浙江省2020高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 单项选择(104)

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1、浙江省2020高考英语二轮复习专题训练:单项选择(104)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. most efficient way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _ good knowledge of basic word formation.AA;aBThe;不填CA;不填DThe;the2. - This is the first time I _ my first picture with my own hands.- Its time that you _ a picture for

2、 me.A. took; tookB. have taken; tookC. took; will takeD. will take; have taken3. - What about reading English newspapers while learning English?- Personally, _. It helps a lot.A. its up to youB. it makes senseC. its hard to sayD. that depends4. We have phoned her several times, but unfortunately she

3、 is still out of _.A. orderB. controlC. sightD. reach5. More than 100 students have entered for the competition and_ gains the most points will be the winner.A. anyoneB. the oneC. thatD. whoever6. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _ it.A. in honor of B. in memory ofC. in searc

4、h ofD. in favor of7. As time went by, they found their efforts to help students_.A. showed offB. took offC. put offD. paid off8. - Would you like me the radio a bit?- No, its all right. Im used with the radio .A. to turn down; to work; onB. turning down; to working; onC. turning down; to working; of

5、fD. to turn down; to working; on9. On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, _ the luggage _ on the floor, and _ in the dark.A. left; lied; disappearedB. leaving; lying; disappearedC. leaving; lie; disappearedD. left; lay; disappear10. -I did really well in the examination, Li Ke.

6、-I did _. I got full mark.A. no lessB. not lessC. not worse D. no worse11. _, a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.”A. Looking through the newspaperB. While I was looking through the newspaperC. To look through the newspaperD. I was looki

7、ng through the newspaper12. The first decade in the 21st century _ the rapid rise of China as a world economic power.A. witnessB. has witnessedC. will witness D. have witnessed13. With more than 17000 islands, _ only 6000 are inhabited, Indonesia is the worlds largest archipelago(岛国).A. on whichB. f

8、or whichC. of which D. along which14. I _ this business if my friend Ray _ willing to act as my helper.A. could not start; had not beenB. could never have started; was notC. could never have started; had not beenD. could have started; were15. -Why did you drop the chance of earning big money?-_. You

9、 know, I dont want to get rich by taking risks.A. All is well that ends wellB. One mans meat is anothers poisonC. Better safe than sorry D. No sweet without sweat16. David likes country life and has decided to _ farming.A. go in for B. go back on C. go through with D. go along with17. Some of the ol

10、d beliefs passed down from one generation to another _ the present thinking.A. agree withB. deal withC. put up withD. come up with18. It is ten years _ I lived in Nanjing, so I know _ about what it is like today.A. since; nothingB. that; everythingC. before; something D. since; anything19. _, Gao Xi

11、aosong was sentenced to 6-month imprisonmentthe most severe punishment about drunk driving on June 1.A. A public figure as is he B. Public figure as he isC. Public figure he is as D. A public figure as he is20. The manager urged older staff _early retirement and new staff _ more time for work.A. take up; to set aside B. took up; set asideC. would take up; to lay aside D. must take up; lay aside1-20 ABBDD DDDBD BBCCC AAABA


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