2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems习题 新人教版选修6

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1、Unit 2Poems【热点话题】Literature and arts(文学和艺术)读书的重要性体裁:议论文写作思路:论点举例说明论证【美文诵读】Reading is of great importance to us.As is well known,books teach us how to tell_good_from_bad,how to get along well with others.Reading_good_books,I_will_become_intelligent,optimistic_as_well_as_capableWhen I am disappointed,

2、they made_me_full_of_confidence again.They_increase_our_knowledge,broaden_our_minds_and_strengthen_our_characterIn other words,they are our good teachers and wise friends.This_is_the_reason_why_I_like_reading_so_much【学海拾贝】按要求完成或翻译下列句子。1分清孰优孰劣非常重要。(tell.from)It is very important to tell_good_from_bad

3、2将改为含状语从句的复合句。If_I_read_good_books,I will become intelligent,optimistic as well as capable.3爸爸的鼓励让我再次充满信心和勇气。(make.full of)My fathers encouragement made_me_full_of_confidence_and_courage4用not only.but also改写.They not_only increase our knowledge but_also broaden our minds and strengthen our character

4、.5将改为含表语从句的复合句。This_is_why I like reading so much.按要求写出下列单词1具体的adj.concrete2害怕,畏惧v.dread3最后,终于adv.eventually4诗歌n.poetry5交换;交流n.& vexchange6赞助人;发起n.sponsor7村舍,小屋n.cottage8最低限度,最小数 nminimum9奖学金,学问n.scholarship10毕业文凭,学位证书n.diploma11重复,反复 n. repetition重复 v. repeat重复地,再三地adv. repeatedly12灵活的 adj. flexibl

5、e灵活性 n. flexibility灵活地,可弯曲地 adv. flexibly13无止境的adj. endless结束,终止 n& v. end结尾,结局n. ending无止境地adv. endlessly14转换,转化v. transform转换,转化n. transformation15温暖的adj. warm温暖n. warmth用所给单词的适当形式填空。1The handicapped(残疾的) lady decided on a career as a translator and has been_translating hundreds of books from Engl

6、ish into Chinese.Her translation of some great works is popular among young people.(translate)2The customer rushed into the managers office angrily and required a refund.To his great anger,the manager not only refused to do so but also called the security guards.(anger)3Is now a(n) appropriate time

7、to call on Professor Simpson?I think so.But jeans and Tshirt are quite inappropriate for such a visit and I suggest you put on something formal.(appropriate)4The company has been transformed from a family business to a multimillionpound operation.It has undergone(经历) a complete transformation in the

8、 past decade.(transform)5How did the story end?Just like most romantic stories,it had a happy endingThe prince killed the monster and saved the princess in the end and they lived happily ever after.(ending).翻译下列短语1尤其,特别in_particular2从容,不紧张take_it_easy3用完run_out_of4由构成be_made_up_of5把译成translate.into6

9、测试,试验try_out7发出;放走let_out8使悲伤的是to_ones_sorrow9表达感情convey_emotions10(把)转化成transform.into选用上述短语完成下列短文。Mr.Wang was the leader of a medical team (1)made_up_of three doctors and seven nurses and they were sent to a mountainous area to help the poor.One day he was told that a man was seriously ill,but as

10、he had (2)run_out_of money,he didnt plan to see a doctor.Together with a nurse,Mr.Wang hurried to the mans home,finding the wife was crying.Mr.Wang told the woman to (3)take_it_easy and then they did all they could to save the man.But much (4)to_their_sorrow,the man died the next day.You can never i

11、magine how upset Mr.Wang was about the death of the man.重点句型1Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression.Others try to convey certain emotions.(p.10)有些诗歌以一种令读者印象深刻的方式讲述故事或描述事件,还有些诗歌试图传达某些情感。Some.;others.有的;有的Some.others.and still others.有的有的还有

12、的Some suggested going on a journey;others requested to stay at home at this National holiday.这个国庆假期,一些人建议出行旅游;另一些人则要求待在家里。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)课间的时候,有些同学在聊天,有的在跑来跑去,还有的待在教室里看书。During the break,some students are talking,others are running about,and_still_others are staying in the classroom reading.(2)有

13、人认为钱是万能的,有人认为钱多了没有用,还有人认为钱是万恶之源。Some_think_money_is_everything,others_think_it_useless_to_have_too_much_money,and_still_others_think_money_is_the_source_of_all_kinds_of_evil.2And said though strange they all were true.(p.10)且说虽然奇怪,但他们都是真的。连词“(though,if,while等)形容词/分词等”构成省略句式。说明:本句中though strange是thou

14、gh they were strange的省略。在时间、条件、让步状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致或是it,且从句的谓语动词有be动词,就可以把从句的主语与be省略。The girl is very hardworking,though not very clever.这姑娘虽说不是很聪明,却很勤奋。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)如有必要,我随时都会帮你。I_will_help_you_whenever(it_is)_necessary.(2)如果有人问起你的工作,你打算怎么说?When_(you_are)_asked_about_your_job,what_would_yo

15、u_say?3With so many different forms of poetry to choose from,students may eventually want to write poems of their own.(p.11)有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。with so many different forms of poetry to choose from为with的复合结构作状语,即:with宾语宾补。With so much homework to do,he had no time to play.由于有很多的作业要做,他没有时间玩。


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