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1、2012高二英语学案:Unit1 Laughter is good for you(牛津译林版选修6)一. 单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. Father often makes us burst into l_ by telling us different j_.2. Director is a person in c_ of the performance of a drama.3. Crosstalk, a u_ art form in China, has developed a lot of foreigners in recent years.4

2、. I really want to know what is his _ to your remarks.5. When I was young. My father often told me some h_ stories.6. If there is any (紧急情况) in which I can be of service to you, call up on me. 7. It is said that the doctor who operated on the injured man was quite (杰出的).8. Going round to the bank wa

3、s part of the _(常规) of his work, so he always cares for his duty. 9. You dont seem very (热心) about the suggestion that was incorporated(具体化的) at the meeting.10. One _(鲜为人知的) fact is that he was once a _(备受喜爱的) comedian.11. Zhao Lirong was an _(热情的) _(女演员). Shell live in our heart for ever.12. He say

4、s sitting on an _(看不见的) bench is very _(舒服的).二词形转换1、act_(n.) 2、silent adj. _(adv.)3、amuse vt. _(n.)_ (adj.) 4、entertainment n. _(vt. & vi.)5、worthwhile adj. _(同义词) 6、initial adj. _(adv)7、skilled adj. _(n.) 8、annoying adj. _( v.)9humour n. _(adj.)_(adv.)三 .补全佳句1. They are easy to learn.形容词cheap, dang

5、erous, difficult, easy, expensive, interesting, nice, pleasant, strange, fit等后常常不定式的主动形式,表被动意思;不及物动词要加上相应的介词。 1) 这把椅子坐起来很舒服。The chair is _ _ _ _. 2) 我发现英语很难学。 I find English _ _ _ _.I find English _ _ _. 3)Exciting as its special effects are _, there is too much violence in the film. A.to watch B.to

6、 be watched C.watching D.being watched 2. Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours. 祈使句, and/ then/ otherwise/ or/ or else + 句子 其中的祈使句相当于if 条件句,但是不可以替换。1) 动动你的头脑,你就会想出一个好办法。_(use) your head, _ youll find a way. If _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _.2) 快点,否则你就要赶不上火车了。_ _,_ you will _ the train.3)

7、 - Can you help me? - Yes. _ your teachers advice, in my opinion, and everything will be OK.A.Follow B. Following C. to follow D. Followed3. There is/was no need for sb to do sth. 某人没有必要做某事 你没有必要买那盒巧克力。 _ _ _ _ for you to buy the box of chocolates.4. 据估计,80%的英语会话是聊天。_ _ _ _80 percent of all conversa

8、tion in English is small talk. 80 percent of all conversation in English _ _ _ _ small talk.类似句型:It is said that; It is believed that; It is reported that; It is announced that; It is hoped that等。5. 当某人在谈话的时候,不管他的话多么的枯燥,也期待所有的人能听。When someone talks, everyone is expected to listen, _ _ _ dull the per

9、sons speaking may be.When someone talks, everyone is expected to listen,_ dull the persons speaking may be.No matter what happens, keep calm. _ happens,keep calm.Eat whatever you like. Eat _ _ you like.四句型变换1He moves over as if he wants to make room. He moves over as if _ make room.2.Crystal didnt t

10、ell the joke he had planned but he made up a new one. _ _ telling the joke _ before hand, Crystal made up a new one.3.Writing is no easy work, but I hope it will all be worhtwhile. Writing is _ work. I hope it will all be worthwhile,_.4.Servant bursts in, next to Queen,with nothing in her hand ,and

11、shrugs shoulders. Servant bursts in , next to Queen, _, and shrugs shoulders.5.Queen tears a page from her book and offers it to King. He looks at Queen angrily. Queen tears a page from her book and offers it to King, _ at Queen.6.Somehow , he thinks of new things which are always more interesting t

12、han what he should have said! Somehow , the new things he thinks of are always _ than what he was _ to say!7.King runs off stage as fast as he could,and possibly he bumps into people or things on the way out.King runs off stage as fast as _,possibly _ into people or things on the way out.8.He said ,

13、 “It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films!” The audience burst out laughing.He said , “It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films!” The audience howled with _.9. One little-known fact is that when Crystal is the host of the Academy Awards, he always keeps a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck! One little-known fact is that when Crystal _ the Academy Awards, he always keeps a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck!10.A stand-up comedian may play jokes on an audience member, or he or


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