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1、四川大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文四川大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文题 目 GF公司员工招聘方案设计 作 者 朱丽娟 完成日期 2013 年 8 月 25 日培养单位 四川大学工商管理学院 指导教师 陶莉 研究方向 人力资源管理 论文类别 管理方案设计 授予学位日期 年 月 日I目 录摘 要IAbstractIII第一章 绪论11.1选题背景、目的及意义11.1.1选题背景11.1.2选题目的11.1.3选题意义11.2研究方法、内容与内容11.2.1研究方法11.2.2研究内容与结构2第二章 相关概念界定及理论综述42.1员工招聘理论概述42.1.1员工招聘的含义42.1.2员工招聘

2、的目的与作用42.1.3员工招聘的原则62.2企业人才招聘体系简析72.2.1企业人力资源规划与招聘需求82.2.2企业人才招聘渠道的选择92.2.3企业人才招聘流程102.2.4企业人才甄选122.2.5企业人才聘用跟踪13第三章 GF公司员工招聘管理现状163.1GF公司的基本情况概述163.1.1公司概况163.1.2公司的组织架构163.1.3公司员工的学历结构173.1.4公司员工的年龄分布183.2GF公司员工招聘现状调查183.2.1调查过程183.2.2调查结果193.3GF公司员工招聘存在的问题及原因分析223.3.1公司员工招聘存在的问题223.3.2公司员工招聘存在问题的

3、原因分析24第四章 GF公司招聘优化方案设计274.1GF公司员工招聘的原则与依据274.1.1公司员工招聘原则274.1.2公司员工招聘计划的制定284.1.3公司员工招聘岗位职责确定及岗位胜任素质核定标准314.2GF公司员工招聘体系设计344.2.1确定招聘需求364.2.2制定公司招聘计划364.2.3评估员工招聘状况374.2.4选择员工招聘渠道384.2.5员工的面试与甄选404.2.6员工的录用424.3GF公司员工招聘方案实施保障424.3.1思想和执行保障424.3.2配套保障措施43第五章 结语455.1研究结论455.2研究不足465.3 研究展望46参考文献47附 件1

4、49附 件252附 件354致 谢56四川大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文GF公司员工招聘方案设计工商管理硕士专业 研究生:朱丽娟 指导老师:陶莉 摘 要 国金证券天府大道营业部去年年底从总部独立出来,成为中心营业部的同时,协管二级城市的5家营业部,就像一个孩子成长壮大离开母亲,成立了自己的家庭一样,不但要管理好自己,还要帮助自己的家庭成员完成所有的事情。目前所面临的最严峻的问题就是人员的招聘。在独立出来以前,所有的人员招聘都是由总部来完成,天府大道营业部只是接收人员到岗。那么在营业部的发展壮大中,人员的招聘和选拔在人力资源管理中变得越来越重要,招聘方案是否科学完善,会直接决定营业部招聘来的



7、、录用方案;第五章是对本研究进行归纳,分析研究的不足之处和对未来发展的思索。关键词:GF公司;员工招聘;招聘方案AbstractTianfu avenue sinolink securities business department at the end of last year independence from headquarters, become the center of the business department, assist in secondary cities five sales department, is like a child grow away from

8、 the mother, set up their own families, not only to manage themselves, but also help their family members to do all the things. Currently facing the most serious problems is the recruitment. Before independence, all hiring is done by headquarters, tianfu avenue business department is receiving perso

9、nnel arrive. So in the development of business, recruitment and selection is becoming more and more important in the human resources management, recruitment plan is scientific and perfect, will directly determine whether sales talents recruitment to fit for the job, thus affecting the sales staff tr

10、aining, performance, compensation, labor relations and so on all aspects of the work, even affect the following five sales department. Combined with the actual situation of the sales department, the marketing personnel change frequently, the talent turnover increased gradually, the business departme

11、nt more than one person and post, the business department to stable development, it is important to adjust the sales personnel problems, so I must to be more perfect recruitment work. In this paper, the authors start from the recruitment problems of GF company, analyzed the recruitment of main theor

12、ies, based on the basic theory of the author to GF company recruitment situation has carried on the detailed analysis and further study of the company in staff recruitment aspects of reality, and further to the company in the recruitment problems boil down, pointed out that the company in staff recr

13、uitment aspects the reasons of these problems. In this paper, the author based on the basic theory of recruitment, the optimized plan for the proposed GF company staff recruitment problems, in order to help the company solve the problem of staff recruitment process. In this paper, with theoretical r

14、esearch and empirical research method of combining the research, the thesis is divided into five parts, each part of the main contents are: the first chapter is introduction, mainly to this article selected topic background and research purpose, significance and main research method is expounded; Th

15、e second chapter for the relevant concepts, analysis about enterprise human resources management and the concept of recruitment and employment, draw lessons from previous research and put forward their views; The third chapter for tianfu avenue for sinolink securities sales department (GF company), introduces the basic situation of company staff of the investigation of the status quo of the recruitment proces


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