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1、外研社高一英语Book III Module 5课时训练I 根据课文大意和首字母完成下列短文A philosopher is a great person who is good at studying and using philosophy. In a_ China, there are many i_ philosophers. Confucius, w_ teachings influenced Chinese s_ for more than 2000 years, stressed the i_ of kindness, duty and order. Mencius had th

2、e same teachings as Confucius .He was once given an important p_ in the g_ of a state and then became an a_ to another ruler. He held the b_ that people were more important than r_ and man was b_ good. He spent his last years p_ a book called “The book of Mencius ”.Mozi is another great p_ ,of whom

3、the teachings are s_ to those of Confucius in some ways. He was famous for his unusual clothes and b_ .He believed that all men were e_ and taught people to look after those who were w_ than ourselves . He hated the i_ of war. These three philosophers made great c_ to ancient China and their teachin

4、gs have great e_ on Chinese history.II根据首字母或汉语意思在空格中填入单词,使其句意完整。1 .In the meeting , we agreed on the program without much further _(争议).2. Wealth and _(地位)is not the most important thing for him.3. He is a very _(有影响的)man in the company, so everybody would like to follow his advice.4 .He held the _(

5、信仰)that all man are equal.5. _(诚实) is one of the important human qualities.6 .We should work hard in order to make great_(贡献)to the cause of socialism.7. As we all know, there are four important i_ in ancient China.8. Pythagoras was one of the earliest Greek p_.9. He works hard and has a strong sens

6、e of r_.10. Working hard is one of his p_ in life. 11. People respect the judge for his j_ in the work.12 .He devoted himself to research work and made a lot of d_ all his life.III 单项选择 1 Learning foreign language calls for your memory, time , patience and emotions. _, It is not a simple thing.A As

7、a result B In conclusion C In general D After all2 -Since you like the camera so much ,why not buy it? -Well , still I can not _ such an expensive camera .I earn only $200 a month ,you know.A need B adopt C share D afford 3 Just wait for me at your home , and I will _ at about 5 oclock .A call and p

8、ick up you B ring and pick you up C visit and pick up you D drop in and pick you up.4 He cares so little about his meals that _ will do so long as it fills his stomach.A everything B something C anything D nothing 5 It is _ work of art that the museum has decided to buy and keep it .A such an unusua

9、l B a so unusual C such unusual D so unusual 6 Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious _.A even B either C then D though7 At that time, he used to tell me _news he got .A what B whatever C which D whichever8 It was in the school _ he had studied _

10、he began the important experiment.A that ,where B in which, which C where, that D where , in which9 The reason _ which he wants to reason _ then is still unknownA With ,in B in ,with C for , with D with ,for10The great hall was crowded with many people ,_many children _on their parents laps.A includ

11、ing ,seated B including , seating C included , sat D included , sitting 11 I have many books ,but _ deals with the problem.A none of which B none of them C call of which D all of them 12 The time is not far away _ modern communications will become widespread in Chinas vast countryside.A as B when C

12、until D before 13 Have you read the book _is broken ?A cover whose B whose cover C the cover of whose D the cover of that 14The bell _ the end of the period rang _ our heated discussion .A indicating , interrupting B indicated, interrupting C indicating , interrupted D indicated, interrupted15The ne

13、ws reporters hurried to the airport, only _ the film stars had left.A to tell B to be told C telling D told 16 Anyway, that evening, _ Ill tell you more about later ,I ended up staying at Rachels place.A when B where C what D which 17 The film brought the hours back to me _I was taken good care of in that far-away village .A until B that C when D where18 There are altogether eleven books on the shelf,_ five are mine .



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