高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note教案 新人教版必修3

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1、Unit3 The million pound bank note 教学流程图 IntroductionFind the information about mark twainDiscussionListeningReadingComprehending Watching part of the movieRetellingDebateAssignments组织上课 导入新课 出示图片看图片回答阅读后回答问题自编讨论话题听录音回答 分角色朗读点拨思考回答问题看电影回答问题复述课文辩论对话总结、评价布置作业以讨论、辨析为主的英语阅读课教学模式及理论依据一、模式的提出从现代教育学心理学理论来看,

2、人的发展实质上指在社会环境中不断养成主体意识和自主能力的过程。前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基提出了“只有促进自我教育的教育,才是真正的教育”的论断。新课程标准中明确指出:“学生是学习和发展的主体。教学过程必须关注学生的个体差异和不同的学习需求,充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。”为此,我校英语教学提出构建以讨论、辨析为主的英语阅读课教学模式。二 、模式内涵以讨论、辨析为主的英语阅读课教学模式以主体教育理论为指导思想,以学生活动为切入点,注重培养学生的领悟能力、质疑精神和创新意识,并以促进学生发展为最终目标。模式有三个基本含义:(1)坚信每个学生都是有能动性的发展着的主



5、变,由被迫被动学变为主动、兴致勃勃地学。在整个教学过程中,强调学生的自主性,主动地自我学习,自我发现,自我探索,自我发展。强调学习者要逐渐形成稳定、积极、进取的学习心态,强调学习过程和学习内容的开放性等因素,发展了学生的思维,激发了学生的求知欲望,锻炼了学生的阅读理解及表达能力,帮助学生掌握了正确的学习方法,提高了课堂效率,比较好地完成了教学目标,达到了预期的效果。简单教案高一必修3 Unit 3 the Million Pound Bank-NoteTeaching Aims:1. Learn more about Mark Twain2. Read and retell the Milli

6、on Pound Bank-Note3. Learn useful expressions: a large amount of,make a bet, permit sb. to do sth., by chance, stare at, to be honestTeaching Important Points:1. Retell the Million Pound Bank-Note2. Useful expressionsTeaching Difficult Points:How to help students have a correct attitude towards mone

7、yTeaching Methods:1. Direct perception teaching method; 2. Heuristic method;3. Discussing methodTeaching Aids:1. a recorder ; 2. a slide projector; 3. a computerTeaching Procedures:Step I .IntroductionStep II .ReadingRead the passage on page 23. Find more information about Mark TwainStep III. Readin

8、gRead Scene 3, Act 1 of the Million Pound Bank-Note and answer some questions about itStep IV. ListeningListen and solve some comprehension questionsStep V. watching part of the movie the Million Pound Bank-NoteStep VI. Retelling the Million Pound Bank-NoteStep VII. Debate the importance of the mone

9、yStep VIII. AssignmentsStep IX .Record after teaching详细教案高一必修3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-NoteTeaching Aims:1. Learn more about Mark Twain2. Read and retell the Million Pound Bank-Note3. Learn useful expressions: a large amount of,make a bet, permit sb. to do sth., by chance, stare at, to be hone

10、stTeaching Important Points:1. Retell the Million Pound Bank-Note2. Useful expressionsTeaching Difficult Points:How to help students have a correct attitude towards moneyTeaching Methods:1. Direct perception teaching method; 2. Heuristic method;3. Discussing methodTeaching Aids:1. a recorder ; 2. a

11、slide projector; 3. a computer 4. a VCDTeaching Procedures:Step I .Introduction and readingT: Morning, everyone, do you like humor?Ss: Yes, of course.T: Me, too. And I like watching humorous play. Look at the screen; can you guess what play it is?Ss: Yes. It is called THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE.T:

12、Then, do you know the writer of the play?SS: Yes. It is Mark Twain.T: What do you know about the American writer Mark Twain?Next, read “ABOUT MARK TWAIN” on page 23 so that you can know more about him.T: Have you finished reading? Ok. Look at the screen and say sth. about MARK TWAIN.T:1. Tell us his

13、 wok experiencesS1: Over the next two decades he was a printer, a riverboat pilot, a soldier, a gold miner, a business- man and a newspaper reporter.T: 2.What was his pen name?S2: Mark twainT: Samuel Langhorne Clemens was his real name.T: 3. Tell us the meaning of his pen nameS3: “Twain” is an old w

14、ord for “two”.“Mark Twain” is to say that the water is two fathoms deep.T: 4.What was his first successful story?S4: His first successful story was about a jumping frog contest.T: 5.What are his most famous books?S5: The adventures of Tom Sawyer.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.Life on the Mississ

15、ippiT : Why did you forget this one-THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE? As we know, Mark Twain is known as a humorist during his life. And this is reflected in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE. So, today well learn some parts of this famous play.Step II . Listening and ReadingT: First, express your opinions freely. If a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do?



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