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1、Unit.1 Great Scientists单元练习答案第一课时: Warming-up & vocabulary预习导学 答案略实战演练:I、单词拼写(根据所给汉语写出正确的单词)1. announced 2.conclusion 3. construction4. blame 5.examined 6.Attending 7. handle 8.infected 9. scientificII用所给单词或词组的正确形式填空。1. invented 2. contribute to 3. rejected 4. Apart from 5.put forward 6. making up 7

2、. determined 8. be cautious about 9. instructed 10. confusedIII用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. valuable 2. immediately 3. addition 4. announced 5.instructed反馈检测:I.单项填空1-5 ADDBC 6-10 ADACD11-15 ACCBC 16-20 CBDCA第二课时:Reading预习导学:Into the text 1.D. 2.B. 3. C.II. 判断对错1.T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T实战演练:I. 1. severe 2. immedi

3、ately 3. valuable 4.attend 5. instructII. 1. immediately 2. valuable 3. instructed 4. severe 5. attend III 课文填空1.well-known, 2.deadly, 3.outbreak, 4.controlled, 5.theories, 6.multiplied,7.absorbed, 8.determined,9.collected, 10.marked, 11.valuable, 12.blame, 13.announced 14.polluted反馈检测: I1.severe 2.

4、examined 3.put forward 4.exposed 5.cure 6.immediately 7.look into 8.announced 9.instruct 10.valuableII. 阅读 A: CACA B:BCDC第三课时:Grammar实战演练:I改错 1. moved-moving .2. disappointing disappointed3. terrifying terrified 4. confusingconfused5. interestedinterestingII 根据所给单词的正确形式填空1.tired 2.lost 3. polluted 4

5、. delivered5. astonished 6. infected反馈检测I. 完成句子翻译。1. well-known , boiled 2. disappointed, defeated/beaten3. written by 4. exposed, burnt.5. defeated, absorbed /lostII、单项选择1-5.DACAC 6-10 ADDAB11-15CBBCA 16-20.BBBBA 第四课时:Using language预习导学:判断对错1.T 2.F 3.T 4. F 5.F 6. T实战演练:单项选择I1-5 CDDBA 6-10 CABAC 11

6、-15 CBBAA II完形填空 16-20 BDBAD 21-25 CADCB 26-30 ADBAB 反馈检测I. 补全对话 BCEFAII. 翻译1. This material can absorb much heat during the day.2. In addition, you can learn Chinese with your classmates when youre free. 3. He was surprised to receive the letter from his father. 4. The well-known doctor suggested t

7、he old man have a boiled egg every morning.5. The workers determined to produce this kind of washing machine immediately. 6. If you go shopping, I can attend the baby.7. Please check carefully after you complete the writing and make sure all the sentences make sense.8. The government announced that

8、the disease was under control.III.下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1. employing employed 2. camecome3. areis 4. Blamedto blame 5. find findingUnit 1单元综合评估测试答案I. 单项选择1-5 CBBD 610CCADB 11-15ABDCB 16-20 ACDDB III. 完形填空2125 DABCA 2630 CACDA 3135 ADBCA 36-40 DCBACIV. 阅读理解 41-45 BCBAA 46-50BBDACV.单词填空 1.absorbed 2. expo

9、sed 3. discovered4. defeated/beaten 5.cure 6. announce7.conclusion 8.immediately 9.enthusiastic10.cautious VI.单句改错1. will discussedwill be discussed2. withof 3. to with 4. withto5. date-dates 6. teach teaching 7. helphelping 8. aton9. satisfying satisfied 10. absorbing absorbedVII. 补全对话 DAFBEVIII. 参

10、考范文Shong Rongjie is an expert in the field of special computers for the blind in China. He studied English at the Institute of International Relations and graduated in 1967. Unluckily,He lost his sight at the age of 28, but he didnt lose heart.Shang is now working in the China Braille Publishing Hou

11、se, which is in the southwest of Beijing. It is far away from his home. As a result, he needs to take buses to work, and it usually takes him more than an hour to work. Besides, he has to change buses twice. Though disabled, Shang made a contribution to Chinese Braille Publishing work. He loves read

12、ing a lot, but there are not many books printed for the blind in China. To learn more about the world , He picks up all sorts of programmes on the radio whenever he is free.Unit 2单元练习答案:第一课时:Warming-up & vocabulary实战演练:I.词义搭配1b 2c 3d 4a 5g 6f 7e II根据所给单词的首字母或汉语意思,完成句子1.clarify 2.delighted 3.uniform

13、4.debated 5.legally 6. sightseeing 7. available 8.suggestion 9.influence 10.attractionIII用所给短语的正确形式填空1.broke down 2.To my surprise 3.in memory of 4. made a list of 5.left out6.divided into 7.broke away from 8.taken the place of 9.refer to 10 consists of反馈检测:单选题 1-5 A CAAD 6-10 CBBAC第二课时:Reading预习导学:

14、I.回答问题:1. Wales. It is usually assumed to be part of England2. Educational and legal systems as well as different football teams3. Most of the population settled in the South, but most of the large industrial cities in the Midlands and North of England4. The Romans; Anglo-Saxon; Vikings; The NormansII判断正误: F F F T FTIII. 选择正确答案: A: AABC B: CDDB实战演练:I课文缩写:1.United Kingdom 2.Scotland 3.Northern Ireland 4.Union Jack 5.educational 6.legal 7.football teams 8.England 9.divided into 10.South Midlands II. 单句改错 1. with改为 of2. have 改为had3. on 后加the



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