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1、人教版选修模块6期末复习资料一. 教学内容:Book 6复习二. 教学内容1. 掌握常考的考纲重点动词2. 巩固课文出现的短语3. 语法知识再现:虚拟语气、强调句与-ing作状语的用法三. 教学重难点1. 重点词汇的记忆与运用2. 虚拟语气规则及常见句型;强调句的灵活运用3. 知识与能力的转化知识分析与详解一、重点动词的用法与考点:1. belief n.信仰;信任;信心 believe v.相信 believable adj.可信的经典例句:His belief is to enter Beijing University for further education.他的信念是进入北京大学,

2、继续深造。beyond belief无法令人相信;令人难以置信His story is beyond belief.他的话难以置信。I dont believe you.我不信你说的话。Do you believe in ghosts?你相信有鬼吗?2. convince vt.使确信;使信服 同义词:persuadeHe convinced me that I should study law.他劝我应该学法律。It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.花费了许多个小时法庭才相信他有罪。We convinced Anne to

3、 go by train rather than by plane.我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走。3. attempt n.努力;尝试;企图;vt.尝试;企图make an attempt at doing sth.试图做某事make a successful attempt to do成功地做了某事=succeed in doing sth.=manage to do sth.attempt to do sth.= try to do sth.She made an attempt to cook the dinner.她试着做这顿饭。Some countries attempt to

4、 limit Chinese development.一些国家企图限制中国的发展。试一试: A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night.A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted答案:C 句意为:“一个涉嫌参与昨天夜里企图谋杀的人正在接受审讯。”Attempted adj.“未遂的”符合题意。advise v.劝说;attend v.参加; admit v.承认4. focus v.(使)集中(多指把光、热、射线等集中在一点,也可指把精力、思想、注意力等集中

5、在某一方面,常构成短语focus onAll eyes were focused on him.所有人的目光都集中在他的身上。转化:focus n.(兴趣、活动等的)焦点;中心Liu Xiang became the focus of everyones attention after winning the Olympic gold medal.获得奥运金牌后,刘翔成了大家关注的焦点。5. convey vt.传达;运送convey ones feelings/thanks to sb.向某人表达感情/谢意convey sb./ sth. to sp. 把某人/物运送到某地I found i

6、t hard to convey my feelings in words.我觉得难以用言语来表达我的感情。A bus conveys passengers to the airport.一辆公共汽车把旅客送到机场。6. manage to do sth.= succeed in doing sth.=was/were able to do sth.设法成功地做到了某事At last we managed to understand her body language.最后我们终于明白了她的身势语。Without her I should not have managed it.要是没有她的话

7、,我是办不到这一点的。7. risk n.冒险;风险 risk vt.冒的危险at risk = in dangerat the risk of 冒着之险;不顾之风险run/take the risk of 冒着的危险risk ones life in doing sth. 冒着生命危险做risk doing sth.They risked losing everything.8. glance vi.看一下;扫视 n.一瞥glance at一瞥 联想:glare at 怒视 stare at 盯着看at a glance一见就 take a glance at 看一看He saw at a

8、glance that she was coming.他一眼就看到她来了。9. decrease vi. & vt.减少(使变小或变少)decrease by降低了多少 be decreased in sth. 在方面有所降低There was a decrease in the number of children in school.在校的儿童人数有所减少。10. impress vt.给予深刻印象 impression n. impressive adj.impress sb. with sth. 给某人留下深刻的印象impress on sb. sth.使某人对印象深刻leave/gi

9、ve sb. a strong impression 给某人留下深刻的印象I impressed on him the importance of his work.我使他注意他的工作的重要性。11. guarantee vt.& n.保证;担保Lack of interest is a guarantee of failure.缺乏兴趣肯定会导致失败。guarantee sth. against sth.提供保修单be guaranteed to do sth.肯定会;必定会The leader of the factory announced that it was guaranteed

10、to decrease the price of its production.厂领导宣称产品的价格一定会下调。二. 重点短语用法归纳:1. would rather do A than do B宁愿干A而不愿干BFat children would rather lie on the sofa watching TV than do a little housework.否定:would rather not do宁愿不干would rather sb. not do宁愿某人不干注意:在虚拟语气结构中would rather sb. did(与现在或将来有关)宁愿某人现在或将来干;would

11、 rather sb. had done(与过去有关)宁愿某人过去干Eg. Would you mind if I smoke?I would rather you didnt.2. aim at 对瞄准;目的在于He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.Now some English materials are not aimed at the pre-school children well, because they are too thick and heavy to carry.3. 表示数量的短语小结a large number ofa good

12、 many ofa variety of相当于many只修饰可数名词复数 a great/good deal ofa large amount ofamount of相当于much只修饰不可数名词a lot of= lots of plenty ofa supply of = supplies of修饰可数与不可数名词 4. be well worth很值得This English film is well worth seeing in spite of its long time.比较:这本书很值得读。The book is worth reading.The book is worthy

13、 of being read.The book is worthy to be read.It is worthwhile reading the book.It is worthwhile to read the book.5. stay up不睡觉;熬夜;挺立着You will go to school tomorrow, so I dont want you to stay up too late.相关短词:stay the course 坚持到底stay away from sth.远离某处stay on 留下来继续(学习、工作)6. run out of用完At the end of

14、 the trip, we run out of food and water.Unluckily, time run out before we could score in the football match.7. by chance偶然地;非故意地 = by accident反义短语:by intention = on purposeOne may make a mistake by chance but one cant make mistakes all his life.相关短语:miss a chance of doing sth./to do sth.错过做某事的机会take

15、 a chance冒险take ones chance 碰运气8. be /become/get addicted to (doing) sth.对成瘾,对入迷Some students are so addicted to cigarettes that they even hurriedly smoke one during the classbreak in the washing room.9. be/become/get accustomed to (doing) sth. = be/get/become used to (doing) sth.习惯于Youll soon get accustomed to the custom here.10. due to由于;应归于要This basketball teams success was largely due to Yao Min



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