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1、Module 3 The Violence of NatureLearning paper 1 Words and PhrasesLearning aim: to master the usage of the words and phrases in Module 3Leaning methods: make full use of the textbook, the guidebook and the dictionary.I. New words1. _ v.经历 ;n.经验,经历2. _纬度 longitude _ 3. _ adj.热带的 tropic_4. 猛烈的;强烈的 adj.

2、_ n._5. 爆发,喷发 vt._ n._6. 可能 n._ ; adj_-反义词_7. 幸运地,幸亏adv._;_ II. 单词释义连线: 1. flood a. large objects that are used in houses, like beds, tables, etc. 2. furniture b. a mountain with a large opening at the top through which melting rocks 3. erupt c. a great overflow of water on to a place that is usuall

3、y dry 4. volcano d. a storm with a very strong fast wind 5. hurricane e. a continuously moving mass of liquid or gas 6. cemetery f. to explode and throw out fire, ash, and smoke 7. current g. a place where dead people are buried 8. disaster h. describing the hottest parts of the earth, north and sou

4、th of the equator9. feather i. a terrible event10. tropical j. you can see this on a birdIII. 词义辨析1. occur; happen; take place三者都有“发生”的含义,但具体意义不同。(1) occur为正式用语,可指偶然发生,也可指在制定的时间发生、出现,也可指抽象事物如思想等的发生。(2) happen为常用语,指事物或情况偶然或未能预见地发生,其后接不定式或用在It happened that.句型中,意为:恰好,碰巧,偶然。(3) take place指“按计划使某事或效果发生”

5、,一般没有偶然的意味。如:How did the accident happen? 事故是如何发生的?When will the wedding take place? 婚礼何时举行?He told me how the accident occurred.他告诉我那事故是怎样发生的。2. ruin; damage; destroy三者都有“破坏,毁坏”之意,但含义不同。ruin表示破坏严重,以至不能修复,强调致使该物的功能出现了问题。damage指部分“损坏,破坏”之意,或指价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,在破坏程度上damage要小于destroy,损坏了还可修复。destroy指“通过某种有

6、力的或粗暴的手段使之彻底毁坏以至不能或很难修复”,有时用于比喻意义,表示希望、计划等被打破。如:She poured water all over my painting, and ruined it. 她把水全倒在了我的画上,把画毁了。Take care not to damage the timer mechanism. 当心一点,不要弄坏计时装置。In order to escape the punishment, they have destroyed all the evidence. 为了逃避惩罚,他们毁掉了所有证据。IV. 根据汉语提示完成句子: 1. He_ (拾起) his suitcase and walked out. 2. The man_ (结果为) in a cell for the night. 3. The house_ (着火) at about ten oclock last night but it was soon_ (扑灭了). 4. She came in and_ (脱下) her coat. 5. When did the accident_ (发生) exactly?6There are_ six Atlantic hurricanes each year.(平均)7_, he failed the exam. (结果) 3



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