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1、商务英语综合辅导:廊桥遗梦1The Bridges of Madison County廊桥遗梦【剧情导读】人到中年的摄影师罗伯特和农庄妇女弗朗西斯卡一起度过了浪漫而激情的四天,虽然这段不了的情缘因世事的羁绊而分离,但一颗孤寂的灵魂却找到了永恒的归宿。【获奖奖项】一项奥斯卡奖提名(女主角);两项金球奖提名(电影;女主角)廊桥遗梦 The Bridges of Madison County【鼎力星阵】导演:克林特伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)剧本:根据罗伯特詹姆斯沃勒同名小说改编而成主演:克林特伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood);梅丽尔斯特里普 (Meryl Streep)出品

2、:美国华纳兄弟影片公司精彩对白:考试大论坛Robert: Wheres your family?罗伯特:您的家人呢?Francesca: My husband took the kids to the Illinois State Fair for my daughters Entrance Prize steer弗朗西斯卡:我丈夫带着孩子们去了伊利诺斯州集市,我女儿的小公牛要参加决赛。Robert: How old ?罗伯特:多大了?Francesca: Oh, a year and half弗朗西斯卡:噢,一岁半。Robert: No, you know, I mean kids罗伯特:不

3、,你知道,我是说孩子。Francesca: Oh, Michael is , and Carolyn is 弗朗西斯卡:哦,迈克尔岁,卡罗琳岁。Robert: Its nice to have kids.罗伯特:有孩子真好。Francesca: Yea, but they are not kids any more. Things change弗朗西斯卡:是啊,可他们不再是孩子了。一切都变了。Robert: They always do. One the law of nature. Most people are afraid of change, but if you look at it

4、 like its something that can always count on, then it can be a comfortIt doesnt have many things that you can count on罗伯特:事物总是会变化的,这是自然法则。大多数人害怕变化,但如果你把它看成是某种你总是可以依赖的东西的话,那它就能成为一种安慰。世上你能依赖的东西并不是很多。*count on 依靠,依赖如 :You can count on me anytime you are in trouble. 有困难随时来找我。*Francesca: Ah, I guess lm o

5、ne of those people that frightens anything弗朗西斯卡:嗯,我想我就是一个什么都害怕的人。Robert: No, I doubt that罗伯特:不,我不信。考试大论坛Francesca: Why did you say that?弗朗西斯卡:为什么这么说?Robert: From Italy to Iowa, thats a big change罗伯特:从意大利到衣阿华,这可是一个不小的变化。Francesca: No. But Richard was in the army there. I married him when l was living

6、 in Naples, I didnt know anything about Iowa. I just cared that it was America, and of course, being with Richardson弗朗西斯卡:是啊,但理查德当时在那儿服役。在那不勒斯的时候我嫁给了他,我对衣阿华一无所知。我只关心那儿就是美国,当然,还有和理查森在一起。Robert: Whats he like?罗伯特: 他怎么样?Francesca: He is very clean and-弗朗西斯卡: 他非常干净和Robert: Clean?罗伯特: 干净?Francesca: Yeah,

7、 no, I mean- (laugh), he is a very hard worker, very caring, honest. He is gentle , he is good father.弗朗西斯卡:是的,不,我是说(笑)他工作非常勤奋,关心体贴,真诚老实。 他很温柔,是个好爸爸。Robert: And you like living in Iowa, I guess罗伯特:你喜欢衣阿华的生活,我猜想。Francesca: Em, yea弗朗西斯卡:嗯,是的。Robert: Go ahead. Im not going to tell anyone罗伯特:说下去,我不会告诉任何

8、人的。Francesca: Oh. Im supposed to say, Its just fine. Its quiet. The people are really nice, and all that is true, mostly. Its quiet and people are nice. In some ways, you know, well help each other out. When someone is sick or hurt, all the neighbors come in. They pick corn, or harvest oats, whateve

9、r. When its been done, youre going to town, you can leave your car unlocked, let the kids run around, dont worry about them. Yea, there are lot of nice things about people here and I respect them for these qualities, but弗朗西斯卡:噢,我应该说,一切都还好。这儿很幽静,人们都非常好。所有这一切都是真的。还有,这儿安静、人也好。你知道,在有些方面是这样,我们互相帮助。当有人病了或

10、受伤了,邻居们都会来看望,他们帮忙摘玉米,或收割麦子,什么都做。忙完了手头的活,你去镇上,你可以不锁车,让小孩们到处奔跑戏耍而不用替他们操心。是呵,这里的人们有很多优点,因为这些品质,我尊重他们。但是(一段很精彩的描述, 给人一种浓浓的纯朴乡土气息。 句中所用的单词甚为简单,但表意无不到位,是英语学习者模仿练习的典范。)Robert: But?罗伯特:什么?Francesca: Well,it is not what I dreamed of as a girl弗朗西斯卡:咳,我少女时代的梦想并不是这样的。Robert: Yea. I scribbled【潦草地书写】something dow

11、n the other day. I often do that when l am on the road. It goes like this,the old dreams or good dreams, they didnt work out, but l had them. I dont know what all that means, just thought it might be used someday. Well, anyway I think I kind of know how you feel罗伯特:是啊,前两天我记下了一些东西,我外出上路时有这习惯。大概内容是这样的

12、:“旧梦与好梦,虽然没能实现,但我曾经梦过。我不完全知道其中意思,只是认为总有一天它也许会有用。好啦,总之我想我有点理解你的感受。(爱的火花已经在短暂的四天里悄悄点燃,然而面对着爱情和家庭他们必须做出艰难的选择。选择总是要做出的,在最后一个漫长的夜晚里,他们进行了最后的一轮角逐。)ROBERT: Tell me why youre not coming with me?罗伯特: 告诉我你为什么不跟我一起走?FRANCESCA: No matter how I keep turning it around in my mind - it doesnt seem like the right thing.弗朗西斯卡:不管我在心中考虑这件事多少次,我始终认为这样做是不对的。ROBERT: For who? 罗伯特: 对谁而言?


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