高中英语 1.3.2My First Ride on a Train教学案 外研版必修1

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《高中英语 1.3.2My First Ride on a Train教学案 外研版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 1.3.2My First Ride on a Train教学案 外研版必修1(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新课程外研版高一英语必修1-1.3.2My First Ride on a Train教学教案学习札记预习目标Teaching aims and demands:1. Learn the language in this part and train the students in the reading comprehension.2. To develop the students reading ability.问题引导,自我探究1 Main idea of the passage:2After talking about some information about Australia

2、, we restudied some new words in this text, maybe every one of us is eager to pay a visit to Australia and appreciate the beautiful sceneries there, right? Ok, now lets learn the passage “My first ride on a train”. After reading, answering the following questions:1)Did Alice travel on the train a lo

3、ng time ago?2)Was her destination on the coast of Australia?3)Was the scenery the same during the whole journey?4)Did she study while she was on the train?5)Did the Australians use horses to travel to the central part of the country?6)Do they still use camels to deliver goods?自学测试3. Listening to the

4、 tape of the text and try to find which of the following words appear in the story.recent distance expect scenery desert abandoncomfortable passenger camera produce get on shootin the middle of more than try to do be short for自学感悟课题:1.3.2My First Ride on a Train课型:New 设计:审核: 使用: 时间: 月 日学习札记目标及要求:Tea

5、ching aims and demands:1. Learn the language in this part and train the students in the reading comprehension.2. To learn and use grammars correctly.2、重点难点:language points3、高考要求:improve reading ability4、体现的思想方法: classify and deduction5、知识体系的建构:analysis of the structure of the text讲学过程:一、预习反馈:二、探究精讲:

6、探究一:Do you know:Q1: How many people live there?Q2: What is the name of the capital city?Q3: Where do you think most of the people live in the central part or on the coast?Q4: What kind of Australian animals do you know?探究二:. Introduce some new wordsShow the following new words from the text and ask

7、them to read all together twice each word while correcting their pronunciation.Ok , now lets have a spelling quiz. Read every sentence and write out a word in the box above, using a proper form of the words.1)Vast areas of land have become _ .2)The group of people are all _ in psychology.3)His _ vis

8、it surprised me very much.4)A good cyclist can cover _ of over a hundred miles a day.5)Lets stop and admire the _ of the mountain.6)The company is known for its high-quality _.探究三:Fast reading to get the general idea of each paragraph.探究四:Detailed reading for information.i. Read the following senten

9、ces and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1)The author and his friends spent three days and nights on the train.2)At night, it was windy and cold.3)They went back with wool and other products.4)The camels were needed in Afghan till 1925.5)They didnt need the camels

10、any more because the camels couldnt help them for traveling a long distance.三、感悟方法练习:Put the sentences in the right order according to the text1)Camels were trained to carry supplies back form the central part.2)2)Camels were shot because of the new railway line built by the government.3)3)They boug

11、ht camels from Afghanistan.4)4)Australians needed a way to the central country.5)5)They tried riding horses, but failed.备选习题:Read the following passage within 5 minutes and make a better choice to each question.The first person to reach the South Pole was Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian explorer. Amunds

12、en was born in Borge, near Oslo, Norway. He attended the University of Christiania and then joined the Norwegian navy.Amundesen made a three-year expedition in the Arctic(北极) beginning in 1903.He was the first to navigate(航行) Northwest Passage, a northern water route from the Atlantic(大西洋) to the Pa

13、cific (太平洋).But Amundsens greatest voyage began in 1910,at the end of the earth. He planed to go to the North Pole, but he heard that Robert Peary had already reached it. So instead Amundsen headed to the South Pole in his ship. He learned that a British expedition, led by Robert F.Scott, was also o

14、n its way there. Amundsen reached Antarctic(南极) in January,1911.He and his men had to wait out the bitter cold, windy winter on the edge of the ice before they could head for the South Pole.In October, they set out, with 52 well-trained dogs to pull their sledges. On the way to the Pole ,they climbe

15、d glaciers(冰川),went around huge cracks(裂口) in the ice, and survived freezing blizzards(暴风雪).Finally, on December 14, 1911, Amundsen placed the Norwegian flag at the South Pole. Scott and his men found the flag there when they reached the Pole a month later.Amundsen died in the Arctic 17 years later. He disappeared while making an air search for another explorer, Umber.1.The best title for the pa


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