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2、,满分15分)从,四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6.-Let me help you prepare dinner, Mom.-_ , but your homework has not been done. Youd better finish it first.A.Thats all rightB.Youre welcomeC.Thats very kind of youD.Id love to7.-Glad to meet you.-_.A.How are youB.The same to youC.So do I D.How do you do8.Wh

3、en I was at your age, I had already finished learning advanced maths, _you ?A. had youB.have youC.didD.do9.Written in a hurry, _.A.Peter made many mistakes in the paperB.there are many mistakes in the paperC.we found some mistakes in the paperD.the paper is full of mistakes10.-Have you got used to t

4、he Chinese food, Robert?-Yes. But I dont like_ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I dont like.A.thisB.thatC.thoseD.it11.Teaching is hard work: I love it,_ .A.thoughB.butC.yetD.therefore12.They must have finished Book 1A by the end of last month, _ ?A.didnt theyB.hadnt theyC.mustnt theyD.h

5、avent they13.-Would you like another cup of tea ?-_ .A.Yes, Id likeB.I would like C.I wouldnt say no D.No, I dont like14._ and the problem would be straightened out .A.A bit more effortB.Making a little effortC.If you make a bit more effortD.There being a little effort15.-Does your father smoke?-_ .

6、Its three years since he smoked.A.No, he doesntB.Yes, he C.Yes, but he would rather notD.No, he does16.He is always thoughtful _ others.A.aboutB.ofC.toD.with17.I want an assistant with _ little knowledge of French and _ experience of office routine.A.atheB.XC.XXD.aX18.It sound so strange._ it be tha

7、t it was I, not he, who was mistaken?A. MustB.CanC.MayD.Need19.There are some new computers in the office, with _ help they work fast.A. thatB.thoseC.whoseD.what20.When he came to, he found himself _ on a chair, with his hands _ back.A.to sit; tyingB.seated; tiedC.seating; tiedD.sitting; tying第三节完型填

8、空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)王伶阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Alex felt restless. Along with his sister Rosita and his friend Hugo, Alex had been 21 in the cave for nearly three hours expecting either an 22 from the returning-robbers or the arrival of a 23 party, but nothing happened. “I d

9、o hope Ruark is all right,” she said, “her eyes on the view look 24 “Im sure hes okay.” answered Alex. “Im certain the enemy thought it was a(n) 25 attack. Anyway, they were too busy rushing to 26 in their landrover(越野车) to waste time 27 at a condor(神鹰). Im not worried about him. What I am worried a

10、bout, though, are the 28 on that tape that was fastened to Ruarks leg. I keep saying the words to myself:“What about the cave? Theres a two-meter hole at the back of it. 29 will find it. There are so many caves、The money they stole is 30 somewhere out there and I should 31 them to come back and take

11、 it from under our noses.”“Well,” replied his sister, “you 32 what the man said. There are so many 33 . At a guess, I can see about two hundred of them dotted 34 . It could take a week to look in them all.”“Yes. Its a clever 35 place, but I think weve one 36 that might help us. Ruark stayed somewher

12、e near enough for the 37 to pick up their voices. He was probably 38 just above the entrance. Condors are not exactly tiny birds 39 he may have been on a shelf or overhanging rock 40 enough to take his big feet and baby.” He half closed his eyes against the strong light outside and tried to examine

13、the opposite side of the valley.21. A.sleepingB.waitingC.watchingD.guarding22. A. exchangeB.appearanceC.attackD.escape23. A. rescueB.searchingC.medicalD.traveling24. A. aboveB.insideC.outsideD.opposite25. A. famousB.groundC.airD.fierce26. A. comeB.keepC. hideD.get away27. A.firingB.staringC.lookingD.aiming28. A.wordsB.voices C.soundsD.noises29. A.SomeoneB.NobodyC.AnyoneD.Everyone30. A. stoleB.foundC.hiddenD.fastened31. A. adviseB.askC.likeD.hate32. A. heardB.understoodC.believedD.missed33. A. holesB.cavesC.valleysD.hills34. A. overB.everC.


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