高中英语 Unit 2 Fit for life背景知识拓展 译林牛津版选修7

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1、Unit 2 Fit for life你的生活方式健康吗?日常生活中很多小习惯也许会危害你的健康,来看看下面5个有害健康的常见生活习惯,你占几个?日常健康危害之1:撒谎无论你是在恭维你最好朋友那不讨喜的发型,或临时冲动购物买下最新名牌鞋,在这时候我们通常会撒一些古怪的小谎。但是最新的研究显示,即便是那些无害纯洁的小谎言也会带来意想不到的危害。撒谎会产生压力,而压力会损害你的健康。一项来自圣母大学的研究发现,当人们减少说谎话的次数时,他们就会减少头疼、咽喉疼痛和焦虑的患病次数。日常健康危害之2:办公桌上吃饭如果你工作忙绿,你的午餐休息时间可能没了,就不得不在办公桌上吃午饭。然而错过了休息不仅会让

2、你感到压力紧张,而且心烦意乱的你在这时候吃饭会导致你进食过量。此外,在办公桌上吃饭,你的身体不活动的时间就会增加,还会让你暴露在有害的细菌环境中。亚利桑那大学的研究报告显示,办公环境细菌量是马桶座圈平均量的400倍,你还想在这样的地方进餐吗?日常健康危害之3:家务想找个理由不做家务?那有好消息了:研究显示,人们把家务活留到第二天做,身体会更棒!家庭心理学刊登了这篇研究报告,报告结果显示,当你下班回家后做家务活,皮质醇(压力荷尔蒙)的释放会被抑制。皮质醇能降低压力,还能缩短受压后的恢复时间。但是当家务被完成后,男性和女性的压力水平都会降低只要做家务的不仅仅只有他或她。可Are your life

3、 style healthy? There may be many little and common habits can endanger your health in our daily life. See the following five unhealthy common life habits. How many ones do you have ?Everyday health hazard 1: LyingWhether youre complimenting your best friends unflattering hairdo or “improvising” on

4、the cost of your new designer shoes, we all tell the odd fib from time to time. However, according to research, those little white lies could be more harmful than you think.Lying can generate feelings of stress which are damaging to your health, and a study by researchers at the University of Notre

5、Dame found that when people reduced the amount of lies they told they suffered from less headaches, sore throats and anxiety.Everyday health hazard 2: Eating at your deskIf youre having a busy day in work, it can be tempting to skip your lunch break and eat at your desk. However, missing out on brea

6、ks is not only bad for your stress levels, eating while distracted may also mean you are more likely to overeat. Furthermore, spending your lunch hour at your desk can lengthen the time you are physically inactive and also expose you to harmful bacteria.According to a study by the University of Ariz

7、ona, your work station contains nearly 400 times more germs than the average toilet seat, making it a less than ideal place for dining.Everyday health hazard 3: HouseworkNeed an excuse to put your feet up? Well, good news: research suggests that leaving the housework for another day could give your

8、health a boost! Research results published in the Journal of Family Psychology revealed that doing housework when you get home from work prevents levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) from lowering and reduces recovery from stress.However, stress levels for both men and women were lowered by house

9、work being completed-just以的话,你可以和家人分担家务,这样能让自己保持健康,还有家务过后记得要抽时间休息啊。日常健康危害之4:使用自动提款机从自动提款机中提起现金是大多数人的日常习惯。然而一项英国的洁净测试显示,提款机和公厕一样脏,而且,大多数人在使用后都不会去洗手。专家们在自动提款机的键盘和附近的公厕中提取了样品,发现两者均含有同样致病菌。为了您的健康,请在提款和处理钱款后使用抗菌洗手液清洗。日常健康危害之5:取消计划发现自己频繁取消计划,还想摆脱社交活动,只为挤出属于自己的空闲时间?那么现在是时候在自己的社交生活中多多用心。拥有少量属于自己的时间,对于精神和身体方

10、面是非常有益处的,但是太多属于自己的时间,反而有可能会害了你。研究显示,较强的社交联系有益于大脑的健康,同时能避免抑郁、降低压力,还能鼓励自己多关注自身的健康。事实上一项研究发现,没有朋友也会减少你的寿命,效果相当于1天抽15根烟。so long as they werent the ones doing it. Look after your health by taking turns to do the housework with other members of your household if possible, and take time out to relax afterw

11、ards.Everyday health hazard 4: Using cash machinesWithdrawing money from ATM machines is a common habit for most of us. However, cleanliness tests in Britain have revealed that cash machines are just as dirty as public toilets, and many of us are failing to wash our hands after using them. Experts a

12、ssessed swabs from the key pads on cash machines and also from nearby public toilets and found that they both contained the same types of bacteria known to cause sickness. To look after your health, use an antibacterial hand gel once you have made your withdrawal and after handling money.Everyday he

13、alth hazard 5: Cancelling plansFind yourself frequently cancelling plans and bailing out on social events to have a bit of time to yourself? Then it may be time to pay some attention to your social life. While a bit of “me time” is essential to good mental and physical health, too much time on your

14、own can actually be bad for you.Research suggests that having strong social bonds promotes brain health, reduces feelings of depression and stress and encourages you to look after your health. In fact, a study found that having few friends affects your longevity as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.


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