高一英语Unit 3 (I) 教案

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《高一英语Unit 3 (I) 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语Unit 3 (I) 教案(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一. 教学内容:Unit 3 (I)1. role n.(现实生活中)身份,作用, 任务,职责例句What is her role in the management? 在管理中她的身份是什么?The president plays an important role in the university. 校长在大学里起着重要的作用。What is the school role? 学校的职能是什么?(演员扮演的)角色例句The old actor played the leading role in the play. 那位老演员在这个剧里担任主角。有用的短语:fill the role o

2、f 担负的任务例句 In the journey the local filled the role of guide.在旅行中这个当地人担任向导的任务。play an important role in在中起重要作用例句Teaching method plays an important role in education.教学法在教育中起着重要的作用。play the leading role起主要作用, 起带头作用例句 He always plays the leading role in every aspect.他在各个方面总是起到带头作用。play the role of(sb.)

3、 (在剧中)扮演(某人)角色例句 In the film he plays the role of Chairman Mao. 在电影中他扮演毛主席。2. respect(1)n(与of, for连用)尊敬;尊重例句We should show respect to those who are older. 我们应该尊敬长者。The students have great respect for their history teacher.学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。They should do that without respect to race.他们做那件事时不该有种族歧视。关心;注

4、意例句The cruel mother pays no respect to her child.这位残酷的母亲对孩子漠不关心。(pl) 敬意;问候例句Give my respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。(2)vt 尊敬;尊重例句Ill respect your wishes. 我尊重你的愿望。Usually people dont respect those who are too compliant.一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从,唯唯诺诺的人。Respect yourself, or no one else will. 谚人必自敬, 然后人敬之。有用的短语:

5、in respect of 关于;就来说例句 In respect of terrorism, the US should be responsible for that.对于恐怖主义,美国是有责任的。without respect to不管;不考虑with respect to谈到,关于例句With respect to the recent flood, he became upset.谈到最近的洪水,他很不安。give(send)ones respects to向致敬例句 Please send my respects to your family. 请代我向你家人问好。have res

6、pect for尊敬重,重视例句 We should have respect to the old. 我们应该尊重老者。out of respect for sb. 出于对某人的尊敬例句 We held a party out of respect for the famous scientist.我们举行了一个晚会来向那位著名的科学家表示尊敬。词汇拓展:(1)respectful adj.恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的例句We should learn to be respectful to the others. 我们应该学会尊重他人。(2)respectable adj. 可

7、敬的,有名望的,高尚的,值得尊敬的例句He is a respectable teacher. 他是一位可敬的老师。He is too respectable for my taste. 那个人太高雅了,我不喜欢。(3)respectability n. 可尊敬之人或物,可敬;可尊重;有名望例句As a teacher, he has much respectability. 作为老师,他很有名望。(4)respectfully adv.尊敬地,谦恭地例句Yours respectfully(=respectfully yours)谨上,敬礼(用于致长者书信的结尾,作客套语)3. edge(1

8、)n刀口,刃例句That knife has a sharp edge. 那把刀的刃口锋利。The knife has no edge.这刀子很钝。边,棱例句The edge of the plate was blue. 这盘子的边是蓝色的。The breaking waves had edges of foam.波浪边上带着泡沫。边缘例句He stood on the edge of the cliff. 他站在绝壁的边沿。(2)vt, vi开刃;镶边例句She edged the quilt with fanciful embroidery.她把棉被边缘镶上奇特的镶边。沿边慢慢移动例句Ed

9、ge your chair a little. 把你的椅子稍微挪动一下。Children edged themselves / their way to the front of the crowd to see the actors and actresses more clearly.孩子们侧身挤到人群的前面想更清楚地看看演员们。有用的短语:have the edge on 比强例句 He had on the edge on the others at chess. 他在棋艺方面比他人强。on edge 紧张不安例句 Before the interview, she kept on e

10、dge. 在面试之前她一直紧张不安。et sb.s teeth on edge 使生气例句 The naughty boy often sets his fathers teeth on edge.那淘气的男孩经常使他的父亲生气。on the edge of 在边缘上;快要,眼看例句 The two countries are now on the edge of war.这两个国家的战争一触即发。The company was once on the edge of bankruptcy owing to the bad management.这个公司由于经营不善一度处于破产的边缘。edge

11、 with 用加上边例句 He edged the garden path with plant. 他在花园小路两边种植花木。edge sb. on 怂恿煽动某人例句 The bad fellow often edged children on stealing. 那个坏家伙经常怂恿孩子偷窃。4. fix(1)vt, vi使固定;钉牢例句He fixed a picture to the wall. 他往墙上贴了张画。Fix bayonets! 上刺刀!确定;决定例句The hours and the places of the meetings will be fixed at the ch

12、airmans discretion.开会的时间和地点将由主席决定。准备;安排例句Let me fix you a drink!让我给你倒杯饮料。We must fix Uncle Fox up with a room in the hotel.我们必须为福克斯大叔在旅馆里安排一个房间。If you want to meet the director, I can fix it. 如果你想会见董事,我可以安排。修理例句I asked the boy to fix the bicycle. 我请这个小伙子修自行车。拉拢,收买,贿赂;报复;处罚例句Can they fix the judge? 他

13、们能买通法官吗?Ill fix George. 我来对付乔治。Ill fix him for calling me a swindler! 他骂我是个骗子,我要和他算帐!使(颜色)不变;摄定影例句 The photo needs a certain period to fix. 照片需要一定的时间定影。(2)n解决,修复用于修理或修复的东西;例句There is no easy fix for an intractable problem. 没有简单的办法解决难题。定位;方位例句A briefing that gave us a fix on the current situation.简报让

14、我们对目前形势有一个明确的看法。有用的短语:(1)fix on决定例句Weve fixed on the 14th of April for the wedding. 我们决定4月14日结婚。Weve fixed on starting tomorrow. 我们已决定明天动身。专注;凝视例句Thousands of eyes are fixed on the Tian An Men rostrum.千万双眼睛仰望着天安门城楼。(2)fix up 安排例句We can fix you up for the night. 我们可以给你安排今晚的住处。(3)be in a (pretty) fix

15、束手无策, 进退两难例句The lazy students are often in a pretty fix in study.那个懒惰的学生在学习中经常陷入进退两难的境地。(4)get oneself into a bad fix 陷入困境例句In the dark he lost his way, that is, he got himself into a bad fix.黑暗中他迷了路,那也就是陷入了困境之中。5. besides(1)prep 除以外例句Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables.除了牛奶和干酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。(2)adv 此外;而且例句I dont want to come out now, and besides, I must work.我现在不想出去,而且我还得工作。He gave me a book, a pen


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