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1、鸣智网络WWW.MZWEBSITE.COM DBFQ NLP WWW.PXSGJW.COM FBFG笑话百科WWW.3835.COM DBFQ网址大全 WWW.HAO974.COM DBFQ祝福语WWW.ZHUFU5.COM DBFQ百度影音 WWW.ZFVOD.CC DBFQ佳人影院WWW.JRVOD.COM DBFQ嫁接睫毛YZ4U.COM DBFQ安卓软件WWW.96755.CN DBFQ企業專屬資源、創新管理與產品功能對產品競爭力 影響之研究-以全球手機產品為例林 妙 雀輔仁大學國際貿易與金融學系副教授 台北縣新莊市中正路510號Tel: (02)2903-1111轉2977 E-ma

2、il:trad1016mails.fju.edu.tw摘 要綜觀過去手機之研究主題,較偏向行動電話購買行為及消費者市場區隔,並未剖析影響手機產品競爭力之相關因素,而且研究方式以多變量分析居多,並未利用線性結構關係LISREL。有鑑於此本研究一方面結合理論與實際訪談經驗,提出專屬資源、創新管理及產品功能因素,對國際性產品競爭力影響之研究架構;另一方面彙總手機製造商之次級資料與665份使用者之問卷調查資料(回收率85.59%),配合LISREL模型架構,採最大概似估計方法予以驗證,其所得出結果均達收歛,不僅通過整體模式配適度檢定,同時模式之內在品質良好。由LISREL模型之路徑圖,得知各潛在變數彼


4、競爭力之提昇(32=0.83)。職是之故,本研究建議廠商應有效整合專屬性有形與無形資源,配合市場區隔設計具有創新功能的手機,藉以增強產品競爭力,而且落實知識管理,能與員工和外部關係人分享交流,共創新世代手機典範,俾能持續其競爭優勢。關鍵字:專屬資源、創新管理、產品競爭力The Study of the Influence of Firms Specific Resources, Innovative Management and Product Function on the Product Competitiveness -Analysis on the Global Products of

5、 Mobile PhonesLin, Miao-QueDepartment of International Trade & Finance, FU JEN Catholic UniversityAbstractTaking a comprehensive view at the past studies, they mostly focused on buying behavior and market segmentation of consumers, not on the influential factors of competitiveness of mobile phones.

6、Besides, the previous research was mostly verified by the multivariate analysis, not LISREL. Owing to these reasons, this paper will on one hand combine the theories with the practical interviews and propose a research framework that will show how the factors as specific resources, innovative manage

7、ment and product function will affect the global product competitiveness. On the other hand, that collecting the secondary data from mobile phones producers and 665 samples from their users (response rate 85.59%) matches with the maximum likelihood LISREL estimates to get the convergence results. It

8、 will not only pass the verification of model fit but also show up the internal structure of model.From the path model of LISREL, it is known that the paths between each latent variable all reveal the positive relationship between cause and effect. Analytically speaking, if the mobile phone operator

9、s possess more specific tangible and intangible resources, they will first emphasize more on adoption of innovative management through manipulating research and development activities and intensifying the brands interest and value(11=0.24). Second, in order to meet the need of customers, mobile phon

10、es with perfect functions have to be presented by taking good advantages of strategic assets and remarkably professional capabilities(21=0.10). Third, constructing global strategy flexibly will upgrade the sustainable competitivenessof mobile phones firms and products (31=0.10). Furthermore, the pro

11、ducers that lay more stress on innovative management can be more able to make use of talents and new techniques to design multi-functional mobile phones (21=0.67). And also the high frequency of research innovation of the producers will promote the brands interest and value and that will bring the c

12、ore product competitiveness into full play (31=0.20). In addition, supplying creative and multi-functional products can enforce their width, depth and length and that will move up the product competitiveness of mobile phones(32=0.83). To reinforce the product competitiveness, this paper suggests the

13、 manufactures should efficiently conform the specific tangible and intangible resources and then go with the market segamentation to design a mobile phone with creative functions. And the ways to keep the superiority of competitiveness are to carry out knowledge management and be able to share and i

14、nteract with the staff and the outer related persons and then create a model of mobile phones in the new era.Keywords:specific resources, innovative management, product competitiveness一、緒 論18世紀的工業革命,強調以機器代替人工,把人類從體力解放出來,快速增加生產力;自1964年開始的資訊革命,由系統時代(1964-1981)走向PC時代(1981-1994),邁入網路時代(1994-2005),乃至於內容時

15、代(Moschella,1997),人類的腦力被解放,使得生產力再度躍進;而正在發生的無線革命,建構人類無線資訊社會(wireless information society),帶領企業電訊業者及一般用戶,邁向最便捷的通訊世界。如果說電腦革命是過去完成式,通訊革命是現在進行式,那麼通訊上網應歸屬於未來式,因為未來的世界,是一個溝通無所不在、資訊無所不在的時代。尤其隨著國民所得的增加,國際商務資訊的多元化豐富化,消費者已將手機定位,從奢侈品轉移到民生必需品,而因應手機的全球化與快速普及,全球各大品牌手機業者,莫不積極搶著爭食這塊市場大餅。近年來行動電話之普及率,可謂逐年步步高昇。惟綜觀國內外對於




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