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1、序号:004A高二年级英语 必修五第四单元学案-倒装Inversion【目标解读】 1. The students can learn what Inversion is and how to use Inversions correctly2. The students can know how to apply the Inversions correctly in real situation.【自主语法学习】感受语法 -据课文内容填空(背一背)1. _ Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a local news

2、paper.2._ I interested in photography, _ I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.3._ you ask many different questions _ all the information you need to know4. _ my list of dos and donts.议一议:以上句子都是_. 其中全倒装的句子是:_;部分倒装的句子是:_了解倒装 -概念 (读一读,填一填, 理解) 英语句子通常有两种语序:一种是陈述语序,一种是倒装语序。因句子结构的需要或

3、强调的需要,将谓语的一部分或全部置于主语之前的语序称为_。倒装可分为二种:将整个谓语提到主语之前的叫_.而只将be 、情态动词或助动词放在主语之前的叫做_.陈述语序(natural order): The teacher came here. 句子的顺序是:_语+ _语+ _语。完全倒装(full inversion):Here came the teacher. 句子的语序是:_语+ _语部分倒装(partial inversion): Nerve will I forgive you. 句子的语序是:_词+_语+ _语1. 语法需要:Can he speak fluent English?

4、 Why do you like English? (各种问句)2. 强调需要:Seldom does he play the guitar. (强调seldom)3. 衔接自然、紧凑或句子平衡的需要They saw a house, in front of which sat a boy. (由前一句的a house到a boy自然衔接)完全倒装 -即:把句子的全部谓语放在主语前一. 在there / here引导句型中, 其中谓语多为be/ appear/ enter/ come/ exist/ happen/ lie/remain/ stand/ seem/live等表存在的动词。Eg.

5、There are some flowers on the table. There stands a temple on the top of the mountain. There exist different opinions on this question. There goes the bell. Here comes the bus.学以致用 1. There _ at the entrance to the valley. A. did an old pine tree standB. stood an old pine tree C. did stood an old pi

6、ne tree D. stand an old pine tree2. 公司的管理上存在一些严重的问题。_观察 a. 谓语动词不可用_ Here is coming the bus.(错误)Here comes the bus.(正确)b. _, 不倒装 Here comes Tom.正确 Here comes he.(错误)Here he comes. 正确二表时间副词now/then及方位副词out, in, up, down, away, off ,inside, outside, over, back等开头,且谓语动词多为be/come/go/rush/run, 常使用完全倒装。提醒

7、这些副词可巧记为:这里那里(here/there)、这时那时(now/then)、上来下去(up/down)、出来进去(out/in)两离开(away/off)。Out went the children.孩子们出去了 There goes the bell.铃响了Now comes your turn. Then followed another shot of gun.The door opened and in came Ms Smith. Thus ended the conference.判断正误 1. Away went it.( ) 2. Away flew the bird.

8、( )学以致用 1. Across the river_. A. lies a new built bridge B. lies a newly built bridge C. a new built bridge lies D. a newly built bridge lies2. 门开了,他们进来了。_.3. 门开了,我妈妈进来了。_.4. 价格涨呀涨呀。_.三表方位/地点的介词短语或表方位的副词短语位于_时, 且谓语动词是be/come/go/lie/sit/ stand /run/walk等不及物动词时,常用完全倒装。Eg.1. Under the tree sat a boy. =

9、 A boy sat under the tree. 2. In front of the house stopped a police car. =_3. Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.4. East of the city lie two lakes.=_5.Ahead sat an old woman.=_6. From the distance came a policeman. =_7. Along the wall stand four big book cases. =_四为了保持句子的平衡

10、或为了强调表语和状语,或使上下文紧密衔接,把它们放在句首,用完全倒装,即:“分词/ adj. +be +主语-”观察以下三个句子并用正常语序写出:1. Gone are the days when they could do what they liked.The days when they are gone.2. Present at the meeting were the foreigners from the USA._3. Seated in the front are the leaders of our school._4. Sitting in the front are t

11、he leaders of our school._注意:完全倒装的谓语应与主语保持一致。In the box were some cats. Here comes my list of dos and donts.:五.全部或部分直接引语位于句首,主句一般要完全倒装“Well done!” said the teacher. 练一练 1. Beneath our feet _ that our life depends on for food and clothing.A. the earth lay B. the earth lies C. lie the earth D. lies th

12、e earth2. _ from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him. A. Jumped down the burglar B. Down the burglar jumped C. The burglar jumped down D. Down jumped the burglar 3. Seeing the policeman coming, away_. A. the boys ran B. ran the boys C. did the boys run D. the boys run4. -Whe

13、re is Kate? -Look, _. She is at the school gate.A. there she isB. there is she C. Here you areD. here it is5. _ are the days when teachers were looked down upon. A. GoneB. Go C. To go D. Going6. 树下面站着一个小男孩。_7. 他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中。_ 部分倒装 -即:把句子的部分谓语(be动词/助动词/情态动词)放在主语前一. 含有否定意义的副词、否定短语、否定句型放在句首要部分倒装。A. 否定副词:hardly, scarcely, never, not, little, seldom, rarely, b


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