湘少版(三起)五年级下册英语教案Unit 12 Where did you goPeriod 1

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1、Unit 12 Where did you go?【第一课时】【教学目标】I. 语言目标:1词汇:能听懂会写went to the forest, went to the museum, make notes, took pictures, asked questions, listened to music2句型:Where did you go? We went to the mountains. What did you do? We took pictures.II. 应用目标:1指认常见的地点.2和他人简单谈论郊游或活动的经历.3能听懂、会说A部分的对话.【教学重难点】1重点:能听懂

2、、会说、认读短语went to the forest, went to the museum, made notes, took pictures, asked questions, listened to music;能听懂、会说A部分的对话;能和他人简单谈论郊游或活动的经历.2难点:比较动词的原形和动词的过去式,在例句中、在语篇中感知动词的一般过去时态的用法.【教学准备】旅游景点或公共场所的图片,单词卡片、教学图片、教学音频等(有条件的学校可利用幻灯片、多媒体课件).【教学过程】I. 热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)1Greetings.2Sing a song: Wher

3、e Were You?3Revision: Talk about the pictures.教师用课件或图片依次出现下列六张图片,旨在复习学过的句型“I went.”(该句型已在第十单元D部分的短文中出现过,但当时只要求理解即可),为导入B部分的生词和新句型“Where did you go?”、“I went to.”打下铺垫.第六张图片为问号,主要是让学生发散思维,用已学过的知识复习“I went to + the + 地点”的表达.最后第六张图片的问号下面呈现博物馆的图片,板书“go to the museum/ went to the museum”,先带读分组读齐读. library

4、 zoo post officeI went to the library. I went to the zoo. I went to the post office. McDonalds Restaurant Yuelu Park ?I went to the McDonalds Restaurant. I went to the Yuelu Park. I went to .II. 新课呈现(Presentation)1New words.T: I had a trip last weekendI went there by bus. What did I do on the bus?(课

5、件呈现教师在车上听音乐的情境,引出“listened to music”这个短语,板书“listen to music/listened to music”,先带读分组读齐读)T: Look at the pictures. Where did I go? Can you guess? I went to the forest. Is it beautiful?(课件呈现森林的图片,引出“forest”这个单词,板书“go to the forest/ went to the forest”,先带读分组读齐读)T: I saw green trees and beautiful flowers

6、. I saw many birds and lovely rabbits. I saw many fishes in the lake. I love them and I took pictures.(课件呈现森林美丽的风景,板书“take pictures/ took pictures”,先带读分组读齐读)T: I had delicious food and I made notes,so I can cook the food at home myself.(课件呈现餐桌上的各种美食的图片,板书“make notes/ made notes”,先带读分组读齐读)T: Can you

7、ask me any questions about my trip? (板书“ask questions/ asked questions”,先带读分组读齐读;板书两个问题:Q1: Where did you go last weekend? Q2: What did you do there?)III.对话学习(Learn the dialogue)课文学习:教师可分步骤循序渐进地引导学生熟悉课文.第一步:Listen and underline.T: Look, this is Lingling. She enjoyed her school outing very much. List

8、en to the tape, and try to find the answers of these three questions:Q1: Where did Lingling go?Q2: Where did she have lunch?Q3: What did she see?第二步:Answer the questions.学生回答问题Q1,Q2和Q3,教师及时带全班同学复述正确答案.第三步:Listen and repeat.听录音,跟读对话,提醒学生注意模仿语调,读出疑问的语气.第四步:Read and act.教师出示课文插图,引导学生表演.根据学生的水平,可先练习一幅图或

9、多幅图,引导学生记忆对话和表演.IV.趣味任务(Task)1填写关于上次学校郊游的信息表.Sample:My school outingTime: Last MondayPlace: Yuelu ParkHave lunch : in KFC RestaurantDo: visit the Yuelu Academy, climb the Yuelu Mountain, sing and dance.2根据上面的信息表和家人谈论上次学校郊游的情况.Sample: A: Mummy! Im home.B: Do you enjoy your school outing?A: Yes, I didB: Where did you go?A: We went to the Yuelu Park.B: Where did you have your lunch?A: We had it in KFC Restaurant.B: What did you do there?A: We visited the Yuelu Academy. We climbed the Yuelu Mountain. We sang and danced on the top of the mountain.【作业布置】1读写B部分的生词.2听教学音频、读对话,并试着表演对话.


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