2018春八年级英语下册 Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet课件2 (新版)冀教版

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《2018春八年级英语下册 Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet课件2 (新版)冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春八年级英语下册 Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet课件2 (新版)冀教版(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UNIT4TheInternetConnectsUs Lesson19HowDoYouUsetheInternet atablet Newwords keyboard alaptop adesktopcomputer invitation Thinkaboutit andtalk Whatcanyoudoonacomputer Houdoyouusetheinternet playgameswatchmovieslistentothemusic readnovelsfindtheinformationself directedlearning shopchatwithfriendsbookth

2、eticketetc sendorrecievee mails Newwords technology技术desktop台式电脑tablet平板电脑keyboard键盘invitation邀请industry工业Structuresandexpressionsdoresearch做研究videochat视频聊天morethan超过 Lisenthetaecher TickthethingsthatJennyandherclassmatesliketodoontheInternet watchmovies shop writeblogs chatonline playgames read sen

3、dorreceivee mails listentomusic doresearchforhomework makefriends Readthetextandfinishtheexercisebelow 1 李明过去常常使用这台电脑LiMing thiscomputer 2 如果你没有时间 我就为你做这件事 I lldothisforyou time 3 这个问题很容易回答Thisquestionis 4 你可以通过电子邮件告诉我你的地址 Youcantellmeyouraddress 5 我不知道如何使用这台计算机 Idon tknow thiscomputer usedtouse ify

4、oudon thave easytoanswer bye mail howtouse Readandanswer 1 WhatdoesJennyliketousetheInternettodo ShelikestousetheInternettoreadaboutsportsandtechnology 2 WhatdoesDannylikedoing Helikeschattingwithhisfriendsonline 3 HowmanypeoplearefollowingDanny sblog 500people 4 WhatcanDannyandhisfriendsdoiftheywan

5、ttohaveameeting Theycansendtheinvitationonline 5 WhatdoesBrainlikedoingontheInternet Helikesdoingresearchforhiswork 6 HowwillBrainsendhisresearchtohisGrandpa Bye mail 1 Ilikechattingwithmyfriendsonline 我喜欢和朋友在网上聊天 chatwith和 聊天Howdoyoumakefriendly yourcolleagues 2 IusetheInternettoblogaboutdonuts 我使用

6、互联网来写关于甜甜圈的日志 blogn 博客 网络日志Ipromisednottopostthemonmyblog 我保证过不把它张贴到我的博客上 3 Ifwewanttohaveameeting Icansendtheinvitationonline 如果我们想聚会 我可以在网上发出邀请 此句是由if引导的条件状语从句 主句是含有情态动词 can 的一般现在时 根据需要从句多用一般现在时 want Youshouldbequietifyouareinthereadingroom 在阅览室应保持安静 Languagepoints 4 Coffeegrowsinmorethan70countri

7、es 咖啡生长在70多个国家 morethan多于 超出 比 多 Morethan 名词 表示 不仅仅是 Jasonismorethanalecturer heisawriter too 杰森不仅仅是个演说家 他还是个作家 B Morethan 数词 含 以上 或 不止 之意IhaveknownDavidformorethan20years 我认识大卫二十多年 Languagepoints Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformsofthegivenverbs Ifyouworkhard you ll get thereintheend Ifyoudon tstop

8、him hewill play gamesthewholeday Ifit rain tomorrow Dannywillnotgotothesupermarkettobuydonuts Ifyou go tobednow I llreadyouabedtimestory get play go rains Let sDoIt Fillintheblankswithproperwordsorphrases I 过去常常 swiminthelakenearmyvillagewhenIwasyoung 2 和 聊天 yourfriends playagame singsomecarols 3 Do

9、youhavea 关于 的博客 running 4 Iliketobeoutinnature 而不是 inahouse morethan Chatwith blogabout usedto keyboard monitor screen mouse LearningTip Canyounamethepartsofacomputer Homework Pleasereadthetextasmuchaspossibleinyoursparetime WriteapassageabouthowyouusetheInternet 50 100words Believeyourselves Youcandoit Preview LearnthewordsandexpressionsinLesson20 2 Underlinethesentencesyoudon tunderstandonpage52 Thankyou


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