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1、Unit 4Wildlife protectionPeriod 1新知预习课学习目标1.熟练掌握并应用下列单词和短语:respond;relief;contain;affect;appreciate等。2.运用发散思维,在情境中体会单词的词性、构成方式、用法,提高学生在真实交际中灵活运用词汇交流信息、获取信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。3.遵循科学规律,按照识记领会应用交际的学习顺序,由浅入深、有步骤、有次序地掌握词汇知识。词汇快测1.Match the words and phrases.A.words(词汇连线)(1)hunt(2)contain(3)affect(4)appreciate

2、(5)succeed(6)employ(7)harm(8)bite(9)inspect(10)decrease(1)vt.雇佣;利用(2)n.&vt.损害;危害(3)vt.&vi.咬;叮;刺痛(4)vt.&vi.成功;接替(5)vt.包含;容纳(6)vt.鉴赏;感激(7)vt.影响;感激(8)vt.&vi.减少;使变小(9)vt.&vi.打猎;搜寻(10)vt.检查;视察B.phrases(短语连线)(1)保护不受(2)突然笑起来(3)注意(4)形成;产生(5)根据;按照(1)pay attention to(2)according to(3)protect.from(4)burst into

3、 laughter(5)come into being2.根据释义写出单词(1) safe,protected(2) to go down to a lower level(3) have or hold (sth.)within itself;be able to hold sth.(4) to do something to make a change(5) to understand how serious a situation is(6) to run after animals in order to kill or catch them(7) to do something as

4、 a reaction to something done or said(8) feeling of comfort when something worrying has ended or not happened(9) to reach a desired goal(10) give work to sb.,usually for payment;make use of sb./sth.重点探究1.respond vi.回答;响应;做出反应【完成句子】(1)I invited her to dinner but she did not .我请她吃晚饭,但她未回答。(2)She my le

5、tter with a phone call.她收到我的信,给我回了个电话。(3)The US by sending armies into Laos.美国的反应是派遣军队进入老挝。(4)His eyes didnt the stimulation of light.他的眼睛对光的刺激没有反应。(5)Her cries for help met with no .她的求救声没有得到回应。(6)He opened the door in to a knock.他应敲门声而开门。(1)respond to.(2)respond by doing sth.(3)response (4)in resp

6、onse to.2.relief n.(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除,轻松;减轻痛苦的事物,救济物品【完成句子】(1)The pills gave him some for the moment.药片暂时减轻了他的一些疼痛。(2),my son was eventually admitted to a famous university.让我感到安慰的是,儿子终于被一所名校录取了。(3)Let me you of that heavy backpack.让我把你的那个重的背包解下来吧。(4)With ,she saw the old man coming towards her.看到那个老人向她走

7、来时,她感到轻松一点。(5) of the citizens,no one else was infected with H1N1 except the 12 confirmed (确认的)cases.让市民感到放心的是,除了12位确诊病例,没有其他人感染H1N1流感病毒。(1)in relief (2)(much) to ones relief (3)relieve (4)relieve sb.of. 3.contain vt.包含;容纳;克制(强烈的感情等);抑制【完成句子】(1)This book all the information you need.这本书包含了你所需的一切资料。(

8、2)She could hardly her excitement.她抑制不住内心的激动。(3)The container(箱子) forty maps, two Chinese maps.箱子里装有四十幅地图,其中包括两幅中国地图。(4)There were four passengers on the bus,the old lady .公共汽车上有四位乘客,包括那位老太太。(1)contain意为,指,不用于。(2)include意为,用于表示。including为介词,放在,included放在。4.affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭【完成句子】(1)Their opinion wi

9、ll not our decision.他们的意见将不会影响我们的决定。(2)The woman was greatly by the death of her husband.妻子对丈夫的死深感悲痛。(3)Cancer had his lungs.癌症已经侵及他的肺脏。(4)Alice was deeply by his good deeds.他做的好事使爱丽丝深受感动。(5)The weight-loss pill has a strong side on peoples hearts.这种减肥药对人的心脏有极强的副作用。(1)be greatly/deeply affected by (

10、2)be affected by heat/cold (3)effect (4)have an effect on 5.appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激;感谢;意识到【完成句子】(1)His talents are greatly by the boss.他的才能受到了老板的赏识。(2)I would hearing from you.收到你的来信,不胜感激。(3)I your help.感谢你给予的帮助。(4)We didnt that he was badly ill.我们没有意识到他病得如此严重。(5)I a lot if you could help me.要是你能帮助我,我将感

11、激不尽。appreciate doing (appreciate后不能用,而要用作宾语)appreciate it+if/when.感谢,appreciate之后不能直接跟if引导的宾语从句,若接if从句时,要借助于。类似用法:like,hate,dislike等动词之后的if/when从句。appreciation n.感谢,欣赏语境应用.单词拼写1.Li Mings father was (雇佣) as a driver for a factory.2.People say that barking dogs dont (咬).3.We will go (打猎) in the aftern

12、oon.4.The millionaires eldest son will (接替) to his fortune.5.Wolong Nature (保护区) in Sichuan Province is one home to pandas.6.You should pay special a to English grammar.7.Sunglasses can be a p to your eyes against the strong sunlight on hot summer days.8.Fresh fruit and vegetables c plentiful Vitami

13、n C.9.China is getting more and more p in the world.10.Proper ways of educating kids will have a good e on their character building.单项填空1.People should the amount of fat they eat to keep healthy.A.increaseB.decreaseC.dropD.clear2.Do you ever dream of adventures on the sea, treasures left in ships wh

14、ich sank hundreds of years ago?A.looking atB.hunting forC.searching atD.looking up3.When the young lady found her lost wallet,she said ,“thank goodness!”A.in timeB.in generalC.in reliefD.in cash4.Wait a minute! Wear a hat to yourself from the sun.A.pretendB.prepareC.produceD.protect5.You really cant foreign literature only in translation.A.envyB.admireC.appreciateD.enjoy6.If we don


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