2020高考英语考前冲刺Ⅱ专题10 阅读理解词义猜测

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1、2020考前冲刺英语专题10 阅读理解词义猜测 考情分析词义猜测题主要考查考生根据文章内容和所学知识推测词义的能力,包括考查生词词义和熟词新义,或是一些短语的引申意义或是一句话的含义。今几年来的高考阅读理解题中,词义猜测类题越来越受到命题者的青睐,如2020年高考试题中,大部分地区的试卷都有词义猜测题,有的地区的一套试卷上甚至出现了23道词义猜测题,预计2020年各地高考也将会不同 程度地考查考生对词义的理解能力。要点突破一 词义猜测题常见的命题形式有;1. What does the underlined word “”mean in the passage?2. The word“”ref

2、er to/probably means . The underlined word “”in Paragraphmeans .3. What do you think the expression“ ”stands for?4. “ ”as used in the passage can best be defined as.二 猜测词义的方法和技巧1. 根据定义、解释和复述猜测词义猜测词义的方法很多,其中一条是根据定义或解释来猜测其意义。这种情况下,生词往往出现在前面,定义或解释往往跟在生词的后面,由or或破折号引出。生词的意义也就清楚了。复述也是一种解释方法,即用不同的词语重复表达同一内

3、容。复述部分可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句或句子。在做这类题时,要注意复述和被复述部分往往构成同位语关系,在句中多用逗号连接,有时也用破折号、冒号或分号来连接。有时他们中间还常常插入一个起解释作用的标志语如or,or rather,that is to say,that is,namely,in other words 等来强调这种同位关系。例:(2020.福建,B 篇)Across the developing world, around 45% of families had a TV in 1995;by 2020 the number had climbed about 60%.Tha

4、t is some way behind the U.S.,where there are more TVs than people, and where people now easily get access to the internet. Five millions more families in Sub-Saharan Africa will get a TV over the next five years. In 2020, after the fall of Taliban, which had outlawed TV,1 in 5 Afghans had one. The

5、global total is another 150 million by 2020-pushing the numbers to well beyond two thirds of families.60.The underlined word “outlawed”in Paragraph 2 probably means“ ”.A. allowed B. banned C. offered D. refused分析;由文意可知,2020年塔利班垮台以后,15的啊富汗人有了电视,说明在这之前电视是禁止的。故答案选B,ban“禁止”。2. 通过原因或结果关系猜测词义文章中的上下文常常有因果关

6、系,根据结果可以推测出原因。例如:because,since,as是连接原因状语从句的连词;sothat与suchthat中的that是连接结果状语从3根据对比关系猜测词义这类题的上下文提示不是作者对生词、难词所做的解释和说明,而是需要读者运用语言知识和分析能力去细心搜寻和领悟相关信息之间存在的种种逻辑关系。根据这种逻辑关系所提供的思路和范围,来分析判断有关词的词义或相近的意义,从而达到理解全文思想内容的目的。转折词but,让步状语从句及unlike,in spite of,despite,however等一些介词和副词都可以帮助构成意义上的对比关系。例;(2020.湖北,B篇)For man

7、y parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I control and what you do?Both sides want peace, but neither feels it has

8、 any power to stop the conflict. In part, this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it. From the parentspoint of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescentscomplete unreasonableness. And of course, the teens see it in exactly the same way, except opposi

9、tely. Both feel trapped.56. What does the underlined part in paragraph 2 mean?AThe teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.B. The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict.C. The teens accuse their parents of misleading them.D. The teens tend to have a full understandin

10、g of their parents.例:(2020.全国,C 篇)Beijings skiing craze is partly a result of the recent increase in private car. This has led to the growth of a leisure industry in the capitals suburbs ,which until the late-1990s were unreachable to ordinary people. According to Mr. Wei, about 40% of the visitors

11、to his resort come in their own car. The rest are bused in by schools, businesses or government offices.52. The underlined words “leisure industry”in paragraph 3 refer toA. transport to ski resortsB. production of family carsC. businesses of providing spare time enjoymentsD. part-time work for people living in the suburbs 分析:私家车的增加说明人们的生活水平提高了,娱乐活动随之增加,同时也就促进了滑雪之类行业的发展,由此可推知画线部分的含义是“休闲也”。故选C。5.构词法猜测词义合成法。合成词是由两个或两个以上的单词构成的。遇到这类生词时可根据合成法来猜测词义。英语的合成词有合成形容词、合成名词等。合成形容词的构成方法如下:(1) 形容词+现在分词,如 good-looking好看的(2) 副词+现在分词,如 hard-working辛勤的(3) 名词+过去分词,如 state-owned国有的(4) 名词+现在分词,如 peace-loving爱好和平的


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