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1、Lesson Thirty-ThreeSection One:Tapescript.News Item 1:Actress Virginia Darlington, who plays Judy in the TV soap opera Texas, got married yesterday surrounded by armed bodyguards at the most luxurious hotel in Texas, the Mansion. The 39-year-old star exchanged vows with plastic surgeon Henry Jones u

2、nder a bough of ivy and gardenias, wearing a wedding-dress designed by Britains Saunders. Because this is the second time she has married a flautist marked the celebrations by playing Love is Wonderful the Second Time Around.News Item 2:The Football Association Secretary Mr. John Gamer says hes deli

3、ghted with the decision to lift the worldwide ban on English soccer clubs. As a result of serious incidents of hooliganism in European and international matches, footballs international ruling body FIFA decided last June that English teams should not be allowed to play outside Britain. FIFA announce

4、d its new decision to lift the worldwide ban this morning, but the ban on European matches still stands. Now, the Football Association Secretary says its up to the English fans to improve themselves and if they do behave the ban could be lifted in as short a time as twelve months.News Item 3:A group

5、 of twelve women are working hard to become the first allfemale crew to sail around the world. At the moment the crew are busy trying to raise the three hundred and fifty thousand pounds needed to buy and equip a sixty-two foot yacht to make the record attempt. As part of their fundraising the crew

6、have been repainting the famous boat Gipsy Moth 4, on show at Greenwich, which was raised one thousand two hundred and fifty pounds from the British Yachting Association. The crew are also busy training to get shipshape for their roundtheworld sailing race which starts in September. The crew skipper

7、 says she doesnt think the fact the crew are all women will lesson their chances of winning.Section Two:Tapescript.A. Eskimos: Well, its got two big wheels one behind the other, and theres a kind of metal frame between the wheels that holds them together. And theres a little seat above the back whee

8、l that you can sit on, and above the front wheel theres a sort of metal bar that sticks out on both sides. And you sit on the seat you see, and you put your hands on this metal bar thingand the whole thing moves forwardsits amazing. What makes it move forward, then? Ah well, in the middle you see, b

9、etween the two wheels, there are these other bits of metal and you can put your feet on these and turn them round and that makes the wheels go round. Hang onif its only got two wheels why doesnt the whole thing fall over? Well, you see, um, well Im not sure actually.B. Shoplifting:Speaker A: Well, t

10、o be honest, Im not sure what I would have done. I mean, it would have depended on various things.Interviewer: On what, for instance?Speaker A: Well, on . hmm . on how valuable the things the boys stole were. The next doesnt . it doesnt say whether they had just stolen a tin of peas or something lik

11、e that. So, I cant really say . except well, . I think I would have told the shopkeeper if they had stolen something really valuable. Otherwise, I suppose I would have just . I dont know . minded my own business, I suppose.Speaker B: Well, I think its quite clear what I should have done. The boys ha

12、d broken the law. You cant allow that sort of thing to go on, can you? After all, it affects all of us. If you let boys or anybody else get away with theft, theyll just go on stealing! So, I think the woman should have toldwhats his name? the shopkeeper.Interviewer: Mr. Patel.Speaker B: Patel. She s

13、hould have told him and if necessary she should have held the boys while he got the police, or she should have gone for the police herself.Interviewer: So youre saying that thats what you would have done?Speaker B: Exactly. If I had been in that situation, thats exactly what I would have done. At le

14、ast . at least, thats what I ought to have done. Thats what I hope I would have done!C. Frogs:Fred: A funny thing happened to me the other night.Man: Oh, yes? What happened, Fred?Fred: Well, you know I usually go out for a walk every night just after dark. Well, I was out the other night taking my u

15、sual walk and I heard a funny noise coming out of the building site down the road, you know, the one where they dug a big hole lately. Going to make it into an underground garage, I believe.Man: Yes, I know it; go on.Fred: Well, as I said. I heard this funny noise and I thought perhaps there was a k

16、id down there, you know how kids go playing on building sites. But as I got nearer I could tell it wasnt a kid, it sounded more like an animal. I thought it must be some dog or cat that had got itself trapped or something.Man: So, what did you do?Fred: Well, I went down there to investigate. I climbed down, ruined my trousers because of all the mud. You see it had bee


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