江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 Unit3 task教案 牛津译林版必修3

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1、课 题: M3Unit3 task TeachingAims1. Train the students listening and speaking abilities.2. Get the students to learn to write an outline of a good speech and learn to deliver a speech in public.Teachingmethods1.Group discussion2.Team workAnalysisImportantpointsHow to write an outline of a speech.Diffic

2、ultpointsHow to host a talk about a historical event.Teaching aidsMulti-media projectorTeaching proceduresStep 1. Lead-in (3 min)1).Brainstorming:1.What shall we pay most attention to while listening?A. the general idea / gist B. the details2. How can we get the gist of a dialogue?Find out the 5-w a

3、nd 1-h,i.e, when, where, who, what, why and how.Step 2. Listening skills and practice (20 min)1). Listening practice one :Listen for the gist, not the details. Keep the following questions in your mind while listening. how many people are talking where they are what they are doing what they are talk

4、ing about2). Listening practice two.1. First listeningHave students to listen to Part A and complete the notes on P52. Remind students to focus only on the gist. Check the answers.2. Second listening1. Have students to listen to Part B and fill in the blanks as many as possible.2. Play the tape a se

5、cond time and stop after each answer or sentence.3. Check the answers.4. Hold a game to see how well the students know about the expressions.Step 3. Describing illustrations and speaking practice (17min)1). Ask students to introduce some ancient civilizations that they know by showing them some illu

6、strations2). Discussion :How do we describe an illustration?TIPS:When describe an illustration, we should begin from the audiences point of view. Focus on the subject of the illustration first and then on the related background information.3). Read the sample - Part A on P54 .What can you get from t

7、he description?4). Practice 1 - Do Part B on P54.Use the key words in the box to describe Tiananmen Gate. Ask students to read their illustrations out and discuss whether they are good or not.5). Practice 2-Do exercise on P55 in groups of 4.* Read the information on the web.* Discuss what informatio

8、n can be used from the web page to describe theillustrations.* Write the descriptions for the four illustrations on Page 55.Step 4. Discussion and writing practice (39min)1). Discussion:1. When we prepare a speech, the first thing to do is _.2. What does an outline for a speech often include?Suggest

9、ed answer A greeting to the audience An explanation of why you are here and what the speech is about The details of the speech The conclusion of the speech A final expression of thanks2). Learn to write an outline Practice arranging the outline on Page56 Learn to plan an outline for one illustration

10、 and write it down. Share your outline with your classmates and learn to write a better one.3).Give your talk1. Discussion: What do you think makes a good speech?Suggested answers: You may wish to (P57 B)2. Group work: Work in groups to prepare for a talk. Write down the outline first. Choose one head in your group to present in front of the classStep 5. Homework (1min)1). Finish off the exercises on workbooks.2). Preview the project.3). Prepare a speech orally.Writing on the BbHow can we get the gist of a dialogue?Try to find out whenwherewhowhatwhyhow.教学反思:


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