高二英语Unit15 Learning (2)

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1、高二英语Unit15 Learning (2)知识点讲解aside fromaside from somebody/something(especially American English)a) except for: “除了”Aside from Davids performance, the actors are ordinary. 大卫的表演很棒,但演员很一般。b) in addition to: “还有”In the poetry competition, aside from Hass, are four other students.参加诗歌比赛的有哈思,还有四名其他的学生。【拓

2、展】aside adv. 在一边,向一边;留着Try to set aside a few hours a week for exercise. 每周抽出几个小时锻炼身体。He stepped aside to let Katherine go in first. 他迈到一旁让她先过。Mark drew me aside and explained the problem. 马克把我拉过来跟我解释那个问题。Leaving aside the heat, we really enjoyed our holiday. 除了那几个大热天,我们的假期还是非常愉快的。You must put aside

3、 your pride and call her. 你必须放下你的架子给她打电话。与set 有关的词组:set up 竖起来;建立,成立;创记录;A big Christmas tree was set up in the house. The boys set up the folding chairs before the show began.The grandfather of the present owner set up the business. The school has set up a special class to help poor readers. Set up

4、 a new record.set about 着手做某事She set about writing her report.set aside 存储,不接受,不讲究;放在一边Each week he tried to set aside a few dollars of his salary.Lets set aside our personal feelings.Peter set aside the papers her was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches.set back把钟往回拨;花掉;阻挠Bill set ba

5、ck the clock a whole hour.His new car set him back over 3000000 dollars.The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks.set down放下,让下车,记下;规定;Set down your heavy bags and take a seat.The bus driver set her down at the corner.I will set down the story as it was told to me. We had to set down rules

6、 for the behavior of the members. set off 出发,放炮;引起,Lets set off early tomorrow.He went over to set off firecrackers with the Newton Children.That set all of them off laughing again.Careless handling of international relations can set off a war.set out启程,动身;开始做;阐述,描述;摆放,放置;We now set out to climb the

7、 hill.He set out to write a history of civilization.He set out to break the world record.They set out all their reasons.Set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of 10.其他常见动词词组:1. She did not want to take part in the meeting. 参加2. He called up all his friends to say good-bye. 打电话3. He took off his

8、hat and coat. 脱下4. Ill be back right away. 马上5. Be sure to put out the light before you leave.熄灭6. They got on the train in Washington.上火车7. We waited and at last he arrived. 最终8. I was unable to find out her name. 查出9. Her health is improving little by little. 一点一点的,渐渐的10. Last night some friends c

9、alled on us.拜访11. she lives by herself in a furnished room.独自12. We talked over your problem for a long time. 仔细讨论13. I want to pick out a present for my friend.挑选14. Bert is getting along well in his studies. 进展15. The accident took place on Beacon Street.发生16. We expect him to get back next week.

10、回来17. He has made up his mind to stay with us. 下定决心18. The game was called off on account of rain.取消;因为19. She has gone back to California for good.永远20. All of a sudden the lights went out. 自己熄灭21. At times he does much better work. 有时22. He kept on talking for two hours.一直谈话23. The meeting was put

11、 off until next week. 推迟24. By the way, have you seen Carlos recently? 顺便说25. We took turns driving the car. 轮流26. I have told him the same thing over and over.反反复复27. Dont throw away those magazines yet. 扔掉28. You can get in touch with him at his office. 取得联系29. I woke up very early this morning. 醒

12、来30. He comes here once in a while. 不时的31. As soon as you finish, call me.尽快32. I see him now and then on Michigan Avenue. 不时的33. These gloves do not go with this dress.相衬,搭配34. We got mixed up in our directions. 混乱,迷惑35. He broke the mirror on purpose.故意的approvev. “批准,认可”to officially accept a plan

13、, proposal etc: (及物)“接受,承认”例如:The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.to think that someone or something is good, right, or suitable disapprove(不及物)“赞赏,同意”approve of “赞成”例如:Catherines parents now approve of her marriage.I dont approve of cosmetic surgery. 我不欣赏美容手术。I was surprised that Mo

14、m seemed to approve of Tracys new boyfriend.approved adj. “已被承认的;良好的;有效的”only before noun officially recognized as being of a particular level or standard:例如:Funding is available for approved courses.approving adj. “同意的”showing support or agreement for something disapproving例如:an approving nod/glance/smile etcan approving look / the boys warm approving voicesapprovingly adv.“赞成地;支持地”例如:She smiled approvingly at the ch



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