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1、2020;2020高考英语新题型训练3第三篇1. Now Im totally _. Can you explain that again?A. confused B. amused C. tired D. inspired2. The _ building is too small, and there are plans to replace it within the next five years.A. existing B. typical C. falling D. technical3. -Do you feel disappointed?-No, _ Im rather gla

2、d.A. simply B. eventually C. actually D. directly4. Many visitors came to the exhibition to _ those masters outstanding paintings.A. admire B. appreciate C. observe D. compare5. The book is _ for the general readers, not for the specialists.A. interpreted B. produced C. intended D. supplied6. Each t

3、ime I feel down, I will sing a song aloud to _ my sadness, which is very effective.A. get through B. tear down C. drive off D. act out7. As time runs out for survivors, rescue workers are pinning their hopes on dogs to _ men and machines to trapped people.A. guide B. manage C. convey D. transfer8. A

4、 possible _ that NASA scientists made from a photo could support the idea of long-ago life from Mars.A. invention B. direction C. discovery D. imagination9. Oil prices have been rising continuously in recent-years. _, measures have been taken to deal with the serious situation.A. Fortunately B. Freq

5、uently C. Eventually D. Suddenly10. I have the greatest respect for Mr. Denver, who always speaks words of _ when I need his advice.A. mystery B. humor C. knowledge D. wisdom11. What we should be even more concerned about is the _ of young people towards our mother tongue and culture.A. attitude B.

6、manner C. view D. advantage12. He used to be a very _ and trustworthy person, but he has gone off the rails recently.A. quiet B. reliable C. stubborn D. patient13. Doctors _ the old man not to smoke so much, but he just couldnt give it up.A. persuaded B. ordered C. forced D. advised14. To be success

7、ful, a business must _ what customers and society want or expect in terms of social responsibility.A. provide B. admit C. determine D. prove15. The manager of the company told us that that was their final decision and that we had to_A. give in B. keep in C. take in D. check in(look)完成句子1在信中,病人说在拔掉牙齿

8、的地方她觉得很疼。In the letter, the patient stated that she felt hurt where the teeth _. (remove)2是因为他忙所以拒绝帮助我吗?_that he refused to help me? (busy)3即使是在厨房做饭的时候,我也总是让收音机开着。Even when Im cooking dinner in the kitchen, I always have _. (play)4我想知道是什么使得他在学生中如此受欢迎。I wonder what it was _ among his students, (make)

9、5追溯到2000年前,这座古老的庙宇对于国内外的许多旅游者是非常有吸引力的。_, this old temple appealed to many tourists at home and abroad. (date)6你有没有经过这么一个阶段,你想停止吸烟可你却做不到?Have you gone beyond the stage when you wanted to_ but you couldnt? (stop)7动物园的领导们讨论了一会,他们觉得没有必要引进一些斑马来吸引游客。The leaders of the zoo discussed a while and felt _ seve

10、ral zebras to attract visitors. (bring)8医生建议这个病人应该立刻做手术。The doctor suggested the patients _ at once. (operate)9很多年轻的歌迷在机场等他,他一直被看作是今后非常有前途的歌手。Many young fans are waiting at the airport for him, _ a promising singer for long.10非常抱歉让你等待;我没想到这个会议会持续这么长时间。Im sorry to _ ; I didnt think the meeting would be so long. (keep)


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