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1、高二上学期10月月考英语试题2020.10-10第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWith little rain, ancient Egyptians relied mostly on the Nile River to water their crops, so they could only grow certain kinds of food. They mainly grew wheat and barley (大麦).The Egyptians made the wheat in

2、to bread, soup and porridge, and they also added hops (啤酒花) to make the barley into beer. In fact, some people think that the Egyptians would not have begun growing grain if they hadnt liked beer so much. Many Egyptian models of beer jars have been found, which the Egyptians put into graves of dead

3、people so that they would have beer in the next world.The Egyptians also ate meat. They went to a butcher shop and bought meat there, just as people do today. But because it rarely rains in Egypt, they could have the meat outside in the yard of the store instead of inside. Click on the left and you

4、will see a model of a butcher shop, which was also found in somebodys grave. Can you see the different cuts of meat all laid out? There is a whole leg of mutton at the very bottom. However, Egyptians thought pigs carried infectious disease. They ate beef, mutton, duck and goose.For dessert, the Egyp

5、tians had a great interest in dates. Here is a picture of some real Egyptian dates which were put into peoples graves for them to eat in the next world, and which were kept in the dry climate for three thousand years until archaeologists dug them up.Archaeologists have also found seeds which show th

6、at the Egyptians grew watermelon and other kinds of melon.1. In some peoples opinions, the ancient Egyptians started to grow grain because _.A. they were short of foodB. they could sell the grain for moneyC. they wanted to produce beer with the grainD. they wanted to trade the grain for beer2. Conce

7、rning the ancient Egyptians, all of the following are true EXCEPT that _.A. they mainly used the irrigation water from the Nile River to water the cropsB. they liked putting models of beer jars into the graves of their dead relativesC. they had to go inside the butcher shops to buy meat as people do

8、 todayD. they believed there was a new life in another world after their death3. In ancient Egypt, we would NOT find _ on the dinner table.A. bread B. watermelonC. muttonD. pork4. Where is this passage most probably taken from?A. Newspaper. B. History book.C. Website. D. Travel guide.BAt times Marty

9、 made it sound too easy. On a visit to his home I heard him say, “People need to decide to be happy.”I pressed him. “What do you mean by that?” His face took on an skeptical look. “You have to ask me?” At that moment I felt a little foolish. Complex human problems, at least to me, often prevent peop

10、le from being happy. To Marty it was a matter of common sense. I wondered, what was I missing? That night Marty told me a story that was very personal for him. I knew Marty and Mickey had four children. I didnt know there had been a fifth. She was their second child. She died shortly after birth.“Th

11、e funeral director was a super guy,” Marty said. “He knew we didnt have any money, but he told us he would take care of our little girl. He went out and built a wood casket (小盒) for her.”Martys voice started to break. “He only charged us five dollars. Its stuff like that. You can look for the good i

12、n people and youll find the good. You can look for the bad in people and youll find the bad.”I didnt know what it was like to grow up poor. Martys life was filled with minimum-wage jobs, borrowing on insurance policies, and working overtime to make a little more money.In my lifetime I had seen peopl

13、e in similar circumstances grow angry. Bitterness took hold of their lives and choked them.“I never had much money, and I dont think I ever will.” Marty said. “People think they need to have a lot of things to make them happy. They ought to look around and see whats really important.” When Marty loo

14、ked around, he saw the most beautiful girl in the world as his wife, four children who loved him, a home he took pride in, and a job that made him feel alive. He was happy because, in his mind, he had it all.5. The underlined word “skeptical” in the text can be replaced by “_”.A. embarrassed B. curi

15、ousC. disappointed D. doubtful6. Marty shared one of his personal stories to _.A. tell the author he experienced something sadB. prove the funeral director was a good personC. tell the author to find the goodness in lifeD. help those who gave him a hand once7. What does the author learn from Marty?A

16、. Everyone needs to live a hard life.B. Everyone can choose to be happy.C. Never let others affect your mood.D. Complex problems can become simple.8. What would be the best title for the text?A. The source of happinessB. The pleasure of lifeC. The importance of familyD. The meaning of kindnessCWe probably all know people, either at



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