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1、高二英语上学期第十四周周考I Multiple choice1. Im sorry . I broke your glasses. Oh, really? _.A. Take it easy B. Thats OK C. It doesnt matter D. Thank you all the same2.With many flowers _ around the house, it looks like a beautiful garden.A. plantedB. be plantedC. to plantD. to be planted3.Only in this way _ to

2、make improvement in the operating system.A. you can hope B. you did hope C. can you hope D. did you hope4.I dont doubt _ they will win the game.A. whether B. how C. when D. that5.The Johnsons have just moved into a large house.-Did they have to buy _ for it?A. Many few furnitureB. much new furniture

3、C. much new furnturesD. many new furniture6.Every morning, Alfred Bloggs left home _ a small black suit.A. wear B. wearing C. dressed D. dressing7. The number of smokers has fallen 30% this year, with last year.A. by, comparing B. at, compared C. by, compared D. at, comparing 8. They seldom in bed a

4、fter 5:00 a.m. even though they were on holidays.A. remained B. slept C. was D. continued9. I didnt think you like coffee. I but I now.A. didnt, can B. did, can C. used, to do D. usednt to, do10. The damaged computer is hard _. A. to be repaired B. for repairing C. to repair it D. to repairII Cloze

5、testTwo men are in a hospital, _11_ in rooms next to each other. Both are _12_ because of the _13_ sixteen-year-old boy. The boy is Jimmy Brand, a high-school _14_. One of the men he _15_ was his father; _16_ was his employer.A week _17_, when Jimmy and his father were out driving, Mr. Brand suddenl

6、y felt a pain _18_ his chest. Jimmy drove him to their family doctor, _19_ said he should hurry to the _20_. Mr. Brand said it was not necessary, _21_ Jimmy persuaded him to go at once. As soon as they were in the hospital, _22_ had a bad heart attack. If he had been anywhere else he _23_.Six days l

7、ater, Jimmy had the night off _24_ Mr. Greens store, where he worked part time. After coming home at eleven oclock, he decided to go to the store again to see _25_ his boss was all right. _26_ some reason, he had a feeling Mr. Green might be in _27_. As Jimmy drove up to the store, he saw a man _28_

8、 away. Then Mr. Green staggered out to Jimmys car and fell down _29_ it. He had been stabbed. Jimmy rushed him to the hospital _30_ to save his life.11. A. layB. lyingC. lainD. lied12. A. deadB. happyC. livingD. angry13. A. sameB. differentC. naughtyD. bad14. A. teacherB. workerC. girlD. student15.

9、A. likedB. savedC. killedD. served16. A. heB. whoC. the otherD. and he17. A. or soB. laterC. agoD. time18. A. onB. ofC. aboutD. in19. A. whoB. whichC. thatD. he20. A. homeB. storeC. schoolD. hospital21. A. andB. butC. soD. for22. A. Mr BrandB. Jimmy BrandC. Mr GreenD. they23. A. diedB. would dieC. w

10、ould have diedD. had died24. A. inB. byC. awayD. from25. A. ifB. howC. thatD. when26. A. ForB. ByC. InD. With27. A. horrorB. troubleC. sorrowD. sleep28. A. fleeingB. escapingC. stealingD. running29. A. inB. againstC. underD. below30. A. fillingB. succeedingC. in timeD. butIII Reading ComprehensionAA

11、 bar(酒吧间)owner locked up the door of his bar at 2:00 a.m. and went home to sleep. He had been in bed only a few minutes when the phone rang. What time do you open up in the morning? he heard an obviously drunken man ask.The owner was so angry, he put down the receiver and went back to bed. Few minut

12、es later there was another call and he heard the same voice ask the same question. Listen, the owner shouted. There is no sense in asking about what time I open because I wouldnt let a person in your condition in I dont want to get in, the caller interrupted, I want to get out.31. The business ended

13、 at two oclock.A. before midnight B. afternoon C. after midnight D. in the afternoon32. What time do you open up in the morning? shows that .A. the caller didnt know the exact time when the bar openedB. the caller was anxious to go to the bar to drinkC. the caller left something in the bar and wante

14、d to find itD. the caller wanted to get out33. The caller made two phone calls to the owner .A. at a phone booth(亭) B. inside the bar C. at home D. in a hotel34. The drunken man telephoned the bar owner .A. in the afternoon B. at noon C. in the evening D. early in the morning35. The drunken man who

15、telephoned the owner wanted to get out, because .A. he had drunk enough before he cameB. he had left something outside the bar and he wanted to have a look at itC. he was not served well and he was so angry that he wanted to go outD. the owner closed the bar without noticing the drunken man and left him locked insideB.The owner o


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