health care&American literature自助式复习板块知识搜索A. 单词1.滥用,虐待(n.)_2.保险,保险费(n.) _3.爆发,突然发生(n.) _4.转让,转移(n.) _5.津贴,补助(n.) _6.献身,忠心(n.) _7.压力(n.) _8.繁荣,成功(n.) _9.事件(n.) _10.意义,重要性(n.) _11.结果,效果(n.) _12.反应,回应(n.) _13.没有希望的(adj.) _14.基本的,根本的(adj.) _15.遍及全国的(adj.) _16.不幸的,倒霉的(

2、adj.) _17.危险的,冒险的(adj.) _18.有进取心的(adj.) _19.稀有罕见的(adj.) _20.破烂的,损坏的(adj.) _21.向咨询,查阅(v.) _22.发誓,起誓(v.) _23.哭泣(v.) _24.用家具布置(v.) _25.批准,通过,赞成(v.) _26.简化,精简(v.) _27.无论如何,至少(adv.) _答案:1.abuse2.insurance3.outbreak4.transfer5.allowance6.devotion7.pressure8.prosperity9.incident10.significance11.outcome12.

3、reaction13.hopeless14.fundamental15.nationwide16.unfortunate17.risky18.aggressive19.rare20.worn21.consult22.vow23.weep24.furnish25.approve26.simplify27. anyhowB. 短语28.解雇,不理会,下岗 _ _29.使情况变得更糟糕 _ _ _30.使收支相抵,量入为出 _ _ _31.诊断出 _ _ _32.力争做到,旨在 _ _ _33.占据重要地位 _ _ _ _34.昼夜连续,没日没夜 _ _ _35.处理,照顾,关照 _ _36.感到自

4、豪 _ _ _37.打扮,梳妆 _ _38.不支持,使失望 _ _39.全神贯注于,凝视 _ ._.40.终于,最后,详细地 _ _41.继续前进 _ _42.让某人感到失望 _ sb. _43.赞成 _ _答案:28.lay off29.make matters worse30.make ends meet31.be diagnosed with32.be aimed at33.occupy an important position34.around the clock35.attend to36.take pride in37.do up38.let down39.fix on/upon

5、40.at length41.proceed to42.let,down43. approve ofC. 句型44.他们情不自禁哭了起来。They couldnt_ _ _ .45.直到战后他才作出最重要的发现。_ _ not until after the war_ he made his most important discovery.46.老板微笑着关心我。My boss_ _ _ for me with a smile.47.她渐渐走红,而他却自暴自弃。She gradually became a well-known actress _ he slowly_ himself _ _

6、.48.不久她感觉到她得出去找些活干干。_ _ _ _ she realized that she was expected to go out for a job. 答案:44.help but cry45.It was, that46. showed his concern47.whereas,abandoned, to despair48. It was not long beforeD. 语法49.要不是盘尼西林在二战期间的批量生产的话,许多受伤士兵将丢掉性命。_.50.如果没有志愿者们的帮助的话,许多病人都将在地震中丧命。_.51.许多新兴作家在18世纪上半叶兴起。_.52.羊肉在锅

7、上炖了差不多四个多小时了。_.答案:49. But for the massproduction of penicillin during World War ,many wounded soldiers would not have been saved.50. Without the help of the volunteers, many patients would have died in the earthquake.51. The first half of the eighteenth century saw the rise of quite a number of new

8、writers.52. The mutton has been boiling on the stove for more than four hours.重难聚焦重点单词要点1abuse【例题】She is continually _her position by getting other people to do things for her.A. usingB. applyingC. practicingD. abusing解析:句意为:“她一直都在滥用职权,让别人替她做事情。”abuse“滥用,妄用”。答案:D归纳与迁移(1)abuse vt. 漫骂,滥用,妄用The crowd s

9、tarted abusing him after he failed to save a goal.他没能救住那个球,人群中有人开始谩骂了。I never expected that he would abuse the trust I placed in him.我真没想到他会辜负我对他的信任。(2)abuse n. 滥用,虐待Drug and alcohol abuse contributed to his early death.酗酒和滥用药物导致他早亡。要点2furnish【例题】The scandal will _ the town with plenty of gossip.A.

10、furnishB. instructC. admitD. quit解析:句意为:“这件丑事又会在镇上惹出很多闲言碎语来。”furnish.with.“为提供”;instruct“指导”;admit“承认”;quit“退出”。答案:A归纳与迁移furnish vt. 为某人提供某事物,为提供家具,用家具布置Theyve furnished the house very simply.他们很简单地装修了一下房子。Furnished with a map, a compass and sandwiches, they set off for a days hiking.带上了地图、指南针和一些三明治,他们开始了为期一天的远足。要点3approve【例题】We had to wait months for the council to_ our plans to extend the house.A. agreeB. praiseC. promiseD. approve解析:句意为:“我们不得不等上几个月的时间,等待委员会来批准我们的扩建计划。”agree“同意”,此处为不及物动词;praise,promise明显不符合题意。答案:D



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