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1、Introduction to Digital Adult Echocardiography Rev Aiii i Introduction Definition of Terms Introduction iii ii Abbreviations iii iv Definitions of terms iii ix Windows iii xi Introduction Definition of TermsIntroduction to Digital Adult Echocardiography iii iiRev A Introduction This guide is an intr

2、oduction to transthoracic adult echocardiography for ultrasound students new sonographers cardiovascular fellows other physicians and health care providers interested in echocardiography It is meant as a beginner s manual to help the echocardiography student understand the basics of obtaining and in

3、terpreting images of the adult heart This guide will follow the digital image archiving protocol performed at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Adult echocardiography laboratory It is not meant to supplant the many excellent textbooks available on this subject The guide is set up as a

4、 step by step approach to performing complete evaluation of the adult heart An attempt will be made to keep to the basics As each view is shown the normal anatomy will be illustrated The potential pitfalls and misdiagnoses will also be outlined As with all ultrasonography the abnormal is frequently

5、easy to differentiate while the many variants of normal can present the greatest difficulty in interpretation It is hoped that this guide may assist in the development of the skills necessary to better understand adult echocardiography At the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics the transtho

6、racic echocardiogram begins with entering patient data into the ultrasound machine noting the indication for the exam and obtaining a brief patient history The echocardiographer is responsible for obtaining and entering the following data 1 Full name and sex 2 Hospital number 3 Height and weight to

7、calculate body surface area BSA 4 Birthdate and age 5 Referring physician and service clinic 6 Additional physician s that should receive a report 7 Sonographer performing the study 8 Activate the Digital Camtronics Image Archiving System This is done by pushing the left upper button on the Camtroni

8、cs box attached to all machines on the left hand side 9 Recording systolic and diastolic blood pressure echocardiographer is responsible for taking blood pressure and recording on patient worksheet 10 Recording heart rate on the patient worksheet after obtaining heart rate during echocardiogram Intr

9、oduction to Digital Adult Echocardiography Introduction Definition of Terms Rev Aiii iii Images obtained in the protocol are entered into the Camtronics Image Archiving System as either cine clips or still frames Still frames are used for display of scrolling M mode or Doppler data Occasionally real

10、 time scrolling data is recorded as continuous data Most 2 D information is in loops of 3 5 cycles occasionally longer runs are needed Measurements done during the exam are captured as a frozen frame by the Camtronics system as a still image For display of real time 2 D or color Doppler images cine

11、loops of 3 5 beats are recorded This can be done manually using the Camtronics acquisition device This allows recording of the precise number of beats desired and gives full control over the length of the loop depending on pathology observed For more routine imaging a semi automatic ECG gated acquis

12、ition mode is recommended This mode allows a predetermined number of beats to be recorded with each loop initiated at the onset of the QRS complex on the ECG monitor The devise automatically stops recording after the programmed number of beats is obtained We recommend this recording mode for most ex

13、ams It is the most memory efficient and also increases the uniformity of the study The single frame mode is best used in conjunction with the echo system s cine loop system We display all 2 D measurements as a single frame Similarly we use the echo system cine loop to acquire scrolling M mode and Do

14、ppler data We then select the best single frame example measure it and record the tracing with measurement as a single frame Introduction Definition of TermsIntroduction to Digital Adult Echocardiography iii ivRev A Abbreviations The following abbreviations will be used for the remainder of this tex

15、t AbbreviationDefinition 2 DTwo dimensional imaging 3 DThree dimensional imaging A ModeAmplitude mode AAtrial diastolic velocity peak AArea seen in mathematical formulas APEX 2CApical two chamber view APEX 3CApical three chamber view also known as Apical Long axis APEX 4CApical four chamber view APE

16、X 5CApical five chamber view AcTAcceleration time AFAtrial fibrillation AMVLAnterior mitral valve leaflet AntAnterior AoAorta AIAortic insufficiency ASAortic stenosis AscAscending ASDAtrial septal defect ASHAsymmetrical septal hypertrophy ATVLAnterior tricuspid valve leaflet AVAortic valve AVAAortic valve area AVRAortic valve replacement BAVBalloon aortic valvuloplasty BPBlood pressure BSABody surface area cpropagation speed of sound in tissue CADCoronary artery disease cathCardiac catheterizati



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