人教pep三年级上册英语《Welcome back to school! Section A Period 1 》教案

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1、课题Unit1 Welcome back to school!Section A 姓名授课时间 教学目标1. Learn the country names. 2. Learn to say “I am from the UK /USA/Canada/China.”3. Learn to introduce yourself.教学重点1. Learn the names. 2. Learn to say “I am from the UK /USA/Canada/China.教学难点Learn to say “I am from the UK /USA/Canada/China.”教学方法Li

2、stening and speaking practiceAutonomous and cooperative approach教学准备PPT CAI教学流程教师活动 Teaching proceduresStep I Warming upPlay an English childrens song “Hello”Step Lead-inTwo new Ss will be in this class this term. Make them say “hello” with the classmates.Step III Presentation1. Make the two new stu

3、dents teach the new sentences by introduce themselves:Amy: Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK.Zhang Peng: Hi, Im Zhang Peng. Im from Shandong China.2. Play a piece of flash about the conversation Part A Lets talk.3. The teacher practices the conversation with the new two Ss first, then another pair.Step IV

4、Practice1. The teacher makes the Ss practice in groups.2. Ask several pairs to act it out in front of the class.Step V Consolidation1. Zhang Peng is from China. He wants to invite three foreign friends to China.2. Play several cartoon characters on PPT. Make Xi Yangyang and Xiong Da invite another t

5、wo foreign cartoon characters to China.学生活动Sing after the VCRPurpose: Make the Ss in the music, into the atmosphere of learning English. These can also arouse the Ss interest.Ss listen and perceivePurpose: To spark interest in learning, stimulate the students strong thirst for knowledge.Ss try to im

6、itate the two new Ss.Ss try to follow the flash.Purpose: I think this step can make the Ss present the new sentence patterns, and learn how to introduce oneself in the communication.1. Work in groups, everyone acts a character.2. Act out the conversation in front of the class.Purpose: This step can

7、make the Ss communicate with their classmates using what theyve learned and show the desire of their performance.1. Introduce myself first. E.g.Hi, Im Zhang Peng. Im a boy. Im 10 years old. Im from China.Then make the three friends introduce themselves.Finally, Others welcome them to China.2. Practi

8、ce like the step above.Purpose: This step can make the Ss use the new languages.板书设计Uk USA China Canada.ImIm from课后反思本课能密切联系学生的学习生活实际,结合两名新生给学生创设教学情境,设计密切联系学生生活的课堂活动,如,介绍自己,邀请外国朋友,邀请外国的卡通人物,激发学生兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性;设计科学合理、有思维价值的问题,让学生在感悟、讨论、交流中深化自己的思想认识,形成正确的价值观念,同时培养学生自主合作、分析探究问题的能力。 由于本节课的听力部分内容较多,说的较快,孩子们听起来可能比较困难。2


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